Objectives of firms (Paper 1 & 3) Flashcards
Profit max
Where MC = MR
Why may firms profit max?
1) Re-investment
2) Dividends for shareholder
3) Lower costs and lower prices for consumers
4) Reward for entrepreneurship
Drawbacks of profit of max?
1) Knowledge of MC = MR
2) Greater scrutiny - more likely to draw attention from independent regulators
3) Key stakeholders damaged
4) Other objectives more appropriate
Define divorce of ownership and control
The separation that exists between owners of the firm (shareholders) and directors in large PLCs
Implications of divorce of ownership and control
- Profit max not always achieved
- Large corporations may be predominantly owned by shareholders - who are separate from the day-to-day running of the business (having bought shares as a form of investment) - board of directors may not hold any shares
- May lead to conflicting objectives - with directors pursuing their own - profit max may not be top priority
What may the objectives of directors of firms, who run the business on a day-to-day basis, include?
- Growth maximisation
- Sales revenue maximisation
- Satisficing
Profit satisficing
Sacrificing profit to satisfy as many key stakeholders as possible.
Key stakeholders impacted by profit max
- Shareholders - happy w/ profit max
- Managers - happy w/ profit max
- Consumers - could suffer if excess prices are charged
- Workers/TUs - could suffer if wages a are low due to cost cutting
- Govt - may disapprove of low wages and excess prices
- Environmental groups - not happy if costs are cut - pollution, resource degradation
Revenue max
MR = 0
Why may firms revenue max?
1) EoS - revenue max Q > profit max Q
- Greater growth - greater EoS - lower AC - potentially lower prices for consumers
2) Predatory pricing
- Revenue max price lower than profit max price
- Firm uncut rival - sacrificing profit to drive competitors out the market
3) Principle Agent Problem?
- Divorce between ownership from control
- Managers - those who control - might decide to rev. max for leverage for share holders for greater perks in their jobs
Sales (growth) maximisation
- Occurs at breakeven - where AC = AR
Why may firms decide to sales max?
1) EoS
2) Limit pricing
- Price at normal profit - takes away incentive for new firms to enter market - limiting competition
3) Principle Agent Problem - Divorce between ownership from control - managers using growth and sales as leverage
4) Flood the market - many consumers aware of product - develop loyalty - gain market share - then move away from sales max to profit max
Firms that have used sales max?
- Netflix, Amazon, Spotfiy, Costa Coffee
- High market shares
Benefits and drawbacks of higher market share?
- Firms have benefit of monopoly power - i.e. price setting
- However - may attract attention from govt - may gear that such firms abuse their power
- Short-run objective for a business a hyper-competitive market
- To survive in the short run - i.e. cover AVC
Public Sector Organisations
- Maximise society welfare (allocative efficiency, where P = MC)
- Low prices, high quantity
Corporate social responsibility
- Charity, producing sustainable, paying workers, even suppliers, well
- Acting ethically - e.g. body shop don’t test products in laboratories