4.1.4 - Protectionism Flashcards
Def protectionism
Protectionism involves any attempt by a country to impose restrictions on trade in goods and services
Def subsidy
Any form of government support, financial or otherwise, provided to producers or occasionally consumers
Examples of a subsidy
Childcare for working families, aid to businesses making a loss, apprenticeship schemes
4 reasons for protectionism
- new fledging industries
- protection of jobs in home industries
- protection of strategic industries
- dumping
Description of new fledging industries
Industries that may require temporary government protection from overseas competition
Description of protection of jobs in home industries
And an improvement in a countries balance of payments on the current account
Description of protection of strategic industries
When a government wishes to protect employment in strategic industries, though value judgements are involved in determining what constitutes a strategic industry’s
Explanation of dumping
Happens when a firm sells their products abroad in export markets at below costs of significantly below prices in home market
6 forms of protectionism
- import quotas
- tariffs
- domestic and export subsidies
- technical barriers to trade
- import licensing
- intellectual property laws
Definition of tariff
Is a tax imposed on an imported product to allow it to enter a country
2 reasons why governments use tariffs
- to protect a declining industry
- to protect ‘infant’ industries
3 benefits of tariffs
- help firms to survive, protect jobs of firms whose rivals are being taxed
- indirectly protect the other businesses that rely on the firms for trade
- tariffs raise tax revenues, allowing governments to increase spending on public services
2 drawbacks of tariffs
- may not put of customers, unfair competition may increase prices for consumers, helps inefficiency firms to survive harming competitiveness
Def of quota
A physical limit on the volume of a product that can be imported in a year
Benefits of quotas
- domestic firms face less competition, improving their competitiveness and profit
- job security for workers
- preventing unemployment reducing government spending on benefits
Drawbacks of quotas
- no extra tax revenue is gained by the government
- they push up prices domestically for consumers
Explanation of government legislation
Consumer protection and environmental protection acting as barrier to imports whose products may become illegal
Def of domestic subsidy
Is a payment made by government to a business producing a certain product or located in a particular area that the government wishes to support
How do subsidy’s directly affect businesses
Reducing unit costs, boosting margins, allowing companies to cut their selling price and be more competitive, protecting jobs
Benefits of paying subsidies
- stimulate demand, allowing struggling businesses to boost order books allowing investment in more efficient production
- subsidies have positive effect on balance of payments by reducing imports and boosting exports, more sales
Drawbacks of paying subsidies
- inflating profit margins of inefficient businesses preventing them from pushing efficiency gains
- subsidies must be funded meaning government must increase taxation