4.1.1 Globalisation Flashcards
Globalisation Definition
The increasing integration of economies internationally
Main 5 Characteristics of Globalisation
- The free movement of labour and capital across international boundaries
- Free trade in goods and services between different countries
- The availibility of technology and intellectual capital to be used (and patented on a global scale)
- Political factors e.g. international bodies like the UN which leads to a convergence of political decisions
- Cultural factors e.g. spread of things like McDonald’s across the world
- Growth of MNCs
Other characteristics of globalisation
- International trade becoming a greater proportion of all trade
- Increased financial capital flows between countries
- Increased integration of production - GVCs
- More countries involved in international trade
- Increased foreign ownership of firms
- De-industrialisation of dveloped countries/Industrialisation of developing/emerging countries
- More international division and movement of labour - foreign companies produce goods in developing/emerging countries
MNC definition
Firms which function in at least one other country aside from their country of origin e.g. Nissan, KFC
Factors which attract MNCs to invest in a country
- The availability of cheap labour and raw materials
- Good transport links
- Access to different markets
- Pro-foreign investment government policies
How do MNCs divide their operations
Locate each part in the country with the lowest costs
Through offshoring and outsourcing
Offshoring definition
Setting up a company abroad
Outsourcing definition
Subcontracting work to another organisation
Causes of globalisation(10)
1.Trade liberalisation
2.Reduction in real cost and time needed for transportation of goods = makes it cheaper to export and import
3. Improvements in communication technology = easier for international trade
4. Profit seeking firms - Increase in FDI by MNCs/Firms expanding to expolit economies of scale
5. More MNCs with more significance and influence
6. Opening of new markets to trade
7. Growth of trading blocs
8. Inceasing investment by sovreign states
9. More international specialisation
10. Increased global product standards by WTO which raises confidence in imports
Benefits of globalisation on individual countries (5)
- More economic growth - higher GDP due to increased output
- Improved living standards
- Reduced absolute poverty due to job creation
- Less unemployment
- Increased awareness to foreign disasters and global issues
Benefits of globalisation on producers (4)
- More output due to specialisation
- Increased static efficiency
- External economies of scale which lowers costs
- Global sourcing means lower raw material costs
Benefits of globalisation on consumers
- Lower prices due to lower production costs and competition
- More choice - allocative efficiency
- Better quality products - more innovation due to competition
Costs of globalisation
- Price of some goods and services rises
- Economic dependency
- Global imbalances in balance of payment accounts which leads to increased protectionism
- Specialisation leads to overreliance in an economy
- Individual firms may be outcompeted by foreign firms
Benefits of MNCs
- FDI by MNCs creates new jobs
- FDI by MNCs brings new skills and wealth to an economy
- MNCs buy local G/S which leads to inflows of foreign currency
- MNCs provide employment which raises living standards
Costs of MNCs
- MNCs may exploit workers in developing countries by paying them lower wages than in developed countries
- MNCs can force local firms out of business
- MNCs can relocate rapidly and cause mass unemployment
- MNCs can withdraw profits and place them in another country with low tax rates so the other country wont gain tax revenue from profits
- MNCs can influence gov policies in other countries which affects domestic economies
- Gov may reduce corporate tax levels to attract or keep MNCs in their country