4.10 Radioactive sources in radiotherapy Flashcards
What is the definition of radioactivity?
A meterial that spontaneously emits radiation
What is the definition of ‘Activity’?
number of decays per second
What is the SI unit for Acitivity?
1 Becquerel (Bq) per second
What is Radioactive Decay?
Rearrangement of a nucleus to change to a more stable configuration.
In a group, the number of radiaoactive atoms is declining exponentially.
What is alpha decay?
Nucelus is too heavy (Z82+) and so loses 2 protons and 2 nuetrons (helium atom)
Z -2
A -4
What is Beta- decay?
Neutron rich nucleus
Neutron turns into = Proton + electron + anti-neutrino
Electron lost - Nucleus has excess energy released as gamma radiation
Z +1
A same
What is Beta+ decay?
Proton rich nuclei.
Extra proton turns into a neutron by releasing a positron.
Positron combines with an electron to release to photons of 511 keV each which travel in opposite directions (detected by PET (neutrino also released)
What is electron capture?
Proton rich
electron + Proton -> Neutron
Outer orbiting electron then fills the vacancy left by the captured electron (moves from higher to lower energy state) excess energy released (Auger electron/ characteristic x-ray)
What type of decay to proton heavy nuceli undergo?
- Positron/Beta + decay
- Electron capture
What type of decay do Neutron heavy nuclei undergo?
beta - decay
What is Physical Half life? (Tp)
Radioacitve decay - time tken for radioactivty to reduce by half due to decay
What is biological half life? (Tb)
Biological clearance of unsealed radiation - Time for the body to clear half the substance (excretion)
What is the effective half life? (Te)
Combined physical and biological half lives - net rate of clearance from the body due to radiaoactive decay and biological clearance
T1/2 = ln(2)/ λ
1/Te = 1/Tp + 1/Tb
What contributes to the biological half life?
The “radiopharmaceutical”
1. The pharmaceutical
2. The radioactive material
How does the pharmaceutical affect the biological half life?
The properties of the pharmaceutical control where the agent will go in the body and how long it will stay there
Need high uptake in target tissue and low uptake in other tissues