4.1 The Importance of Planning Flashcards
What is being described below:
the primary output of risk assessment and risk control
provided at the point of risk to protect people
from harm arising from work activity.
A guard provided to protect against the moving
parts of a machine is an example
Workplace precautions
What is being described below:
the basis for ensuring that adequate workplace precautions are provided and maintained. Rather than just providing a machine guard and assuming it will work
____________ are designed to ensure the success of the machine guard. This may involve systems for the design, fabrication and fitting of the guard, operator training in the safe use of the guard, and maintenance arrangements to ensure its ongoing
Risk control systems (RCS’s)
What is being described below:
the key elements of the health and safety management
system, the arrangements necessary to plan, organise, control, monitor and review the design and implementation of RCSs.
Management controls
A gap analysis is a business tool used to identify the gap between actual current performance and a desired future standard of performance.
A systematic approach is necessary to answer three key questions:
Where are we now?
Where do we want to be?
How do we get there?