4.1 Biological And Sociocultural Domain Flashcards
Which are moderately heritable traits that predict psychological well-being and overall satisfaction?
sense if purpose
orientation towards personal growth
positive social relationships
feeling like life is under your control
Shared vs non-shared environment
shared; everything in the environment which is the same for two people
non-shared; differences in environments
What do genotype-environment refer to?
differential responses of individuals with different genotypes to the same environment
What can the genotype-evironment correlation be like?
positive or negative
positive; encouraging (environment supports genotype, eg child thats genetically good at playing football gets training)
negative; suppressing(e.g child thats genetically bad at playing football doesnt get support/ stimulation)
What are the methods of molecular genetics designed to do?
Identify specific genes/combinations of genes associated with personality traits
–> identify whether individuals with certain gene have higher/ lower scores on certain traits that individuals without that gene
How did molecular genetics change its focus to be more accurate?
exploring gene-environment interactions rather than specific genes
In how far far is physiology important from the perspective of personality psychology?
differences in physiology create or indicate differences in psychological functioning
In how far do connections among environmental conditions, personality traits and responses build a theoretical bridge, linking personality to specific situations?
specific situations evoke certain psychological responses, which can be identified and measured using physiological measures
What does a theory specify in the context of linking personality to physiology?
which conditons/stimuli interact with which personality traits to produce specific responses, observable in physiology
–> objective; using physiological concepts to explain personality
Electrodermal activity
skin on palms of hands(and soles of feet) contains many sweat glands which are directly influenced by the sympathetic nervous system
-> when activated; sweat glands fill with salty water
-> can be detected by applying small amount of electricity, as water conducts
Which are examples of stimuli creating electrodermal responses?
sudden noises
emotional images
How do you measure cardiovascular activity and what is it?
blood pressure and heart rate
heart and associated blood vessels
Blood pressure
pressure exerted by blood on artery walls
Heart rate(BPM)
Increase indicates that persons body is preparing for action
What are the categories of measuring the brain
brain function
brain structure
brain connections
brain electrical activity
brain function
measure/location of parts via PET(positron emission topography) or fMRI
Brain structure
observing if personality correlates with size of certain brain areas
e.g extraversion & medial orbital cortex
e.g neuroticism & regions related to threat and punishment
e.g contentiousness & having a thicker cortex across brain regions
brain connections
measuring size and activation of connectivity between brain regions responsible for same task
brain electrical activity
electrodes placed on scalp to measure electricity produced
gives information about patterns of activation
blood or saliva analysis
indicators of how immune system is functioning
monoamine oxidase
What is the most widely studied physiological theory of personality?
-> proposes biological explanation for why some people are introverted and others extroverted
Where are differences between extroverts and introverts visible?(biological level)
level of arousability(not basal arousal level)
(also optimal activation level and possibility of choosing between stimulation levels)
Which are the hypnotized biological system Jeffrey Grays “reinforcement sensitive theory” based on ?
Behavioural activation system (BAS); responsive to incentives, e.g cues for reward
Behavioural inhibition system(BIS); responsive to cues for punishment
What is sensation seeking?
tendency to seek out thrilling and exciting activities & avoid boredom related to BAS and extraversion
What role does MAO play in sensation seeking?
physiological base controlling neurotransmitters (breaks them down)
Tridimensional model of personality
levels of neruotransmitters are directly responsible for specific individual differences
novelty seeking; dopamine
harm avoidance; seratonin
reward dependence; norepinephrine
Morning- eveningness
preference is a stable disposition with biological basis
-> shorter circadian rhythm tend to be morning people and vice versa
stable over time with slight tendency towards morningness in adulthood adjustments difficult but possible