400-499 Flashcards
White to move
5.Bxa6 wins a piece after 5…Nxa6 6.Qa4+ forking the King and Knight.
White to move
19.Bh3 pins and adds a second attacker to the Black Knight on g4, pinning it to the Queen. If 19…f5 20.Rxf5 winning a pawn.
White to move
11.f5 traps the Bishop
White to move
Black to move
17…Qg5 threatens mate with 18…Qxg2 and sets up a deadly discovered check. For example 18.g3 Nxh3+ 19.Kg2 Qxd2 winning the White Queen.
Black to move
39…Rf6# is an interesting checkmate
White to move
16.Ne4 forks the Black Queen and Bishop. There is no retreat square for the Queen where she can still protect the Bishop.
White to move
Bxf7+ When the King moves up it is then checkmate from the Knight on d5. 8…Ke7 9.Nd5#. This is the famous Legal’s mate. White has sacrificed his Queen on d1 for this checkmate.
White to move
17.Qh6+ and after the King moves to either g8 or h8, the White Knight trades for the Knight on f6, which then allows the Queen to capture the pawn on h7 with checkmate. 17…Kg8 18.Nxf6+ Qxf6 19.Qxh7#.
Black to move
13…Ne4discovered attack. The White Knight on c3 is double attacked and pinned, so Black will either win the Knight or capture the White Rook on a1 after the White moves.14.Nxe4 Bxa1
White to move
9.Nd6# smothered mate.
Black to move
17…Bc5 pins the White Queen to the King.
White to move
19.Nc8+ forces the Black King to the 8th rank, and after any King move, 20.Nxd6 discovered check Ke7 21.Rxf7#
Black to move
13…Nd4 and White cannot save the Queen and prevent the smothered mate 14…Nc2#. If 14.Qe3 Nc2+ forks the King and Queen.
White to move
9.Nb5 Threatening the Queen, and also mate on c7 with 10.Nc7#. The Black Queen cannot find a safe square to guard c7, so this wins the Queen, since Black needs to stop the mate.
White to move
10.Nf6# Double discovered checkmate.
Black to move
6…Nxe5 unfortunately you can’t take the Queen or you get Legal’s mate via 7.Bxf7 Ke7 8.Nd5#.
Black to move
18…e4 attacks the White Bishop on d3 and discovers an attack on the White Knight on d6. Black wins a piece.
Black to move
19…Bd3 skewers the White Queen and Rook
Black to move
20…Bxc3 and White has no good to recapture. The b pawn is pinned to the Rook.
White to move
13.Bg6+ Double discovered check 13…Kd7 14.Be8 A beautiful checkmate!
Black to move
14…Qa5+ picks off the bishop. 15.b4 Qxb5
White to move
15.Bf7+ Kf8 16.Qh6#
White to move
18.Ne5 attacks the Black Knight on d7, and discovers an attack on the Black Bishop on b7.
If 18…Nxe5 19.Bxb7 Black has both his Knight and Rook under attack.
If 18…Bxg2 19.Nxd7 forking the Black Queen and Rook.
Black to move
19…Nf5+ 20.Kg4 Rh4+ 21.Kg5 Qd8# (21…Be7#) and the Fat Lady has sung.
Black to move
9…Bb3 10.Qe1 Nc2 forks the Queen and Rook.
Black to move
20…Rxh3# the g pawn is pinned
White to move
32.Ra8+ all roads lead to mate.
32…Qxa8 33.Nf6+ Kh8 34.Qxh7#
32…Rd8 33.Rxd8+ Qe8 34.Rxe8#
Black to move
4…g6 prevents the mate on f7. White is in trouble after 5.Qh4 Be7 and there is no way to save the Knight that is pinned and attacked twice. Black wins a piece.
Black to move
14…Ne2+ removes the White King from the defense of the f2 pawn, which is now attacked twice. 15.Kh1 Rxf2
White to move
31.Rg7+ Kh8 32.Qh4 leads to mate.
White to move
14.Bxh7+ the classic “Greek Gift” sacrifice. White will follow up the attack with moves like Rh3, Qh5, andBlack is in trouble regardless if they accept the “gift” or not.
Black to move
52…Rf2+ discovered check, helping Black trade down into an easily won endgame. 53.Kg3 Rxh2 54.Kxh2
White to move
17.Qg4+ leads to mate
17…Kd6 18.Be7+ Kxe5 19.d4#
17…Qe6 18.Qxe6#
White to move
16.Ne7# A cool checkmate with 2 Knights.
Black to move
7…Ba6+ runs White out of luck. Giving up a piece with 8.Nb5 is the only way to avoid the checkmate. If 8.Kd2 f3#
Black to move
29…c5+ Wins the Rook on d5 with discovered check
Black to move
35…Bd1 pins the White Queen to the King
Black to move
Black to move
3…g6 protects the pawn, and prevents the checkmate 4.Bxh5 Rxh5 5.Qxh5 g6 6.Qxg6# In the game Black played 3…g5?? and got mated in this manner.