4 - Wheel-Rail Contact Mechanics Flashcards
Two cases of rail-wheel contact
Gauge corner contact
Railhead contact
What can the stress in the contact patch affect?
Fatigue of wheels and rails
Acceleration and braking problems
Thermal damage issues
What does contact patch size depend on?
Relative location of rail and wheel
Effect of curves in the track
At curves there is both lateral shift of the wheel set and an angle of attack between the rail and wheel
Makes it difficult to predict contact patch location
Region of contact A
Wheel tread to rail head contact
Contact is made most often in this region
Usually occurs on straight track or very high radius curves
Has the lowest contact (normal) and lateral (steering) forces
Region of contact B
Wheel flange to rail gauge corner contact
Usually smaller than region A
Contact stress and wear rates are usually much higher
If there are high levels of wear and/or plastic flow of the rail, a two point contact can evolve at tread and flange (more complex to model)
Region of contact C
Contact between field sides of the wheel and rail
Least likely to occur of all the regions
Leads to very high contact stress and lots of wear
Often causes incorrect steering of the wheelset
Can be caused by incorrect track gauge, allowing excessive lateral motion of the wheelset
How to look at contact patch shape
Rolling over carbon paper with a wheel
Shows size but not contact pressure
Current research involves ultrasound - air gap between rail and wheel surface varies with contact pressure, changing the amount of ultrasound reflected at the interface, so ultrasound sensor must be embedded in the rail or wheel
Modelling a real contact patch shape
Needs a numerical approach (e.g. FE)
Gets close to real geometry
Can be time consuming to examine lots of different cases
What is the idealised contact patch case?
Hertzian contact
Assumes an elliptical contact
Usually a good assumption for region A, but not always for flange contact (i.e. region B)
Assumptions of Hertzian contact
Bodies must touch at a point which is small relative to their overall dimensions, and small relative to the radii of curvature of the surfaces
Each body is regarded as an elastic half-space (i.e. semi-infinite region) loaded in only a small elliptical region on its plane surface
Surfaces are frictionless, bodies are isotropic, and surfaces are clean and free of lubricants
Typical contact pressure range for a passenger vehicle
What happens at the rail-wheel interface?
Traction forces (driving and braking)
Slip between rail and wheel
Simplification for 2D Hertzian contact
Can be represented as a roller running on a flat surface
Assume the roller is much wider than the contact width (L»2b)
Taking a vertical slice through the roller produces an essentially 2D situation
Vertical and longitudinal forces can be represented - lateral forces and 3D contact patch shape cannot
Second way to model 2D Hertzian analysis
Two discs running together
Useful for laboratory simulation where the rail is represented by a disc running against the wheel
Rolling and sliding contact for a driving wheel
A driving wheel is not in pure rolling
To generate driving force it must turn marginally faster than a pure rolling speed
Engine or motor supplies the driving torque
Results in generating a reaction at the rail surface, pushing the train forward
Rolling and sliding contact for a braking wheel
Similar to a driving wheel, but traction direction is reversed
Rotation of wheel and direction of train motion are the same as for driving, but wheel is attempting to turn slightly slower than pure rolling
Brakes prevent it from turning
What does the distribution of traction across a rail surface determine?
Rail damage (wear, crack growth)
Thermal input (heating and metallurgical transformations)
Forces available for braking and traction
What is full sliding contact?
Whole contact area is sliding (full slip)
Distribution of shear stress across the contact is the product of contact pressure and the friction coefficient for the surfaces
What is slipping contact?
Pure sliding
Wheel surface moves through the contact
Rail surface is stationary
What is sticking contact?
Traction free rolling/pure rolling
No relative motion between the two surfaces in contact
Rolling wheel with no traction or braking, so no large-scale sliding
Combined rolling and sliding
Part of the contact surface in one contact patch can be sticking and another part in the same patch can be sliding
Elastic deformation of the surfaces allows relative motion in an area where the contact is sticking
Rolling and sliding traction curves
Pure sliding - multiply contact pressure by friction coefficient (parabolic curve)
Pure rolling - no net traction transmitted by contact (no curve)
Combined rolling sliding has contributions from both stick and slip areas of the contact (wave shape)
Surface stress directions
Some of the rail and wheel is in tension, some in compression
This is the result of the non-uniform distribution of shear stress across the contact