4 - Volume And BP Control Flashcards
Why is [Na+] regulation so important with regards to BP?
Na+ is the major osmotically active ion in the ECF; if there is a greater [Na+] in the ECF, there will be less water and hypotension will be a consequence. Na+ ingestion is not a constant (0.5 - 25g) - must be able to regulate concentrations depending on diet - Na+ balance is key.
Where does the majority of salt get excreted?
In the urine; sweat and faeces also contribute to a far lesser degree.
How does the body change ECF volume?
COULDN’T just add or remove water - will change plasma osmolarity - affecting electrolyte composition. Must add ISOTONIC solution - move osmoles first, then water will move (no active water pumps - cannot be the other way around).
How much [Na+] is reabsorbed in the kidney and where?
PCT - 67% Descending Thin Limb LOH - 0% Ascending Thin and Thick Limb LOH - 15% DCT - ~5% CD - 3%
How much [H2O] is reabsorbed in the kidney and where?
PCT - 65% Descending Thin Limb LOH - 10-15% Ascending Thin and Thick Limb LOH - 0% DCT - 0% CD - 5-24% (water loading vs dehydration)
What is Na+ reabsorption driven by?
The Na-K-ATPase (on the basolateral membrane). It is an active process.
What is Cl- reabsorption linked to? Why?
Na+ reabsorption - closely associated with activity of Na-K-ATPase. This maintains electro-neutrality. Can be transcelular (active) or paracellular (passive).
Filtrate must be electroneutral. How is this ensured?
PCT reabsorption of cations and anions must be equal i.e. [Na+] = [Cl- + HCO3-]
What [Cl-] and [HCO3-] is absorbed in the PCT?
~65% of Cl-; 80-90% of HCO3-
In the different tubular segments, are the Na+ transporters on the apical membrane the same in each segment?
No, they vary. PCT: NHE, Na-Glucose symporter, Na-AA, Na-Pi LOH: NaKCC Early DCT: NaCl Late DCT & CD: ENaC
In the different tubular segments, are the Na+ transporters on the basolateral membrane the same in each segment?
Yes, the Na-K-ATPase is present in all.
What channels are found on the apical membrane of the PCT? What stimulation can affect their activity?
NHE - Na-H-exchanger.
Sympathetic stimulation activates NHE and basolateral Na-K-ATPase - increasing Na+ and (indirectly) H2O reabsorption - increasing BP.
In the PCT which molecules are preferentially absorbed?
Glucose, AAs, lactate (highest preference)
Cl- (lowest preference)
How many sections is the PCT divided into?
3: S1, S2 and S3.
In S1 of the PCT what channels are present on the apical and basolateral membranes respectively?
Apical: All mentioned… NHE, Na-glucose, Na-AAs, Na-Pi and aquaporin.
Basolateral: Na-K-ATPase; NaHCO3-
What hormone affects activity of the Na-Pi channel?
Parathyroid hormone (PTH).
The greater the PTH the less the Pi excretion therefore the greater the Pi retention.
As glucose, Na+ etc are reabsorbed what will happen to relative [Urea and Cl-] as they go through S1 into S2-3?
They will increase creating a concentration gradient!
In S2-3 of the PCT what channels are present on the apical and basolateral membranes?
Apical: NHE, Para/Transcellular Cl-, aquaporin - bulk of H2O uptake occurs here due to favourable gradient.
Basolateral: Na-K-ATPase
What is the driving force of PCT reabsorption?
Osmotic gradient created by solute absorption - increased osmolarity in interstitial spaces; indreased hydrostatic force in intersticium; increased oncotic force in peritubular capillary (loss of 20% of renal blood flow to filtrate - still has PROTEINS and cells though).
N.b. remember reabsorption is isotonic.
How is GFR autoregulated?
Myogenic action.
Tubuloglomerular feedback.
Can Na+ reabsorption be regulated through another method (barring autoregulation of GFR)?
Glomerulotubular balance - essentially blunts changes in Na+ excretion as a response to changes in GFR (which happen despite autoregulation).
What happens in the LOH (in simple terms)? Why does this happen?
The descending limb reabsorbs H2O (25%) creating a gradient for the ascending limb to reabsorb solutes, e.g. Na+, (the Thick Ascending Limb is impermeable to water).
How is Na+ normally reabsorbed in the thin ascending limb?
Passively (paracellular route), due to the gradient created by water reabsorption in the descending limb.
What channels are found on the apical membrane of the loop of Henle? What hormone can affect its activity (specifically thick ascending limb)?
NKCC - Na-K-2Cl co-transporter
Anti-diuretic hormone (ADH or vasopressin) will stimulate the activity of the apical NaKCC transporter - increasing Na+ and (indirectly) H2O reabsorption - increasing BP.
If there is deficiency of ADH in the body, what condition can ensue?
Diabetes insipidus.
What channels are found in the thick ascending limb? Passive/Active - consume energy?
There is the NaKCC but there is also ROMK.
In the nephron, this is the most energy-dependent region - thus it is more sensitive to hypoxa.
What is the ascending limb also known as? Why?
The diluting segment - removes a lot of electrolytes, diluting it. It is hypo-osmotic.
Is the early DCT permeable to water?
Not really.
What channels are present in the early DCT?
Apical: NCC (electroneutral Na+and Cl- co-transporter);
Basolateral: Na-K-ATPase; NCX
Do any diuretics target transporters in the early DCT?
Yes - the Thiazide diuretics target NCC transporters - downregulating it, decreasing Na+ reabsorption … etc. therefore more urine, less ECF, lower BP.
The DCT is a major site of Ca2+ reabsorption. What mechanism promotes this?
Release of PTH.
Will fluid become more or less hypotonic in the early DCT?
More. ~5% of Na+ is reabsorbed. H2O cannot follow however because it is relatively impermeable. Therefore filtrate becomes even more dilute.
What channel is found on the apical membrane of the Late DCT & the CD? What hormone/drugs affect its activity?
ENaC - Epithelial Na+ Channel.
Aldosterone increases activity the ENaC on the principal cells of the CD and Na+ and (indirectly) H2O reabsorption - increasing BP. (Also increases basolateral extrusion of Na+ via Na-K-ATPase).
Spironolactone blocks ENaC - increases Na+and H2O reabsorption (mild diuresis) but reduces K+ excretion - need to watch out for hypokalaemia and arrythmias
All tubules of the nephron have just one cell type. True or False?
False - the Late DCT and CD have two cell types (otherwise true):
Principal Cells: Reabsorption of Na+via ENaC
Type B Intercalated Cells: Active Reabsorption of Cl-
(also involved with secretion of H+ or HCO3-)
Outline a Principle Cell’s function.
Contain ENaC - assist in Na+ reabsorption.
This produces a negative luminal charge.. (remember Na+will be moving from lumen –> tubule cell –> ECF)
Cl- will follow due to the electrochemical gradient (via PARACELLULAR route)
This negative luminal charge will also increase K+secretion.
There is variable H2O uptake through aquaporin depending on the action of ADH!
What is Barter’s syndrome?
A genetic disease, where the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle cannot reabsorb salts leading to hypokalaemia, hypotension and metabolic alkalosis.
Do changes in the composition of the peritubular capillaries affect Na+ reabsorption in the PCT?
Yes - changes in osmotic and hydrostatic pressure in the peritubular capillaries will do this.
If reduced they promote Na+ (and water) reabsorption and vice-versa.
In summary: …
What are a couple of equations relating to blood pressure?
Pressure = Flow x Resistance... BP = CO x TPR
CO = HR x SV… Therefore
BP = HR x SV x TPR
How is BP regulated in the short-term?
Baroceptor Reflex
What is the baroceptor reflex mediated by?
Stretch-receptors in the aortic arch and the carotid sinus. These receptors, or more precisely - nerve endings - stretch in response to high arterial pressure.
Why does the baroreceptor reflex not work in the long term?
The threshold for baroreceptor firing resets.
It is very effective in the short-term however, producing a rapid response to manage acute changes in BP.
How is BP regulated in the long-term?
4 Mechanisms that control [Na+] and therefore ECF - plasma is part of the ECF so it will control plasma as well.:
RAAS System
Sympathetic Nervous System
Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH)
Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP)
Outline how the RAAS works.
Angiotensinogen –renin–> Angiotensin 1 –ACE–> Angiotensin 2 - has many effects…
What are some of the effects that angiotensin 2 has on the body?
Stimulate Na<sup>+</sup> reabsorption at kidney (via NHE in the PCT) Release aldosterone (which will help Na<sup>+</sup> reabsorption). Vasoconstriction - afferent and efferent arteriole (nephron).
Where does renin come from?
The Juxtaglomerular Apparatus - granular cells of the afferent arteriole, macula densa cells and surrounding mesangial cells.
What regulates the release of renin?
3 factors influence renin’s release:
Reduced NaCl in DCT (macula densa cells detect).
Reduced perfusion pressure from renal artery (baroreceptors in the afferent arteriole detect this).
Sympathetic stimulation to JGA increases release of renin.
How does the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System serve to regulate BP?
Through an increased production of angiotensin 2, there will be greater vasoconstriction, Na+ reabsorption, aldosterone release - this will lead to increases in BP (through increased ECV and TPR).
How is angiotensin 2 regulated by the body?
It isn’t. It’s production can only be influenced by drugs - ACE-inhibitors.
What effect will ACE-inhibitors have on BP?
Less angiotensin 2 - less Na+reabsorption (less aldosterone also contributing to this) and LESS vasoconstriction - relative vasodilatation
BP will fall.
Used to treat hypertension and also in heart failure and in certain situations after a heart attack.
What is heart failure?
HF: where the blood supplied by the heart cannot match the demand from the body - DESPITE an adequate filling pressure.
Most commonly divided into RHF, LHF and Biventricular HF (or Congestive HF).
Can also be divided into Systolic (‘pump failure’) and Diastolic (failure of relaxation) HF.
What is Starling’s Law of the Heart?
Filling pressure determines the stretching of the myocardium and therefore the force of myocardial contraction. In HF this no longer applies.

What is the aetiology of HF?
Primary cause is Coronary Heart Disease (aka Ischaemic Heart Disease) - which can also develop into an acute emergency, a myocardial infarction.
There are 4 Classes ranging from I - no symptoms to IV possible symptoms at rest
What are the differences between left and right HF?
LHF: tachycardia, cardiomegaly, ‘gallop rhythm’ (extra heart sounds)
RHF: raised JVP, hepatomegaly, ascites (relates to areas distending because of fluid accumulation in areas drained by systemic veins) - more often 2oto LHF! Otherwise due to chronic lung disease, PE etc.
Both have symptoms of fatigue, exertional dyspnoea, orthopnea.
Why are ACE-inhibitors given in cases of HF?
What other drugs are given?
They will decrease arterial pressure, preload and afterload on the heart - reducing stress on it.
ß-blockers, Ca2+channel blockers, Digoxin (cardiac glycosides), Organic nitrates,
What are the two types of angiotensin receptors and their functions?
AT1 & AT2 - main action is mediated via AT1 - both are GPCRs. They are found in the arterioles (vasoconstriction), kidneys (Na+reabsorption), adrenal cortex (release aldosterone), hypothalamus (increases thirst sensation through ADH release), SNS (release NA)
Why are ACE-inhibitors given in certain situations after MIs? What other medications are given?
Similarly to HF, to reduce the stress (afterload) to the heart.
ß-blockers (reduce force of contraction - not given with acute heart failure), Aspirin/Clopidogrel/IV Heparin (antiplatelet/fibrinolysis therapy)
Why is a persistent dry cough a frequent side effect of taking ACE-inhibitors?
ACE also breaks down bradykin (a vasodilator) into peptide fragments - increasing vasoconstriction even more.
ACE-inhibitors inhibit the action of ACE. Therefore less bradykinin will be broken down. This accumulation of bradykin leads to the persistent dry cough.
How does the sympathetic nervous system help regulate BP?
Increased stimulation leads to..:
Decrease renal perfusion rate (more goes to liver, muscles etc) - decreases GFR - decreasing Na+ excretion.
Activates RAAS through increased secretion of renin
Increases Na+ reabsorption in PCT via apical NHE and basolateral Na-K-ATPase.
How does ADH regulate BP?
Its role is to form concentrated urine. This is through water and Na+ retention as well as controlling plasma osmolarity. It acts on the thick ascending limb, stimulating NaKCC channels.
What stimulates ADH release?
Severe hypovolaemia or increases in plasma osmolarity.
How do atrial naturetic peptides (ANP) regulate BP?
Promotes Na+ excretion. It is released by atrial myocytes, where it is synthesised and stored, in response to stretch. These stretch receptors are low pressure volume sensors and are found in the atria.
What inhibits the release of ANP?
Low ECV because reduced filling of the heart will mean the atria is stretched less.
How does ANP affect Na+reabsorption, the body in general and BP?
It vasodilates the afferent arteriole - increasing blood flow and therefore GFR. This inhibits Na+ reabsorption along the nephron. This will decrease Effective Circulating Volume and BP will decrease.