4 Visual Cortex Flashcards
Q: What is the pathway of ganglion cell fibers from the retina?
A: Ganglion cell fibers leave the retina along the optic nerve.
Q: What is the optic chiasm?
A: The optic chiasm is the crossover point where some fibers of the optic nerve cross over to the opposite side of the brain.
Q: What happens to the optic nerve beyond the optic chiasm?
A: Beyond the optic chiasm, the optic nerve becomes the optic tract.
Q: How is information organized in the optic tract?
A: Information in the optic tract is separated by visual field rather than by eye.
Q: How is information from the right visual field represented in the brain?
A: Information from the right visual field is represented by the left hemisphere of the brain.
Q: What is the LGN?
A: The LGN (Lateral Geniculate Nucleus) is a bilateral structure that receives input from the optic tract.
Q: How does the LGN receive input from the eyes?
A: Each LGN receives input from both the left and right eyes but keeps the inputs separate.
Q: What receptive field organization do cells in the LGN have?
A: LGN cells have the same receptive field organization as retinal ganglion cells, exhibiting center-surround antagonism.
Q: What is the function of the receptive field organization in LGN cells?
A: The receptive field organization is ideal for detecting spots of light and edges but not the orientation of visual stimuli.
Q: Where is the primary visual cortex located in the brain?
A: The primary visual cortex is located at the back of the brain at the bottom.
Q: What is retinotopic mapping in V1?
A: Retinotopic mapping in V1 means that objects close together in the visual scene are analyzed by neighboring parts of V1.
Q: What is cortical magnification in V1?
A: Cortical magnification in V1 refers to the distortion in the amount of cortex devoted to representing each part of the retinal field.
Q: How is the fovea represented in V1?
A: The fovea, though accounting for only 0.01% of the retina, is represented by a large area of cortex in V1, approximately 8-10%.
Q: What is the method used for studying receptive fields in V1?
A: Single-cell recording is used in V1, where a visual stimulus is presented to an animal, and an electrode is inserted into a V1 neuron to measure its electrical activity.
Q: What was the response observed in V1 cells during initial studies?
A: V1 cells exhibited baseline activity when no stimulus was presented, and researchers initially struggled to find a stimulus that excited them.