when you listen for appreciation you are listening of appreciative listening can be found in sermons worship motivational speech by people we respect or even from a standup comedian
appreciative listening
when you listen emphatically you are doing so to show mutual concern during this types pf listening are trying to identify the speaker by understanding the situation in which he she is discussing
emphatic listening
if you are watching the news listening to a lecture or getting direction from someone you are listening to comprehend the message that is being sent this is one of the more different types of listening because it requires you to not only concentrate but to actively participate in the process
comprehensive listening
is listening to evaluate the content of the messages as a critical listener you are listening to all parts of the messages analyzing it and evaluating what you heard
critical listening
called critical or active listening deals with one ability and sequential process capacity to carefully and properly analyze the sounds listened to it does not involve comprehension pm what has been heard but more importantly the ability to distinguish and categorize the information listened to
analytical listening