4- Spine Conditions Flashcards
Red flag symptoms are present with mechanical back pain. True/False?
What is meant by spondylosis?
Intervertebral discs lose water content with age, resulting in less cushioning
Where does acute spinal disc tear occur (which part of the IV disc)?
Outer annulus fibrosis
What is characteristic of pain from acute IV disc tear?
Worse on coughing
Acute disc tears usually resolve by themselves. True/False?
Analgesia and physio are main treatment
What is the main complication of disc tears?
Nucleus pulposis can herniate outwards and impinge on nerve root
Pain in sciatica follows what distribution?
Dermatomal distribution
What is meant by spinal stenosis?
Cauda equina has little space and nerve roots can become compressed/irritated
List contributing factors to spinal stenosis
Bulging IV discs
Bulging spinal ligaments
Claudication classically occurs with spinal stenosis. How does this differ from vascular claudication?
Burning pain (rather than cramping) Pain walking downhill Pedal pulses normal
What is cauda equina syndrome?
Large central disc prolapse can compress all the nerve roots of the cauda equina
Cauda equina syndrome can be managed conservatively. True/False?
It is a surgical emergency!
List clinical features of cauda equina syndrome
Bilateral leg pain/paraesthesiae/numbness
Altered bowel habit
What examination is mandatory in cauda equina syndrome?
PR exam
What is the urgent treatment for cauda equina syndrome?
Urgent MRI to determine level of prolapse
List 4 red flag symptoms of spinal disease
Back pain in young patient
New back pain in old patient
Constant, severe pain, worse at night
Systemic upset
List clinical features of cervical nerve root compression
Shooting neuralgic pain in dermatomal pattern
Weakness/loss of reflexes
Which nerve root is involved for C6/C7 disc nerve root compression?
C7 root
Which nerve root is affected by C8/T1 disc nerve root compression?
C8 root