4. RNA polymerase, transcription and transcription initiation Flashcards
What are the three main processes involving RNAs?
RNA involving processes:
1) transcription (initiation and regulation)
2) processing
3) degradation
What is the machinery of transcription?
RNA pol II - transcribes coding + nc RNAs - conserved between domains of life - core 5 subunits
3 RNA pol types:
- RNA pol I: rRNA genes
- RNA pol II: protein coding genes into RNA
- RNA pol III: tRNA genes
What recruits RNA pol II for transcription?
RNA pol II recruited by TF - TFIID binds at core promoter:
- helps to position RNA pol II at promoter region
- pulls ds DNA strands apart
- helps to release RNA pol II to start elongation
What are the factors regulating transcription?
Transcription factors (TFs):
general TFs (GTFs) - for transcription initiation
+ activors (enhancers) / repressors (regulatory TFs when + how much to transcribe - open / close chromatin)
What are the methods for studying transcription?
- Footprinting (DNase assay)
- EMSA (protein+ DNA size differences)
- ChIP (Ab)
What are the main steps of transcription process?
Transcription steps:
1) recognize TSS (transcription start site) + get RNA pol II into position
2) Start transcribing moving along DNA
3) Elongation
3) Transcription termination (stop codon)
What is the structure of TFIID?
TFIID - TF for RNA pol II recruitment at transcription promoter - 2 subunits:
- TBP: TATA binding protein - binds TAT box in minor groove - induces DNA kink
- TAF: main body
What is the sequence of events in transcription initiation?
Transcription initiation by GTFs:
1) TFIID binds TATA box at core promoter - recruits TFIIA + TFIIB (BRE element)
2) RNA Pol II binds TFIIF - stabilizes interaction between RNA pol II and others (TBP at TATA) - attracts TFIIE
3) TFIIE attracts and regulates TFIIH
4) TFIIH unwinds DNA + ph RNA pol II tail -> (DNA helicase, ATPase and kinase activity
5) RNA pol II starts elongation when tail gets ph
Explain transcriptional elongation process
RNA pol II disengages from GTFs (TFIID) - acquires other proteins for transcription - released GTFs can initiate another round of transcription
Function of enhancers
Enhancers bind to distal elements + to GTF cluster -> transcription
What are the modes of action of repressors?
Transcriptional repressors work to supress transcription by:
- competitive DNA binding with activators
- blocking bound activator surface
- directly interacting and supressing GTFs (initiate transcription)
- recruit chromatin remodellers that promote close chromatin
- recrecruit deacetylases for histones -> close chromatin
- recruit methyl transferases for histones -> close chromatin
What is the exact structure of PIC?
PIC - pre-initiation complex:
- GTFs
- mediator complex
- RNA pol II
- activator (enhancer) bound at distal elements
What is an enhanceosome?
Enhanceosome - enhancer bound transcription initiation complex: enhancer + general Poll II machinery + RNA pol II
What can be investigated in studying transcription? What methods can be used for that?
What region is bound by TF - footprinting + ChIP
Whar complex is formed by TF binding - EMSA
Explain footprinting method
Footprinting DNase assay:
- amplify DNA
- label DNA
- gel electrophoresis for sample 1 (reference)
- bind specific protein to labelled DNA
- digest using DNase / hydroxyl radical - won’t digest protein protected regions
- gel electrophoresis for sample 2 (bands that missing - where protected by bound protein)
Explain EMSA method
EMSA - protein binding to DNA assay:
- purify protein of interest
- introduce complimentary DNA
- introduce Ab for the protein
- load and run gel -> compare distances travelled by different samples (DNA only, DNA+protein, DNA+protein+Ab)
Explain ChIP method
Chromatin immunoprecipittaion (ChIP) - pulling out protein:
- crosslink TFs to bound DNA sequences
- lyse cells
- cut DNA into small fragments
- Ab for specific TFs - separate from mixture
- reverse crosslink - remove all proteins from extracted DNA - identify DNA sequence => DNA corresponding to TF position will be purified + identified
Lecture summary
Quiz 1
Quiz 2
Quiz 3