4: Physiology - Primary sensory neurons and their modalitiies 2 Flashcards
Starting at slide 10:
Where is the primary somatosensory area of the brain?
Post-central gyrus
Parietal lobe, just after the central sulcus
Which body parts are found at the medial and lateral ends of the sensory strip?
Medially - peripheries i.e upper and lower limbs
Laterally - face, pharynx, abdominal organs
What is the sensory homunculus?
Visual representation of how much cortex is devoted to each body part’s sensation
i.e massive hands big lips
How many layers of cells does the somatosensory area have?
In the somatosensory area, neurons corresponding to different parts of the body are arranged into what?
e.g columns for each finger
What happens to the columns of somatosensory cortex corresponding to an area of the body if that area of the body is amputated?
They process info from the adjacent areas of the body instead
i.e other sensory areas take over
What happens to the contralateral somatosensory cortex if a part of the body receives more sensory input?
It enlarges
Sensory info from one side of the body is processed on the (ipsilateral / contralateral) side of the brain.
Which somatosensory cortex integrates sensory, visual and auditory information?
just posterior to S1
Where is the S2 somatosensory cortex?
What is its function?
Posterior parietal cortex
Integrates information from S1 so you know what an object is without having to analyse it
What are the two main sensory pathways we need to know about?
Dorsal column / medial lemniscus pathway
Spinothalamic tract
Where do sensory nerve fibres decussate (cross over) in the DC/ML pathway?
Pyramids of the medulla
Where do sensory nerve fibres decussate in the spinothalamic tract?
Immediately at the spinal cord level they entered at
What structures are connected by the
a) 1st
b) 2nd
c) 3rd order neurons of the DC/ML pathway?
a) Spinal cord to medulla
b) Medulla to thalamus
c) Thalamus to post-central gyrus
What structures are connected by the
a) 1st
b) 2nd
c) 3rd-order neurons of the spinothalamic tract?
a) Sensory neuron to spinal cord
b) Spinal cord to thalamus
c) Thalamus to post-central gyrus