4. Peptic Ulceration, Neuroendocrine Tumours and Crohns Disease Flashcards
passage of 3 or more bowel motions
increased fluidity of stool
water insoluble faecal solids to hold water
gut fluid load
upper tract: 10L
small intestine: 6L to jejunum
2.5L to ileum
1.5L to colon
1.4L absorbed
0.1L out
small intestines function
and parts
absorption of nutrients
duodenum most proximal portion
jejunum middle portion
ileum most distal portion
mechanisms of diarrhoea (types)
secretory diarrhoea - over secretion of water and electrolytes
caused by bacterial toxins
no healthy cells to absorb nutrients so there is a leakage of fluid
inflammatory diarrhoea - cellular damage of mucosa causes hypersecretion
osmotic diarrhoea - osmotically active solutes
lactose intolerance
lactulose intake
motility - increased motility eg IBS
secretory diarrhoea
many infections
cholera toxin increases levels of cyclic AMP
cyclic AMP increases chloride secretion
and increases water secretion
so leads to dehydration
inflammatory diarrhoea
cellular damage of intestinal mucosa
decreased water and Na absorption
blood and mucus
ulcerative colitis - affects colon only
Crohn’s disease - small intestine, colon, perineum and occasionally stomach
acute 2 weeks history
chronic 4 or more weeks of diarrhoea
Bristol stool chart
type 1-7
hard- watery
colicky pain
colicky pain is usually a sharp, localized gastrointestinal or urinary pain that can arise abruptly, and tends to come and go in spasmlike waves
risk factors for diarrhoea
Viruses. …
Bacteria and parasites. …
Medications and antibiotics
Lactose intolerance. …
Fructose. …
Artificial sweeteners. …
Surgery. …
Other digestive disorders.
investigations for diarrhoea
faecal calprotectin
normal <50ug/mg
marker for inflammatory bowel disease
C-reactive protein
normal 5mg/L
inflammatory marker in blood
marker for autoimmune diseases
Hb (haemoglobin)
anaemia symptom for IBD
full blood count
iron, vitamin B12, folic acid
screening for certain viral infections
colonoscopy/gastroscopy/capsule endoscopy
CT/MRI small bowel imaging
examination for diarrhoea
skin lesions
abdomen soft/tender
changes to mucosa
mucosa of terminal ileum
ulcerations -> leaking contents -> diarrhoea
inflamed caecal mucosa - mucosa eroded and patchy
management of diarrhoea
induction of remission
reduce inflammation
oral rehydration solution (glucose&sodium&water)
maintenance of remission
long term
Crohn’s disease
chronic inflammatory condition affecting any part of the gut
age 15-40 y/o
15% have relatives with crohn’s or ulcerative colitis
more common in smokers
clinical features of Crohn’s disease
diarrhoea, abdominal pain, weight loss
malaise lethargy, anaemia
mouth aphthous ulcers (more frequent and persistent)
types of Crohn’s disease
small bowel crohn’s disease 50%
colonic crohns disease 20%
perianal crohns disease 30%
perianal fistula
An anal fistula is a small tunnel that develops between the end of the bowel and the skin near the opening of the bottom (anus). It’s usually caused by an infection near the anus, which results in a collection of pus (abscess) in the nearby tissue. When the pus drains away, it can leave a small channel behind.
Fistulas can cause a lot of discomfort, and if left untreated, may cause serious complications. Some fistulas can cause a bacteria infection, which may result in sepsis, a dangerous condition that can lead to low blood pressure, organ damage or even death.
SKIN: erythema nodosum
Erythema nodosum is swollen fat under the skin causing bumps and patches that look red or darker than surrounding skin. It usually goes away by itself, but it can be a sign of something serious
an inflammatory disorder affecting subcutaneous fat. It presents as tender red nodules on the anterior shins.
Pyoderma gangrenosum
Pyoderma gangrenosum is a rare skin condition that causes painful ulcers
daily doses of corticosteroids. These drugs may be applied to the skin, injected into the wound or taken by mouth (prednisone)
Iritis is swelling and irritation (inflammation) in the colored ring around your eye’s pupil (iris).
Conjunctivitis is a condition that occurs when the conjunctiva (a thin layer of cells covering the front of your eyes) becomes inflamed.
joint complications (crohns)
arthralgia - describes joint stiffness
sacroiliitis - painful condition that affects one or both sacroiliac joints. These joints sit where the lower spine and pelvis meet. Sacroiliitis can cause pain and stiffness in the buttocks or lower back, and the pain might go down one or both legs.
arthritis - common condition that causes pain and inflammation in a joint.
management of crohn’s disease
assessment of severity/extent
nutrition/exclusive enteral feeding (you receive all of your calories through formula and you do not eat regular food. liquid diet)
drugs (infliximab)
surgery (resection)
drugs for crohns disease
targets a single pro-inflammatory cytokine TNF
produced by macrophages and intiates a cascade of inflammation
infliximab was the first drug used in inflammatory bowel disease