4 - NEUROIMAGING Flashcards
Electromagnetism description
- Every electrical dipole generates magnetic field (EMF) around it
- Polarity of field depends on direction of current
- Brain electromagnetic fields very weak but can be measured
- Measurement can be related to activity
- differences
- advantages
- Disadvantages
- positive & negative points
- EEG signal acquisition
EEG = Noninvasive technique measuring brain electrical activity with electrodes on brain
MEG = same as EEG but measure magnetic field generating by cerebral activity
- Non-invasive methods in neuroimaging that have no side-effects or interference in normal
functioning of brain
- Collect data quickly & independently form metabolism (contrary to BOLD & MRI)
- High temporal resolution, one thousand times faster than MRI data
- Do not produce noise
- Subjects can perform tasks during evaluation, even though slightly restrict when considering
- Not adequate for source localization, when compared with other neuroimaging methods
- Limited resolution (especially EEG)
- Even though anatomical information can be extrapolated, not provided by equipment
EEG signal acquisition
- Electrodes: Silver or stainless steel, placed on scalp following specific methods of allocation with
conductive gel (wet electrodes) or direct contact to dry scalp (dry electrodes)
- Impedance: Signal-to-noise that can be reduced by movement. Reference electrode usually
placed on midline or ear lobes
- Amplification: One pair of electrodes make up one channel on differential amplifier (bipolar
montage) that is used to amplify difference in voltage between these 2 electrodes, generating
Allocation systems:
- definition
- description
How resources (neural, cognitive or computational) distributed during brain function or imaging
- Ions going constantly in & out of neurons create, together with ion exchange from neighboring neurons, electrically changed waves leading to formation of cortical dipoles
- EEG reading is sum of non-propagating dendritic & somatic post-synaptic potentials, arising at approximately 10 ms
- Excitatory & inhibitory post-synaptic potentials (EPSP & IPSP) summate spatially & temporally, allowing equipment to identify certain type of neuronal activity
- definition
- description
= distortions, errors or unwanted signals in images caused by factors like motion, hardware limitations or
physiological noise, affecting data quality
- Eye lid movement
- Muscle activity (scalp)
- Pacemakers
- Movement (change in impedance)
- Electrode-wire contact
- Poor grounding
- Sweating
Very slow waves of opposite polarity at back of head due to head shaking artifact, likely more prominent posteriorly because patient’s head resting on pillow or chair back, note that looks likeslow roving eye movement, but eye movements more frontally predominant
Brain oscillations:
- description
- frequency ranges
- Rhythmic fluctuations of repeated electrical activity
- Generated by activation of neurons
- Can be spontaneous or as reaction to stimulation
- Modulate both motor output & sensitivity of synapses involved in input acquisition
Neuro feed-back training:
- description
- forms
- NFT in rehab
- prerequisites & advantages
- Expected or desired aspects of cortical & subcortical activation can be achieved or modified through sensory (visual or auditory) stimulation, controlled by biofeedback system that rely on EEG information
NFT in rehabilitation
- Proven efficient in treatment of great variety of conditions such as epilepsy, ADH & ADHD,
chemical dependency & neurocognitive disorder
- Method can be effectively used to increase cognitive abilities in health individuals & reported by researchers
- In rehab of ABI patients, NFT shown improvement in sensorimotor functions, when applied in combination with facilitation, sensory augmentation & functional training
Prerequisites & advantages
- Improved understanding of meanings & uses of neuronal signals
- Identification of neuroplastic processes relying on cortical & subcortical intervention
- Availability of cost-effective hard- & software that can be used in the recording & analysis EEG signals
- Increased public interest in use & development of neurofeedback systems for monitoring an improvement of cognitive & sensorimotor function in populations of patients & health individuals
Types of frequencies, range, main sources, processes & interest for research / rehab
Event-related potentials:
- EP
- Event-related desynchronization (ERD) reflects decrease of oscillatory activity related to
internally or externally modulated events
- ERS balanced by ERD, together demonstrating dynamical state of thalamocortical networks
associated with cortical information-processing changes
- Evoked potentials, also time & phase-locked to presentation of specific physical stimulus but
associated with introduction of information in system, that was not already processed
- description
- types
- Hyper & hypoactivation of certain frequencies
- Related to functional loss
- Identifying imbalances can help understand conditions better & assist in treatment
Cognitive deficit
Migraines / headache
Night terrors
Frequencies: factors increased & decreased
Desynchronization in cognitive impairment
- α & θ (β to lesser extent): sensitive to cognitive changes in elderly during WM tasks
- MCI: low frontal induced θ response & altered top-down attentional control affecting α & β
synchronization - Synchronization of contralateral γ oscillations in M1 during movement consistent along all ages, while ipsilateral synchronization seems to progressively decrease with age
MCI patients local & distant functional connections in frontotemporal networks disturbed, leading to
deficits in temporal coordination of networks, disturbing neural activity related to stimulus processing
- acronym
- advantages / disadvantages
- modalities
Magnetic reasoning image
Modalities of neuroimaging & aims
- fMRI (functional MRI)
- MRA (magnetic resonance angiography)
- FLAIR (fluid attenuated inversion recovery)
- Anatomical MRI => T1WI, T2WI, FLAIR = study structure of brain
- Functional MRI => fMRI => study cerebral activity by detecting oxygenation variation in blood (BOLD effect)
- Diffusion MRI => DWI (diffusion weighted image) & PDMI (protons density weighted image) => bundle analysis of white matter via water molecule diffusion
T1 weighted:
- description
T1 weighted
→ White matter appears brighter than grey
Hypointense (black) => CSF, edema, tumor, infection, inflammation, hemorrhage & calcification
Hyperintense (white) => Fat, subacute, hemorrhage (hyper chromic), protein rich fluids, blood (slow
flowing) & paramagnetic substances (contrasts
T2 weighted:
- description
- field strength
- low strength: good & negative
2 weighted
→ Grey matter appears brighter than white
Hypointense (black) => CSF, edema, tumor, infection, inflammation, hemorrhage (sub-acute), SDH &
Hyperintense (white) => Calcification, fibrous tissue, iron (deoxyhemoglobin & methemoglobin) & melanin
- description
- T2WI provide picture with low definition on CSF interfaces, making diagnose of lesions to certain
areas, like cortical sulci, unclear
- FLAIR image suppresses signal from free water in CSF, maintaining hyperintensity of lesion
contrast, since it has very long echo-time
- FLAIR particularly efficient in evaluation of possible vascular injuries, SDH & MS