#4 Navigation Stack 91-150 Flashcards
When are maneuvering signals sent in meeting or crossing situations in international waters?
During actual maneuvers (not intentions).
What navigation rule makes it impossible for a stand-on vessel to avoid responsibility for a collision by stubbornly maintaining their right of way when immediate danger of collision is evident?
Responsibility Rule.
Ships engaged in UNREP have right-of-way over what units?
Units conducting flight operations.
What is the most difficult factor in “zero visibility” shiphandling during sea and anchor detail?
Detecting and avoiding other craft in the harbor.
What is a primary reason for keeping a timely navigation plot in CIC at all times?
Instantaneous position always available and extremely valuable in an emergency (SAR, MOB).
With respect to shiphandling, what distance can be considered a minimum open-sea safe separation range to avoid collision?
1,000 yards.
You are in a meeting situation with a contact dead at the bow, range 10,000 yards. What is the minimum rate of bearing drift per 1,000 yards of closure that will ensure a minimum safe CPA of 1,000 yards?
.5 per 1,000 yards.
You are in a meeting situation with a contact dead at the bow, range 10,000 yards. The range has closed to 6,000 yards. What bearing drift will now ensure a 1,000 yard CPA?
2.0 per 1,000 yards of closure.
When are sailing and fishing vessels prohibited from impeding the passage of a larger vessel?
In a narrow channel in which the larger vessel is restricted in her ability to maneuver.
Your ship is overtaking another ship. Does a subsequent alteration of the bearing between the two ships change the situation under the ROR?
No. The overtaking vessel remains responsible for the safety of the passing until past and clear.
When may a stand-on vessel maneuver in a crossing situation?
To avoid collision, as soon as it becomes evident that the give-way vessel does not intend to maneuver.
What maneuver should be avoided in a crossing situation by a stand-on vessel?
Turning to port if the other vessel is on the port hand.
During restricted visibility, what actions are to be taken by a ship that detects a vessel by radar alone?
Use radar as a practical aid to navigation in determining whether a close-quarters situation exists. Take action in ample time to avoid collision, if required.
When marking line of demarcation separating inland and international waters, how is it drawn?
Straight line across mouth of harbor.
What does a large scale chart cover?
Small area.
What range of photographic scale constitutes a large scale chart?
1:5000 to 1: 9999.
Where is the sounding unit of measure indicated on a chart?
In bold type outside the chart border and beneath the chart title.
What chart category includes predetermined mine clearance passages (Q- Routes)?
Six digit category. Mine warfare planning charts.
What chart symbology signifies more complete sounding data?
A continuous depth contour broken occasionally by depth values.
Under the ROR, what is signified by an orange smoke signal, flames on a vessel from a burning oil or tar barrel, or continuous sounding of fog signals?
Vessel in distress.
When is a signal of intention always required under both international and inland ROR?
When overtaking another vessel or when in danger.
What is the point at which the ship will rotate around the anchor?
Drag circle.
For large-area sail planning, what is the shortest distance route between any two points on the earth?
Great circle.
What major chart type represents the largest area charts?
General and Sailing charts (1:150,000 and smaller).
How are chart requisition priorities determined?
Per OPNAVINST 4614.1, Priorities are determined by the force activity designator, which equates to a unit’s operational status, and urgency of need.
What degrees of rudder angle will turn a ship on the turning circle of a prescribed tactical diameter?
Standard Rudder.
What factors are used to compute turn bearings and ranges?
Advance and transfer data for the angle of turn and track speed.
What formula is used to correct radar tangent bearings for beamwidth distortion?
Add 1/2 beamwidth to the left tangent, and subtract 1/2 beamwidth from the right tangent.
What is the most reliable navigation point for a bearing fix?
Center bearings on small, isolated targets.
What is the symbol for an EP?
A Square.
What advanced position from an earlier fix does not take wind or current factors into consideration?
DR position.
What information is relayed by the piloting officer to the navigator?
Fix quality, position in relation to track, nearest navigation hazard/navigation aid, comparison of fathometer to charted depth, distance and time to turn to new course, set and drift and compensating course recommendations.
How often are depth soundings taken in restricted waters?
Every 30 seconds.
What fix range is taken on the time “mark”?
Most rapidly changing range (ahead or astern).
What measurement is used to plot the letting-go semicircle?
Radius of horizontal distance between the hawsepipe and the navigation radar antenna.
In precision anchoring, what is the ship’s speed at the letting-go point?
No way on. Let go of the anchor when the ship has stern-way on.
What is the amount of compass offset from True North caused solely by the earths magnetic field?
Magnetic variation.
What planning factors are considered before a radar piloting evolution?
Compare and plot navigators proposed track and turning points with CIC charts, identify hazards to navigation, identify point to change charts, identify visual and radar navigation points, study the charts, and conduct a briefing.
Describe The Following Light Signal For:
“Flashing” lights?
OFF longer than ON.
Describe The Following Light Signal For:
“Occulting” lights?
ON longer than OFF.
Describe The Following Light Signal For:
“Isophase” lights?
ON same time period as OFF.
Rules of the Road M16672.2B
Describe Part A: ___
Rules of the Road M16672.2B
Describe Part B: ___
Steering and Sailing rules.
Rules of the Road M16672.2B
Describe Part C: ___
Lights and Shapes.
Rules of the Road M16672.2B
Describe Part D: ___
Sound and Light signals.
Rules of the Road M16672.2B
Describe Part E: ___
Describe The Intentions of The Following Blasts: One Short=___?
I am altering my course to starboard.
Describe The Intentions of The Following Blasts: Two Short=___?
I am altering my course to port.
Describe The Intentions of The Following Blasts: Three Short=___?
I am operating astern propulsion.
Describe The Intentions of The Following Blasts: One Short=___?
I intend to leave you on my port side.
Describe The Intentions of The Following Blasts: Two Short=___?
I intend to leave you on my starboard side.
CHARTS: 24BHA24051
What does the “24” from the above example mean?
24 = Geo Subregion.
CHARTS: 24BHA24051
What does the “B” from the above example mean?
B = Chart Portfolio.
CHARTS: 24BHA24051
What does the “HA” from the above example mean?
HA = Chart Class
(CO- Coastal, HA- Harbor, OA- Oparea,
GN- General, WO- World).
One digit chart =___
Two/Three digit chart =___
Major ocean basins.
Four digit chart =___
Special purpose.
Five digit chart =___
Standard navigation.
Six digit chart =___
Combat chart.
Long range air ops.
-Coordinates read right and up.
- 24 longitude lines lettered A-Z omitting and I & O.
- 12 latitude lines lettered A-M omitting I.