4- Muscle Structure And Adaption Flashcards
How are skeletal muscle fibres classified and what are these classificatioms?
They are classified into 2 main groups according to contraction speed
Theses are :
- slow twitch fibres (typeI)
- fast twitch fibres (typeII)
What are the features of slow twitch fibres (type I)?
- fatigue resistant
- moderate max force
- oxidative metabolism
- many mitochondria
- rich vascularisation
- small diameter
- high myoglobin (red muscle)
What are the features of fast twitch fibres (type II)?
- fatigue rapidly
- high max force
- can have glycolic or mixed with oxidative metabolism
- fewer mitochondria
- sparser vascularisation
- larger diameter
- low myoglobin (white muscle)
What controls force generation in a muscle?
What does a motor unit contain?
What is summation?
What is glycolysis?
How does the diameter of the muscle fibre influence the level of peak force generated in fast and slow-twitch muscle fibres?
What is myoglobin?
What is the function of myoglobin in muscle ?
Why do slow-twitch muscle fibres have a higher capacity for oxidative metabolism?
Explain the reddish appearance of type I muscle fibres
Why is type II muscle more paler in appearance?
What can cause variation in the colour of mammalian muscle?
Why are the terms “red muscle” and “white muscle” misleading in humans and mammals?
What is oxidative metabolism?
Which is faster, and which produces more ATP: glycolysis or oxidative metabolism?