4 - Microbial Membranes And Cell Walls Flashcards
Structures on outer layer of bacterial cells
- capsule, S layer
- gram + - cell wall
- gram - - outer membrane
- periplasmic space - within peptidoglycan in gram pos and neg bacteria
- cell plasma membrane
Capsule structure info
- sometimes called slime layer or glycoalyx
- polysaccharide components of cell wall
- usually loose network of polymer fibres extending outward from wall
Capsule function
- not required for growth or reproduction
- Carbon store
- protection against desiccation (drying out)
- May be involved in capture of nutrients - acquisition of ions from environment
- confer advantages in vitro such as attachment to surfaces - biofilms, holdfast to eukaryotic cells
- exclude phage, antimicrobials and disinfectants - offer some resistance
- pathogens often capsular can resist phagocytosis, otherwise killed by host when it isn’t
Different capsules in pathogens
- most commonly is a polysaccharide structure
- glycolipid capsule
- protein capsule
- extracellular slime
S-layer info
- Paracrystalline outer wall composed of protein/glycoprotein
- regularly structured layer external to cell wall
- s layer is only cell wall structure in some archaea
- May protect against ion and pH fluctuations, osmotic stress, and predators (e.g. Bdellovibrio)
- May protect against host defences - sometimes a virulence factor (can combat immune systems)
Peptidoglycan structure
- alternating residues of:
NAG (N-acetylglucosamine)
NAM (N-acetylmuramic acids) - arranged in diners which are cross linked by amino acid side chains creating amide bonds
- is a mesh like polymer that retains the gram stain in gram +ve cells
Contains non-protein amino acids:
- D-glutamic acids
- D-alanine
D amino acids used as they protect against degradation by proteases and enzymes
Why D amino acids used in peptidoglycan structure in bacterial cell walls
- connected to form a glycan tetrapeptide
- Protect against degradation by proteases
Peptidoglycan synthesis - cross links
- chains of linked peptidoglycan subunits joined by cross-links between the peptides
- often carboxyl group of terminal D-alanine connected to amino group of DAPA (meso-diamino-pimelic acid)
- sacs are strong enough to retain shape when isolated yet are porous, elastic, and stretchable
Difference between gram +ve and -ve bacterial cell walls
Gram +ve thicker than gram -ve cell walls
- gram +ve contain outer membranes
Which type of bacteria is penicillin more effective against
Gram positive
Function for techioc acid in bacterial cell walls
- only found in gram +ve cell walls
- role is unclear
- May make membrane -vely charged
- May help with binding if Ca2+ and Mg2+
How does penicillin affect bacteria and their cell walls
- briefly describe peptidoglycan synthesis
- penicilin inhibits peptidoglycan synthesis in gram +ve bacterial cells by inhibiting transpeptidation - lyses cells
PG synthesis: - linker peptide initially has two D-alanine peptides
- one is cleaved during linkage with DAPA
- called transpeptidation - this step is penicilin sensitive
- penicilin halts cell wall synthesis
- osmotically sensitive cells lyse
Lysozyme info
- ‘antibacterial’ enzyme
- degrades the beta, 1,4 glycosidic bond in peptidoglycan backbone
- loss of peptidoglycan makes cells sensitive to changes in osmotic pressure
- important host defences against bacteria
- present in saliva, tears, secreted in airways
- lots in egg whites
Where lysozymes found
Secreted in airways
Techioc acid structure