4. Lung Cancer and Pleural Disease Flashcards
Invasive Sx of lung cancer
Chest wall pain ( may be pleuritic or central and tight, or insidious ache) , hoarse voice ( left recurrent laryngeal nerve), vasc invasion eg. SVC, dysphagia as mediastinal LN invades into oeso, Horner’s syndrome, shoulder pain and arm weakness/ wasting
Metastatic Sx of lung ca
Headches, seizures
Pleural and pericardial effusion, airway compression or SVC/RLN invasion
Sx of SVCO
Facial and upper limb oedemaa
Venous distention of upper body
Pemberton’s sign- facial plethora and distress, stridor after lifting arms above head
Most common cause of SVCO
Small cell lung cancer or lymphoma
Tx of SVCO
Dexa to reduce oedema assoc with lymphadenopathy
Anticoag to tx acute ep where thrombosis is likely pri cause
Radio and chemo to treat underlying cause
SVC stenting to relief Sc
Common sites of lung ca spread
Supraclavicular, mediastinal and hilar lymph node,
Brain, bone, liver,adrenal glands,
pleura, lung, skin,
Paraneoplastic syndrome of squamous cell carcinoma
Ectopic PTH like hormone - hypercal , May be assoc w/ bone metastases and bone invasion
Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy assoc with Finger clubbing and periostits
Paraneoplastic syndrome of SCLC
SIADH: MOST COMMON, hyponatraemia (pts may look euvolaemic)
Ectopic ACTH, hypoK
Cerebellar Sx
Eaton lambert Sx
Limbic encephalitis
Pathology of SIADH
Inappropriately concentrated urine in SIADH
Hypercal Sx
Confusion, constipation, thirst, fatigue
Tx of hypercal and hypoNa
IV fluid first step, add diuretic to increase excretion, then IV bisphosphonate to prevent rebound
Fluid restriction for hypona and salt supplemments
What is carcinoid syndrome
Usually due to liver metastasis from a carcinoid tumour. Diarrheoa, dry skin, flushing, palpitations
What scale tests pts abilityu to tolerate chemo
What is V/Q scan done for
- For borderline pts
- Usually due to coexisting emphysema → check if removing damaged part would have adverse effect on lung fx
- Also if pt has high risk of dyspnoea
What tests should be done before Ix of cancer
ECOG, PFT, ET, check pt’s daily fitness
What is Ix of choice for staging lung cancer
CT CA w/ contrast - early indication of stage
If CT shows lymphadenopathy can use EBUS
When is CT PET used in lung cnacer
When not stage 4- gives more accurate picture of such ca, can identify metastases, and high sensitivitty for N and M staging. May show uptake even if no other findings elsewhere
or can be used if doubt over incurable disease ( 3B vs 4) if tissue confirmation is not available
False +ve and -ve in PET-CT scan
TB, sarcoid, other inflammatory lesions
low uptake in primary lesion (carcinoid, lipidic adenocarcinoma), uncontrolled diabetes and lesions
What can mediastinocopy be useful for in lung cancer Ix
For mediastinal LN before surgery
Indications include:
- PET pos MLC
- N1 disease
- Central tumor
- Tumor >3cm with high FDG uptake
Downsides of PET
Doesn’t diff between tumour and infxn
N staging for lung cancer
0- no spread
1- on same side
2- hilar/ central (mediastinal) lymph gland spread ( surgery only if N2a or below i.e. singular station in mediastinum only)
3 - opp side of tumour/up to neck
M staging for lung ca
1a - intrathoracic
1b - extrathoracic
1c - multiple
marker for lung adenocarcinoma
TTF1, cK7, p63
markers for squamous cell carcinoma
CK5/6, p63, -ve for CK7, TTF1
Contraindications for bronchoscopy
FEV1 unacceptable compared to predicted values, coagulopathy eg. liver disease, anti coag, SpO2 <92
How to obtain tissue in lung for pathology:
1. For tumours visible in airway
2. For main lesions in lung, esp peripheral of larger lesions
3.To stage mediastinum and hilum LNs
4. For those with poorer resp reserve
5. For biopsy for excluding lymphoma
6. To stage cancer, also for small lesions that are difficult to get to
7. For pleural effusion
- Bronchoscopy
- CT guided biopsy (LA applied to skin and radiological guided needle passed through skin and lung to mass)
- Endobronchial ultrasound
- EBUS biopsy
- CT PET, may need lobectomy to prove ( following resection)
- pleural aspiration
Why can’t CTGBx be done for central lesions
risk hitting impt structures, incr. risk of pneumothorax
What is Mx for pt with LN spread
Chemo and radio, usually won’t do surgery due to node spread
First test for lung ca
What could reduced transfer factor and early drop in sats in pt with significant COPD be due to
Local Sx of lung cancer
Cough ( may be clear mucus?), wheeze/ stridor, HAEMOPTYSIS