2. Asthma and COPD Flashcards
Characteristics of Asthma
Smooth muscle contraction (bronchoconstriction) , irritation and swelling with mucosal oedema, mucous plugging of bronchioles (goblet cells)
What factors predispose to asthma
Airway hyperresponsiveness, sensitation to house dust mite, F sex smoking at age 21, atopy
What airway remodelling can occur in Asthma
Thickened basement membrane - can get fixed airway obstruction
How to diagnose asthma
Clinically - 1 or more of
Chest tightness, breathlessness, cough, wheeze esp if worse at night and early morning, in response to exercise, allergen and cold air, after taking aspirin or BB and M/FHx of asthma/atopy
Widepreade wheeze on chest ausc
Unexplained low FEV1/ PEF
Provoking factors for asthma
Viral infections, house dust mite, NSAIDS, aspirin and B blockers, other allergens, exercise, temp changes, anxiety, cigarette smoke, food and additives, obesity
What investigations should be done for Athma with intermediate probability
Need to check for airflow obstruction with revesibility testing/ treatment trials with bronchodilator or steroids. Need to have more than 400 mls improvement
Can monitor PEF- variability 20%
CXR, eos, IgE and skin prick tests can also be done.
Assessment of airway responsiveness- histamin to induce bronchoconstriction.
What should be done if asthma is suspected
initiate treatment with low dose ICS 6 weeks
Mx algorithm for asthma
2: Give SABA preventer if asthma diagnosed
3: Recheck compliance, technique, eliminate trigger factors. THEN Add on inhaled LABA to low dose ICS (beclamethasone + fometerol or fluticasone and vilanterol)
4a: If no response to LABA, stop it and consider increase ICS.
4b: IF LABA beneficial but control still inadequate, increase ICS to medium dose.
5: LABA beneficial but control still inadequate, continue both and add LTRA, SR theophyllines, or LAMA
Tachycardia, vasodilation, arrhythmias, hypokalaemia, tremor, insomnia
When should nect step of therapy be considered for asthmatic patients
When >3 SABA doses a week
How does beclamethasone help with asthma
Reduces inflammatory cell infiltration, vascular permeability, and increases B2 responsiveness on airway smooth muscle
How do LTRAs work
prevent smooth muscle contraction, oedema, increased vasc permeability, mucus secretion and eos chemoattractatnt
How does theophylline work
Bronchodilation, rasies intracellular cAMP and is an adenosisne antaggonist
Possible drugs for severe asthma
High dose ICS
Macrolide Abx
Omalizumab or Mepolizumab
What is asthma exacerbation
PEF <0.8 pred, incr bronchodilator use, incr nocturnal Sx, incr sx scores for 2 or more days
What is a mild asthma ex and how to treat
PEF> 80 but incr salb freq , give 2-4 puffs BA 4hrly
What is a moderate asthma ex and how to treat
PEF 50-80, High dose bnronchodilator ( MDI via space or neb), and IV predni 40mg 5 days
What is moderate acute asthma
Normal speech, RR< 25, pulse <110