4. Introduction To Microanatomy: Connective Tissue Flashcards
- Identify and describe the main components of connective tissue (objective)
Answer later
- Identify and describe the main types of connective tissue proper (objective)
Answer later
Connective Tissue: Overview 1/5
Provides a matrix that serves as structural support and physically connects tissues and cells together to form organs
Connective Tissue: Overview 2/5
Provides metabolic support to cells/serves as medium for diffusion of nutrients and waste products
-Important site for storage of water, electrolytes and lipids
Connective Tissue: Overview 3/5
Plays a role in defense against foreign objects (gel-like consistency of matrix provides physical barrier, also home to inflammatory and immune cells)
Connective Tissue: Overview 4/5
Helps regulate cell-cell signaling by binding signaling molecules (regulates growth and depth of tissues)
Connective Tissue: Overview 5/5
Differs from other tissue types in structure: composed mostly of extracellular material with relatively few cells
Cells of Connective Tissue: Mesenchymal Cells
Undifferentiated cells that produce all types of proper and specialized connective tissue and contain stem cells for other tissue (blood, muscle)
Give rise to fibroblasts and lipoblasts
Cells of Connective Tissue: Fibroblasts
- Most common cells in connective tissue proper
- Produce and maintain collagen and elastin to form fibers
- Synthesize and secrete components of ground substance
Cells of Connective Tissue: Lipoblasts
- Give rise to adipocytes (fat cells) specialized for cytoplasmic storage of lipid
- Tissue with large population of adipocytes also serve to cushion and insulate (skin, kidney)
Cells of Connective Tissue: Macrophages
-Specialize in removal of dead cells and tissue debris, bacteria and other foreign material
-Can activate immune system and promote inflammatory response
-Secrete enzymes to break down dead tissue and growth factors to promote repair and healing
Ex. Removing E. Coli bacteria
Cells of Connective Tissue:
Mast Cells
- Type of immune cell which stores chemical mediators important in localized immune response and tissue repair
- Often located near blood vessels, in tissue lining digestive and respiratory treat (areas where threats can be detected)
Extracellular Matrix
-Contains structural proteins (collagen and elastin fibers) embedded in viscous gel made up of protein-polysaccharide complexes (proteoglycans), water, and adhesive glycoproteins that bind to matrix proteins and cell membrane proteins (laminin, fibronectin)
Fibers 1/3
Formed from proteins secreted by fibroblasts
Fibers 2/3
3 main types: 2 types made of collagen (collagen, reticular) and 1 type made of elastin (elastic)