4 Introduction to Mendelian Genetics Flashcards
mendelian Genetics
Population genetics is concerned with the collection of genes belonging to all members
of a population, called the “gene pool” or “genetic material/information” of a population.
Central questions in population genetics are: What is the structure of the gene pool?
How does it change in time? What causes these changes? In this chapter we introduce Mendelian genetics and use difference equations (maps) to study how the gene pool of a population changes over time.
: introduction to Mendelian genetics => laws of inheritance
=> theoretical formulation of natural selection
Mendel’s inheritance laws + Darwin’s theory => evolution, Maths: evolution with nonlinear maps
in this chapter we assume that the trait under discussion
is produced by two alleles at a single locus. We are interested in whether genetic diversity
persists, or if one allele is lost and the other takes over the whole population. In other words,
for Mendel’s peas, we ask: in the long run, how likely is it that we will we end up with
only rounded peas? If both alleles persist the population is “polymorphic” at the locus. To
answer questions like this, we need to understand how the structure of the gene pool changes
over time at a given locus.
Mathematical population genetics was developed in the 1920s-1930s by Ronald Fisher,
John B. S. Haldane and Sewall Wright who laid out the mathematical formulation of Darwin’s
theory of evolution by natural selection. They built a theory based on Mendel’s observations
translated into his quantitative laws of inheritance (Mendelian genetics)
4.1 Mendelian population genetics
Mathematical population genetics was developed by Fisher, Wright and Haldane in 1920-30
based on Mendel’s work. Mendel derived empirically the laws of inheritance by observing peas
Mendel observed that 75% of peas were rounded and 25% wrinkled
=> 2 gene variants called alleles, say R or r, coding for “rounded” (R) or “wrinkled” (r), at a “locus” (specific position of a gene on a chromosome), with R “dominant” over r (“recessive”)
=> 1 allele from each parent are paired, giving 3 possible pairings called “genotypes”: RR, Rr or rr. These give the “trait expression” or “phenotype”. RR and Rr give rounded peas (75%) and rr wrinkled peas (25%)
=> genotype and phenotype frequencies can vary over time
=> if both alleles persist the population is “polymorphic”;
otherwise one allele takes over the entire population
How is genetic variability maintained?
The answer was provided by Mendel’s principles of inheritance (1866): organisms have discrete genotypes that get reshuffled and paired, not blended, during mating and this ensures genetic variability on which natural selection can operate, see Fig. 4.1. Nowadays, natural selection is broadly accepted as the biological explanation of adaptation.
4.2 Mendel’s inheritance laws
Chromosomes made up of strands of DNA carrying hereditary information. Genes are DNA segments
that determine specific traits. Based on observations, Mendel formulated the laws of inheritance:
during the formation of gametes (sexual cells) alleles segregate from each other => gametes carry 1 allele for each gene
- Independent assortment:
genes for different traits are sorted separately from one another=> inheritance of one trait independent of inheritance of another - Dominance:
in heterozygous diploid organisms carrying two different alleles, the allele that would determine the trait is dominant. The other allele, that is entirely masked by the expression of the dominant allele, is the recessive allele. However, an allele is not necessary either dominant or recessive
Mendel’s laws + Darwin’s principles => population genetics => foundations of evolution
Modern interpretation: a new organism, zygote (“egg”), is formed from the fusion of sexual cells
(gametes) of both parents . Then cells duplicate => diploid organisms composed of many cells
Chromosomes contain genes that can exist in different
variants (“alleles”). Same gene for both parents at same locus but possibly different alleles (A or a) => pairing and reshuffling lead to gentoypes AA or Aa or aA or aa
=> variability of traits, i.e. phenotypes
(e.g. color of wings in moths)
- diploid cells carry 2 instances of each gene, while haploid carry 1 such instance
- gametes are sexual cells and haploid; zygotes are diploid
- locus: position of a gene on a chromosome
- for 2 alleles, A and a at a locus, there can be 3 genotypes: AA, aa and Aa
- 2 same alleles (AA or aa) => homozygote; 2 different alleles (Aa or aA) => heterozygote
- In heterozygotes, expressed trait is (generally) associated with the dominant allele (when there is one
random mating, large population, diploid organisms,
discrete time t (generations) and non-overlapping generations
N diploid individuals, each with 2 instances of gene (allele) per locus
of AA,Aa and aa individuals respectively
2N genes, A or a, at a given locus
Frequency of allele A is
p (= fraction of A in the population of size 2N) and
frequency of allele a is
3 genotypes: AA, aa and Aa
#AA Aa and aa individuals
N_{AA}, N_Aₐ, and Nₐₐ
AA Aa and aa individuals
genotype frequencies
AA,Aa aa
N_{AA}, N_Aₐ, and Nₐₐ
D = N_AA/N (AA frequency),
H = N_Aa/N (Aa freq.),
R = N_aa/N (aa freq.).
When generations
matter, we write D_t, H_t R_t, p_t and q_t
t denotes the generation
Initial genotype frequencies
Allele frequency at t=0
D₀ = N_AA/N at t=0 (AA frequency),
H₀ = N_Aa/N at t=0 (Aa freq.),
R₀ = N_aa/N at t=0 (aa freq.).
p₀ = D₀ +(H₀/2) for A
q₀ = 1-p₀ = R₀ + (H₀/2) for a
Dt≥1, Ht≥1, Rt≥1 generally differ from D0, H0, R0
Since each AA contributes two A alleles and each Aa contributes a single A and a single a allele
=> allele frequencies:
p = [2N_AA + N_Aa]/2N = D +(H/2) ,
q = [2N_aa + N_Aa]/2N = R + (H/2)
4.3 Hardy-Weinberg principle (HWP)
When all genotypes have the same survival and reproduction potential (=fitness), HWP gives
simple expression for frequency of genotypes:
HWP: allele frequencies remain constant ⇒
p ≡ p₀ and q ≡ q₀ = 1 − p
HWP applied
allele frequencies
HWP: After 1 generation, the genotype frequencies remain constant = random pairing of A and a =>product of allele frequencies:
D ≡ Dt≥1 = p²,
H ≡ Ht≥1 = 2pq ,
R ≡ Rt≥1 = q²
Allele frequencies remain constant:
p = p₀ (A freq. at t > 0 = A freq. at t = 0)
q = qv (a freq. at t > 0 = a freq. at t = 0)
Example: black and white wings in moths. Allele A: black (dominant), allele a: white (recessive). At t=0: 45% of AA and 20% of Aa.
What fraction of population will have dark wings in the long run?
Assuming that HWP holds. Initial A frequency
p₀ = D₀ +(H₀/2) =0.45 +(0.2/2)=0.55
q₀ = 1-p₀ =0.45
initial frequency of allele a
According to HWP:
p = p₀ = 0.55 q = q₀ = 0.45 remain constant
frequencies are constant for t ≥ 1)
at t=1:
frequency of Aa is
H₁ = 2pq = =H_t for t ≥ 1)
frequency of AA is
D₁ = p²=0.55^2=0.3025=D_t for t ≥ 1)
frequency of aa is
R₁ = q²=0.452 t ≥ 1 = 0.2025 = R_t (for t ≥ 1)
Since A (black wing) is dominant, the fraction of of moths with dark wings is D₁+H₁
⇒ Long-run fraction of dark months is 0.3025 + 0.495 = 0.7975, that is 79.75%
lecture W4L1
HWP remark
pₜ = Dₜ + (Hₜ/2) = p²ₜ₋₁ + pₜ₋₁(1 − pₜ₋₁) = pₜ₋₁
for t ≥ 1 ⇒ pₜ = p₀ = p
=> allele frequencies remain constant:
pₜ = p₀ = p and
qₜ = q₀ = q = 1 − p
4-43 notes lecture
Evolution with mutations but without selection pressure
Assumptions made in deriving the Hardy-Weinberg principle:
we assumed the absence of mutations. In reality, since duplication/reproduction is never perfect, mutations are always present. Here, we briefly discuss the influence of mutations on the allele frequencies in the absence of selection pressure
(We assumed no selection,, fitness etc)
Mutations can be caused by transcription errors and may for example change allele A into a. They are likely to be deleterious and arise without reference to adaptive needs. They occur with small probabilities, but are important since they help maintain genetic variability.
Here, we consider two alleles at a locus, in large random-mating diploid populations.
4.4 Evolution with mutations but without selection pressure:
Since the allelic frequencies will now generally vary from one generation to another:
denote by p_t the frequency of allele A in generation t,
and by q_t the frequency of allele a in generation t (with qt = 1 − pt).
We consider the Hardy-Weinberg scenario of no selection,
and assume that in generation t a fraction upt of the genes, i.e. a fraction u of the organisms
carrying the allele A, at this locus mutates into allele a, according to A → a, with a mutation
probability u. We also assume that the reverse mutation, a → A, occurs with a probability
v, and therefore from generation t to t + 1 a fraction vqt of the genes at this locus (fraction
v of the organisms carrying the allele allele a) mutates into A. In practice, one typically has
u, v ≈ 10−6 − 10−4
Here: assume no selection, just mutations:
fraction u of A becomes a by error.
fraction v of a becomes A by error
pₜ₊₁ =
write the difference eq for the freq
pₜ₊₁ = (1 − u)pₜ + vqₜ
= (1 − u)pₜ + v(1 − pₜ)
= v + (1 − u − v)pₜ
fraction from A to A and a to A
A becomes a by small prob u etc
with initial cond given p_0
full sol
pₜ = p∗ + (p_0 − p∗)(1 − u − v)ᵗ
p∗ asymp stable
term (1 − u − v)ᵗ rapid decay in t as less than 1
approaches rapidly stationary state consisting
of finite fractions p* and q=1-p of both alleles
1st-order linear map solved:
Thus Mutations: mechanism sustaining genetic variability as both variables coexist
(u and v typically small, p becomes finite number)
4.5 Selection & fitness in population genetics
In population genetics, the fitness of an organism is
the expected number of offspring that an individual
contributes to the next generation
=>measures survival and reproduction potential
=>compute change in allele frequencies
(assumptions on HWP all genotypes have same repro and survival potential~ equally fit
natural selection: some traits render an organism more likely to survive and reproduce)
Pop genetics describes the influence of selection on evolution by introducing the concept of fitness
quantity reflects a propensity or probability to survive and reproduce in a given environment
To compute the change in gene frequencies, we need a measure of the survival and reproduction potential of the different genotypes. This is provided by the concept fitness
absolute fitness
- The absolute fitness Wₓ of a genotype X is the average number of zygotes of type X in the next generation to which a type X in this generation contributes to.
Wₓ is the probability that a type X survives to breed, multiplied by its expected number of offspring
relative fitness
The relative fitness wₓ ≡ Wₓ/Wᵧ of a genotype X relative to another genotype Y of absolute fitness Wᵧ
is the ratio of the absolute fitness Wₓ of X relative to the absolute fitness Wᵧ of a reference genotype Y
wₓ=Wₓ/Wᵧ with wᵧ= Wᵧ/Wᵧ
Example: Case of a simple diploid pop
Geonotype A survival probability of 2/3 and 5 offspring=>
Genotype B survival probability of 1/2 and surviving type B has 4 offspring=>
relative fitness
not all survive, of those that survive produce offspring dep on probability
W_A = (2/3) · 5 = 10/3
W_B = (1/2) · 4 = 2
Fitness of genotype B relative to genotype A: set (reference)
define w_A=W_A/W_A=1 and
w_b≡ W_B/W_A = 2/(10/3)=6/10=0.6
w_A = 1, w_B = 0.6 or
fitness of genotype B is 60% that of genotype A
wB : wA = 0.6
In practice, natural selection operates at every stage of an individual’s life, e.g. there is viability selection and variable fecundity
4.6 Evolution in diploid populations under natural selection
Time-variation of the genetic material, driven by natural selection, is accompanied by changes in the allele frequencies. We are going to see that even “weak selection” can drastically change the frequency of alleles and genotypes through the generations.
How genetic material is passed on over generations
4.6 Evolution in diploid populations under natural selection
simple model
simple model for the evolution in diploid populations
consider twoalleles, A and a at a specific locus,
allele A is dominant and a is recessive
resulting genotypes are AA, aa and Aa
Natural selection occurs because organisms with
different genotypes have generally different fitnesses
hence differ in their potential to survive (viability) and to reproduce (fertility).
Frequency of allele A pₜ in generation t ≥ 0 is
Frequency of allele a in generation t ≥ 0 is qₜ = 1 − pₜ