4. Human Resources Flashcards
The action of teaching an employee a skill or type of behaviour.
Induction training
- happens when an employee starts working for a new business. It may involve training on how to use fire extinguishers, or shown round the building, or introduced to colleagues.
On the job training
- coaching or mentoring while doing the job. Assistance and advice is provided by those more experienced to those less experienced. May include work shadowing or learning to use a specific machine
Off the job training
Involves work at home or courses at company training centres/colleges. Learning through demonstrations talks and lectures. May also be practical courses to learn ICT or machinery.
Advantages of off the job training
- less distractions
- increased motivation as they feel valued - money spent on their improvement
- well trained teachers at the courses
Disadvantages of off the job training
- more expensive than on the job
- risky as newly trained employee could leave once traning program is complete
- could waste money
Advantages of on the job training
- specific training needed for the job
- cheaper than sending an employee to a training centre
- learning can be put into use immediately
- trainees can see relevance to job when skills are taught in the workplace
Disadvantages of on the job training
- reduces efficiency of employee that has to teach new employee
- bad habits could be passed on by workers
- the new worker may not pick up skills straight away/misunderstand and not ask for help
Benifits of training
- increased productivity
- ability to deal with changes in technology
- increased motivation and retention
- increased production quality
- good customer service
A flat organisational structure
- wide spans of control and few levels of hierachy
A tall organisational structure
-this has narrow spans of control and larger number of levels of hierachy
Chain of command
This is the flow of information, power and authority through the business.
Those at the top can delegate tasks to those subordinate to them in the hierachy
Span of control
This is a number.
This is the number of subordinates that they can delegate to. e.g A head of department may have 6 teachers working for them. Their span of control is 6.
Where a task is given to a subordinate employee in the hierachy
Good managers are good at delegating tasks to the right employees
Delayering is when one or more of the layers management are removed from the business therefore it saves money since the organisation no longer need to pay the salaries of the workers it has laid off e.g. removing all supervisors
- where a business has its organisation of management and administration at one central head office. The business has one central shared budget
- where a business divides up the organisation of its business into areas for example: north, south, east, west or UK, Europe, and Africa. The business will have separate budgets for each area
Advantages of a hierarchical structure
- lots of opportunities for promotion
- Supervisors normally have a small span of control so they can get to know their subordinates really well
- Knowing subordinates means they can delegate the right tasks and make sure their team is well trained