4 - Executive Retirement Arrangements Flashcards
Excess benefit plans provide benefits that cannot be provided through qualified plans solely because of ________ limits on benefits and contributions.
If it is _______, an excess benefit plan is completely exempt from Title I of ERISA.
If it is ______, it is subject to Title I’s reporting and disclosure, fiduciary responsibility and enforcement provisions.
A supplemental plan providing benefits that a qualified plan cannot provide for reasons other than Section 415 limits—including the limit on compensation under Section 401(a)(17) and the dollar limit on elective deferrals—would not fall within the ______________ exemption.
Section 415
excess benefit plan
Top-hat plans are plans that are “________ and maintained by an employer primarily for the purpose of providing deferred compensation for a select group of management or highly compensated employees.”
Although they are ERISA Title I _______ plans, they are not subject to the participation, vesting, funding or fiduciary responsibility provisions of Title I. However, the enforcement and reporting and disclosure requirements do apply to these top-hat plans. Under the enforcement provisions, a top-hat plan must comply with ERISA’s ______ procedures and provide participants with access to ______ to pursue a claim for benefits.
The reporting and disclosure requirements that apply are simplified; the employer need only file a _______ with the Department of Labor (DOL) setting forth its name, address and taxpayer identification number; the number of top- hat plans it maintains; and the number of employees in each.
- unfunded
- pension
- claims review
- federal courts
- letter
Despite its failure to issue regulations or a definitive advisory opinion, DOL clearly has not adopted the ___ definition of highly compensated employees.
DOL expressed the view that the top-hat exemption would be available only for those employees who “by virtue of their position or compensation level, have the ability to affect their __________, taking into consideration any risks attendant thereto, and, [who] therefore, would not need the substantive rights and protection of _______.”
deferred compensation plan
Title I
Employers seek to have their nonqualified executive retirement arrangements fulfill one of the specified exemptions under ERISA since an exemption from Title I requirements gives the employer considerable flexibility in plan design in areas such as ______ requirements, ______and the ________ of otherwise vested benefits under certain conditions.
- participation
- vesting
- forfeiture
Why do employers seek to have their nonqualified executive retirement arrangements fulfill one of the specified exemptions under eRisA?
If a plan comes within the purview of Title I (for example, if it is funded or if it extends beyond a select group of executives), the following provisions of Title I apply (7):
- Reporting and disclosure
- Participation requirements
- Vesting
- Joint and survivor requirements
- Funding
- Fiduciary responsibility
- Accrual rules
The objectives most frequently set forth for implementing a supplemental executive retirement plan include the following:
- Restoring _____________: Most major employers have adopted excess benefit plans to replace retirement benefits that would have been payable under broad-based qualified plans were it not for the Section 415 limits. Many employers also have acted to restore qualified plan benefits lost by reason of other tax law provisions, such as the 401(a)(17) limit on pay that can be taken into account for qualified plan contributions and benefits, and the elective deferral limit for 401k plans. Plans structured to restore benefits lost because of these latter two limits must be structured as top-hat plans rather than as excess benefit plans.
- Providing more ____________: Often the objective of an executive benefit program is to provide a higher level of benefits than that generated by the company’s broad-based plans.
- Midcareer ___________: An executive changing jobs in mid- to late-career could suffer a significant loss in expected pension benefits because the pension from his or her former employer, although vested, will be frozen at the executive’s pay level at the time of change.
- Recognizing ________: Many broad-based plans provide benefits related to base pay only.
- Executive _________: One solution if an organization’s benefit programs are not uniform from one operation or location to another is to provide a supplemental umbrella plan that makes up any difference between the specified umbrella level of benefits and the benefits actually provided at the locations where the executive has been employed.
- base plan benefits
- benefits
- recruiting
- incentive pay
- transfers
Other objectives: There may be many other reasons for executive benefit programs including (5):
- Recognizing ___________: Because it cannot be considered as pay for determining qualified plan benefits or contributions, employers often establish supplemental arrangements to provide benefits related to deferred amounts.
- ________ treatment: Unfunded executive retirement plans need not comply with the vesting rules that apply to broad-based plans. A supplemental plan with rigorous vesting standards can help retain key executives since a terminating executive will forfeit accrued benefits unless termination occurs under circumstances where the employer is willing to provide these benefits.
- ________ provisions: Broad-based plan benefits cannot be forfeited once they are vested; such is not the case for unfunded supplemental executive benefits, which can be forfeited even after they are in payment status. Making benefits subject to forfeiture if an executive goes to work for a competitor after retirement could be a way of providing some protection in this event.
- _________: It may be desirable to encourage certain executives to retire before their normal retirement ages. If benefits under broad-based plans are insufficient to meet retirement income needs, supplemental benefits can be used to provide early retirement incentives.
- _________: Organizations often enter into different deferred compensation and supplemental benefit arrangements with individual executives as a result of negotiated employment agreements or corporate acquisitions. Supplemental executive benefit plans can standardize these arrangements and establish a uniform policy avoiding the need for special contracts and disclosure.
- deferred compensation
- Golden handcuffs
- Noncompete
- Golden handshakes
- Uniform
The general design issues that an employer should consider in structuring executive benefit programs (3):
- Internal _________: Many plans provide the same, or nearly the same, level of benefits for all executives while imposing relatively short-service requirements. Concern over this issue often prompts employers to provide additional service-related benefits for ______ executives.
- _______ and _______ considerations: Supplemental executive benefits generally fall within the scope of Financial Accounting Standard ___ as refined by Financial Accounting Standards 132 and 158. Special consideration should be given to ___________ assumptions for an executive group since items such as future salary growth, turnover and retirement ages might vary compared to patterns for rank-and-file employees.
- ___________ considerations: In an unfunded retirement plan, the employer generally is entitled to a deduction only when benefits are _____ or become taxable to the executive. Retirement benefits for executives will be treated as _______ without special treatment for lump sums. However, these benefits will not be subject to penalty taxes for early withdrawals or failure to meet minimum distribution requirements, as will be qualified plan payments. The issues of avoiding the tax doctrines of economic benefit or of constructive receipt are also important.
- long-service
Cost & accounting
- 87
- actuarial
- paid
- ordinary income
The __________ states that if a taxpayer is receiving a current benefit, he or she should be taxed currently on the value of that benefit.
The ___________ states that if a taxpayer could receive income at any time but elects to receive it later, he or she is still taxed currently because of having the nonforfeitable right to the income.
Revenue Ruling 60-31 states that deferred compensation is not taxed before actual receipt whether it is forfeitable or nonforfeitable, provided:
- The deferral is agreed to before ________.
- The deferral amount is not unconditionally placed in _____ or in ______ for the benefit of the employee.
- The promise to pay the deferred compensation is merely a ________ obligation not evidenced by notes or secured in any other manner.
doctrine of economic benefit
doctrine of constructive receipt
- the compensation is earned
- trust / escrow
- contractual
The reason differences between defined benefit and defined contribution plans are less significant in executive benefit plans than with broad-based plans and
- differences between these two approaches are ______ in the executive arena
- defined benefit executive plans are not subject to ______ provisions of ERISA
- A defined contribution executive benefit plan can be structured to avoid one of the key characteristics of a broad-based plan—the transfer of ______ and ______ risks to employees.
less significant
plan termination
investment / inflation
Most executive benefit plans have been established on a __________ basis, particularly in cases where the plan builds on an underlying broad-based defined benefit plan.
This approach works well when the plan is unfunded because it can accommodate most employer objectives and serves to _______ benefits from all sources. It also is easy to ______ and ______.
defined benefit
explain / administer
The defined contribution approach can be an attractive design for an executive benefit plan for several reasons, whether or not the plan is funded. These reasons include the following:
- Executives, accustomed to dealing with _______ plans, might feel more comfortable with this approach than with a conventional income-replacement approach.
- The defined contribution approach more readily coordinates with the use of ________ and its role in overall executive compensation.
- Any __________ when benefits are unfunded can be tied to company performance measurements such as growth in profits, company stock prices, dividend growth or return on assets.
- Several ________ issues are easier to deal with, such as offsets for vested benefits from prior employment, making additional contributions sufficient to attract executives in midcareer, and so forth.
- capital accumulation
- company stock
- imputed rates of return
- design
An executive benefit plan will have many provisions that are significantly different from the corresponding provisions in the employer’s broad-based plan. These distinctive provisions usually include: (3)
- Definitions of ________
- _______ rates
- _________ provisions.
- pay and service
- Benefit accrual
- Early retirement
There is little need for differences in certain design elements between executive plans and broad-based plans and, in fact, consistency can be highly desirable. Some areas where consistency usually occurs include the following:
- Form and manner in which benefits are ________ (i.e., joint and survivor payment options)
- Other optional forms of ______
- Right to make and change ________
- Facility of ________ (if the payee is mentally or physically incapable of accepting payment)
- Procedures if a beneficiary cannot be _______
- State law that will govern plan _______
- Right to ______ or ______ the plan.
It may also be prudent to coordinate executive and base plan administration and communication, although _______ considerations may dictate that the plans be handled separately.
- distributed
- payment
- beneficiary designations
- payment authority
- located
- interpretation
- amend / terminate
- confidentiality
(Executive Retirement Plans)
- Eligibility for participation normally is limited to members of top management who make significant contributions to the organization’s ______.
- Eligibility should be restricted to those executives for whom the plan is really _______.
- Eligibility requirements that are too broad or that are established so that they automatically expand the group covered, such as with a __________ that could be eroded by inflationary pressure, can lead to substantial cost increases for an employer.
minimum salary requirement
Executive Benefit Programs
The most frequently used criterion to establish eligibility for participation is ________.
For the reason noted in question 10, a minimum salary requirement generally is not desirable unless it is tied to some sort of price or _______.
Some organizations determine eligibility by whether the executive is eligible for the company’s _________ program.
No constraints are imposed by the IRC or ERISA on the selection of eligibility criteria; however, if the group covered is so large that it extends beyond “a _________ of management or highly compensated employees,” the plan could become a retirement plan as defined under Title I of ERISA and become subject to all of its requirements.
- position
- wage index
- incentive compensation
- select group
Two factors must be considered in defining the compensation on which (executive retirement) benefits will be based:
- the elements of ____ that will be included;
- the _______ (if any) over which compensation will be averaged.
- pay
- period of time
_________and _______ typically are included as compensation elements in executive retirement plans. Providing benefits relating to the latter is frequently a key plan objective. Pay may also be defined to include compensation that the executive has deferred for payment at some future time since these amounts cannot be used to determine benefits under a broad-based plan.
Base salary
short-term incentives
Certain elements of compensation are typically excluded from consideration in the compensation base in an executive retirement plan.
__________ are basically capital accumulation programs that are not considered part of regular, year-to-year compensation and thus need not be ________ when the executive is no longer working.
Other items such as perquisites and other forms of ________ are typically excluded.
Long-term incentive plans
imputed income
The determination of an executive’s service is important under an executive retirement arrangement because an executive’s service is relevant for determining:
- _______ to participate
- ______ rights
- Benefit _____
- Eligibility for ______.
- Initial eligibility
- Vesting
- accruals
- benefit payments
With one exception, EEOC requirements prohibit the use of a mandatory retirement age.
The exception relates to individuals who have been employed for at least ___ years as bona fide executives or executives in “_________ positions” and whose nonforfeitable employer-provided retirement benefits from all sources are at least $_______.
An employer can force any such individual to retire at or after the age of __. Employers need to consider whether they want to take advantage of this limited exception and mandate retirement to the extent allowed
high policy-making
The benefit structure of a defined contribution or capital accumulation plan is relatively straightforward.
The employer establishes a _____ or ______ amount, accumulates the contribution or credit with actual or imputed investment income, and pays out the accumulated amount at some ______—usually upon retirement, death, disability or other termination of employment.
The plan may be unfunded or funded, but typically ________. Some employers earmark or conditionally contribute amounts in the executive’s name, but these arrangements are usually not considered to be funded as contemplated by ERISA and the tax law, and they do not involve irrevocably committed assets.
contribution or credit
future time
If the executive plan is strictly a ________, then it automatically by definition has the same income-replacement objectives as the broad-based plan. If the executive plan is to provide benefits over and above those of the broad-based plan, the employer must decide what income-replacement percentages to use and whether to use the same percentage for executives at all pay levels.
The income-replacement target for executives is often ______ of pay, regardless of income level. Higher percentages could provoke _______ and even raise questions as to reasonableness of compensation from the standpoint of the ________ of plan costs.
restoration plan
shareholder criticism
Vesting in executive benefit plans often parallels the vesting provisions of the underlying broad-based plan. However, vesting provisions may be designed to be more liberal than those of the broad-based plan. This often occurs if the purpose of the executive plan is to facilitate ________ or encourage executives to __________. On the other hand, if the intent of the executive plan is to create _________, vesting requirements may be more stringent and may occur only when the executive qualifies for retirement.
midcareer recruiting
retire early
golden handcuffs
Under the rabbi trust approach, the company creates an ________ for the benefit of an executive or a group of participating executives.
The terms of the trust limit the use of the ______ to providing benefits for the participating executives. Thus, the trust assets cannot be used by __________ but remain subject to the claims of creditors in the event of the firm’s _______.
- irrevocable trust
- assets
- current or future management
- insolvency
The basic concept under the COLI (corporate-owned life insurance) approach is that the employer is the owner and beneficiary of a __________ designed to accumulate sufficient cash values to pay the benefits promised the executive.
The policy must be carried as a _______ and therefore provides only very limited ______ for the executive since cash values and death benefits are within the employer’s control.
life insurance contract
corporate asset
benefit security
Reasons for deferring current income from both the executive’s and the employer’s viewpoints are:
- Extending the executive’s income beyond _________ into retirement
- Spreading _______ over a wider span of years
- Tying the executive to the employer by stipulating ________ on the receipt of deferred amounts
- Adding to the executive’s _________.
normal working years
retirement income
To avoid the possibility of the executives being judged to be in constructive receipt of the deferred funds, three rules contained in Revenue Ruling 60-31 must be followed in drawing up a deferred compensation agreement. They are that the deferral must be:
- ________
- Agreed to before __________
- For a specified ________
Also, the agreement must ____________
- Irrevocable
- the compensation is earned
- length of time.
serve a business purpose.
if a deferred compensation arrangement (exec retirement) does not conform to a stipulated exception under Section 409A, such an arrangement would be included in income and be subject to ______.
Also, there would be an additional ____% tax on the amount of deferred compensation. This additionaltax is imposed on the _______.
regular taxation
service provider (employee).