4. Ethics/Legal Flashcards
What 4 areas are important for coaches professionalism (professional development)?
- Ongoing skills development
- Keeping up-to-date with relevant research
- Recertification (keeping certification current)
- Modeling healthy behavior skills (esp. prioritizing self-care)
What is the ICHWC Code of Ethics designed to provide?
- appropriate guidelines
- accountability
3 enforceable standards of conduct
for all ICHWC Credential-holders.
Which coaching professionals are required to abide by the ICHWC Code of Ethics?
All ICHWC Credential holders
this includes Credentialed health and wellness coaches Coach faculty Coach mentors Coaching students of ICHWC-approved coach training programs.
What is the ICHWC definition of a Professional Coaching Relationship?
A professional coaching relationship exists when
coaching includes an agreement that defines the rights, roles, and responsibilities of each party.
Who are the parties to a coaching agreement?
Client: the person being coached. (May also be called patient or coachee).
Sponsor: the entity paying for the coaching services.
What is the ICHWC definition of a mentor?
An individual who conducts coaching skills performance audits and provides feedback to coaches for the purpose of developing and enhancing their coaching skills.
What 3 key attitudes does the ICHWC Code of Ethics specify that coaches display in the course of their work with clients?
- Unconditional positive regard.
- Belief in the client’s capacity for change.
- Honoring that each client is an expert on their life.
In addition, all interactions are respectful and non-judgmental.
What are the 5 sections of the ICHWC Code of Ethics?
- Professional Conduct
- Conflicts of Interest
- Professional Conduct with Clients
- Confidentiality/Privacy
- Continuing Development
Section 1: Professional Conduct
In what coaching interactions do coaches need to comply with the ICHWC code of ethics.
(Which relationships does the Code of Ethics apply to?)
coach training
coach mentoring
- clients
- students
- mentees
- sponsors
- other coaches
What are the key topics covered by Section 1: Professional Conduct at Large of the Code of Ethics
- Reporting of ethics violations to ICHWC
- Non-discrimination
- True and accurate statements
- Accurate identification of my coaching qualifications and credentials
- Research conducted in accordance with professional guidelines
- Maintenance, storage and disposal of records to maintain security and privacy in compliance with laws
- Only authorized use of ICHWC coach contact info
What is the ICHWC definition of a conflict of interest?
A situation in which the coach has a personal interest sufficient to appear to influence their objectivity in their roles and responsibilities as a coach (faculty, or mentor).
What are the key areas covered by the conflicts of interest section of the Code of Ethics?
Disclosure of any conflicts or potential conflicts of interest to stakeholders
including conflicts related to:
- Coaches role in organization
- compensation from 3rd parties for referrals
- payments to 3rd parties for referrals
- compensation received from sale of products or non-coaching services
What does the Code of Ethics say regarding compensation from sale of products or non-coaching services?
Compensation from the sale of products or non-coaching services must be fully disclosed before coaching begins.
The quality or quantity of coaching sessions must not be dependent in any way upon the purchase of any additional products or services by the client.
What does ICHWC Code of Ethics say about respecting differences among people?
Refrain from unlawful discrimination including age, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, national origin, or disability.
Consistently demonstrate dignity and respect in all professional relationships.
What are the coaches responsibilities with respect to violations of the Code of Ethics
Coach: Coaches will conduct themselves in accordance with the Code of Ethics in all health and wellness interactions, including coach training and coach mentoring.
Others: If the coach becomes aware of any Code of Ethics violation, they will take appropriate action with the coach, faculty member, or mentor and will contact the ICHWC to address any ethics violation as soon as they become aware of such situation
Communicate and create awareness in others who might need to be informed of responsibilities
What does the Code of Ethics say about verbal and written statements?
I make verbal and written statements that are true and accurate about
- what I offer as a health and wellness coach
- the coaching professions
- the ICHWC
What does the Code of Ethics say about qualifications?
I accurately identify my
- coaching qualifications
- expertise
- experience
- training
- certifications, and
- ICHWC credentials.
What does the Code of Ethics say about the work of others?
I recognize and honor the efforts and contributions of others and only claim ownership of my own material.
What does the Code of Ethics say about personal issues?
I strive at all times to recognize any personal issues that may impair, conflict with, or interfere with my coaching performance.
I will promptly seek the relevant professional assistance and determine the action to be taken, including whether it is appropriate to suspend or terminate my coaching relationship.
Which relationships does the Code of Ethics apply to ?
My relationship with
- coaching clients
- sponsors
- students
- mentees
- other coaches
What does the Code of Ethics say about conducting research?
I conduct and report research with competence, honesty and within recognized scientific standards and guidelines.
Research I participate in will be carried out with the informed consent of those participating and the approval of all regulatory bodies.
Such research efforts will be performed in a manner that complies with the applicable laws and regulations of the jurisdictions involved.
What does the Code of Ethics say about records?
I maintain, store, and dispose of records, including electronic files and communications, created during coaching engagements in a manner that promotes confidentiality, security, and privacy and complies with any applicable laws, regulations, and agreements.
What does the Code of Ethics say about coach contact information?
I use ICHWC-credentialed coach contact information such as email addresses and phone numbers only in a manner and to the extent authorized by the ICHWC.
What does the Code of Ethics say about ethical speech?
I ethically speak what I know to be true to clients about the
- potential value of the coaching process
- me as a coach
What doe the Code of Ethics specify that needs to be made clear to sponsors and clients?
I make clear to any sponsor and to the client what
- activities fall within the scope of practice of an ICHWC-certified health and wellness coach
- outcomes that can reasonable be expected
What ethical standards to health and wellness need to adhere to?
ICHWC Code of Ethics
all ethical standards of practice for their healthcare licensure and credentials
What do coaches need to explain prior to or at the initial meeting with a coaching client or sponsor?
Carefully explain and strive to ensure that prior to or at the initial meeting my coaching client and sponsor understands
- the nature of health and wellness coaching
- the nature and limits of confidentiality
- financial arrangements
- any other terms of the coaching agreement
What should be included in a coaching service agreement?
The roles, responsibilities, and rights of all parties involved.
The coaching agreement should be clear and agreed to. by client and sponsor before beginning the coaching relationship.
What does the Code of Ethics say about boundaries?
I hold responsibility for being aware of and setting clear, appropriate and culturally sensitive boundaries that govern interactions, physical or otherwise, I may have with clients or sponsors.
What does the Code of Ethics say about sexual or romantic relationships?
Avoid sexual or romantic relationships with current clients, sponsors, students, mentees, or supervisee’s.
I will take appropriate action to address the possibility potential sexual or romantic relationships among support staff and assistants and will take appropriate action to address the issue or cancel the engagement in order to provide a safe environment for all.
What does the Code of Ethics say about client termination of the coaching relationship?
I respect the client’s right to terminate the coaching relationship at any point during the process, subject to provision of the agreement.
I shall remain alert to indications that there is a shift in the value received from the coaching relationship.
What does the Code of Ethics say about protecting the client?
I strive to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the client.
I will encourage the client or sponsor to make a change if I believe the client would be better served by another coach or resource.
I will support my client seeking the services of other professionals when deemed necessary or appropriate.
What does the Code of Ethics require regarding confidentiality of client information?
I maintain the strictest levels of confidentiality with all client and sponsor information unless release is required by law.
How should coaches communicate confidentiality policies?
Both orally and in writing.
It is up to the coach to create a safe place by establishing a policy of confidentiality at the beginning of the coaching relationship.
What should the coach do when the client wants to disclose something that they do not want written down as part of their record?
It is important that the coach exclude such confidences from the records or coaching notes but only if it does not create a liability to report on the coaches part.
The coach is required to report behaviors that are
- health endangering or
- illegal
What should the coach do when the client wants to disclose something that they do not want written down as part of their record?
It is important that the coach exclude such confidences from the records or coaching notes but only if it does not create a liability to report on the coaches part.
The coach is required to report behaviors that are
- health endangering or
- illegal
What agreements should be in place at the start of the coaching relationship related to confidentiality?
- how coaching information will be exchanged, including mobile health and electronic health date collected by the client.
- when confidentiality may NOT be maintained
When may confidentiality not be maintained?
What should the coach do at the beginning of the coaching relationship about the potential situations where confidentiality may not be maintained?
When required by law to release client health data
- when required by a valid court order or subpoena
- in case of illegal activity
- in case of imminent or likely risk of danger to self or others
Make sure both client and sponsor, student, mentee, or supervisee voluntarily and knowingly agree in writing to that limit of confidentiality.
Who in the coaches office is required to adhere to the ICHWC Code of Ethics standards on confidentiality?
All those who work for the coach in support of their clients are required to adhere to the ICHWC Code of Ethics, Section 4, Number 26, Confidentiality and Privacy Standards and any other sections of the Code of Ethics that might be applicable.
What doe the ICHWC Code of Ethics say about continuing development?
I commit to the continued and ongoing development of my professional skills.
Recite the ICHWC Pledge of Ethics
As a health and wellness coach, I acknowledge and agree to honor my ethical and legal obligations to my coaching clients and sponsors, colleagues, and to the public at large. I pledge to comply with the ICHWC Code of Ethics and to practice these standards with those whom I coach, teach, mentor, or supervise.
What does it mean for coaches to walk-the-talk?
to engage in healthy behaviors in their own lives
prioritizing self-care
self-monitoring of emotions and triggers
What is outside of the health coaches scope of practice?
Health and Wellness coaches do not
- diagnose conditions
- prescribe treatments
- provide psychological therapeutic interventions
Also, HWC are not content experts in health or disease
They may provide expert guidance in areas in which they hold active, nationally recognized credentials and
They may offer resources from nationally recognized authorities such as CDC, MyPlate, AND, ADA, AMA, ACSM
When can HWC provide expert guidance?
They may provide expert guidance in areas in which they hold active, nationally recognized credentials
They may offer resources from nationally recognized authorities such as CDC, MyPlate, AND, ADA, AMA, ACSM, American College of Lifestyle Medicine, Institute of Lifestyle Medicine.
Is it Ok for a HWC to coach someone with a medical condition?
as long as the client is currently getting medical treatment for their condition
and the coach stays within their scope of practice:
The coach supports their client in achieving health goals and behavioral change based on their clients own goals and consistent with treatment plans as prescribed by the client’s healthcare provider.
What red flags would indicate that a client might be showing signs of depression and should be referred to their physicians?
- not eating or sleeping in normal patterns
- not sleeping or sleeping all the time
- loss of appetite
- binge eating
What red flags would indicate that a client might be showing signs of an eating disorder and should be referred to their physicians?
Eating disorders:
- client lost a great deal of weight and continue to do so when advised it will be harmful to their health (anorexia)
- client exercises beyond their normal physical capacity
- client continues to gain and/or lose 20 to 30 pounds without stabilizing
What red flags would indicate that a client might be showing signs of substance abuse and should be referred to their physician?
Signs of substance abuse.
-displays unusual behaviors, such as acting out or violent outbursts, that are uncharacteristic for them
What red flags would indicate that a client might be showing signs of anxiety disorder and should be referred to their physician?
Signs of an anxiety disorder Client suffers from -panic attacks -claustrophobic behavior -shortness of breath
What should the coach do if a client shares a serious or life threatening mental or physical health issue during an assessment or coaching session?
The coach should advise them that the situation is outside the scope of coaching and encourage and assist them to seek professional help as soon as possible.
What should a coach do if they believe that the client should seek medical attention or needs resources outside the coach’s expertise?
The coach must respectfully express that concern.
If the client chooses not to engage additional resources, it is recommended that the coaching relationship be terminated until the client has received the appropriate assistance.
If the coach does not have connections to appropriate referrals, clients can be encouraged to see their primary care physicians for referrals.
Can a coach seek advice about a client from another health professional?
Yes, but they must comply with HIPAA privacy requirements and not share the client’s name or any revealing personal information.
What is Protected Health Information (PHI) under HIPAA?
Protected Health Information:
includes all “individually identifiable health information” held or transmitted by a covered entity or its business associate, in any form or media, whether electronic, paper, or oral.
“Individually identifiable health information” is information, including demographic data, that relates to:
- the individual’s past, present or future physical or mental health or condition,
- the provision of health care to the individual, or
- the past, present, or future payment for the provision of health care to the individual,
- and that identifies the individual or for which there is a reasonable basis to believe it can be used to identify the individual.
Individually identifiable health information includes many common identifiers (e.g., name, address, birth date, Social Security Number).
What are the situations when PHI may be disclosed without patient consent being required?
The HIPAA Privacy Rule permits use and disclosure of protected health information, without an individual’s authorization or permission, for 12 national priority purposes, including
- as required by law
- public health activities (to public health authorities authorized to collect such data)
- Victims of abuse, neglect or domestic violence
- law enforcement purposes
- serious threat to health and safety
- worker’s compensation compliance