1.1 & 1.2 Coaching Structure - Prelim/Intake Session Flashcards
1.1.1 What can a coach do before a coaching session to get into a coaching mindset so they can be present and emotionally available with their client?
- Prepare: review notes from previous sessions, client assessment results, and client communications. (Also prepare space for coaching and eliminate distractions).
- Get Present:
- Practice Mindfulness
- Set an intention (“I choose to pay attention”)
- Connect to purpose - Get Curious:
- consider initial strengths-based inquiries.
1.1.1 What effect does the coaches state have on the coaching session?
The coach’s state helps the client become calm and receptive which fosters self-awareness and self-discovery.
1.1.1 Why is mindfulness important to coaches in a coaching session?
It helps coaches be aware of and manage their emotions during coaching sessions.
When a client triggers an emotional response, a coach needs to notice those feelings and then gently set them aside and stay focused on the client. (Examining those feelings later outside the coaching session is important to the coaches development.
The more the coach knows about what is going on with themselves, the less they will allow their own stuff (feelings, worries, and opinions) get in the way of being present in the moment.
“Listen until I don’t exist.” Is the motto of great coaches.
1.1.1 What is one way of activating mindfulness before coaching sessions? (Wellcoaches approach)
Take 3 deep breaths.
Close eyes for 5 seconds.
Become aware of your breathing.
Say to self:
I am grateful for this opportunity to connect and make a difference.
I have an opportunity to make a pivotal contribution.
I am open to and curious about what will unfold.
I choose to be present.
1.1.1 What are some tips for mindful listening?
Do not think about what you will say next until the client has spoken the last word of their thought.
Listen for emotions as well as facts.
Do not interrupt.
Pause after your client has spoken.
Weave the client’s last words into the next step.
Weave the client’s story into later steps.
Mirror (reflect) what the client has said to confirm your understanding.
1.1 What 3 competencies are important for the coach to utilize to prepare for a coaching session?
- Coach is calm, present, and emotionally available. (Coaching mindset).
- Review available client materials.
- Arrange logistics: meeting room, conference call arrangements, etc.
1.2.1 What are some attitudes a coach can bring to a session that can benefit clients?
Confidence is contagious.
What is appreciated appreciates.
Listen for client’s agenda (what are they wanting to focus on? What are their needs?)
Gently and kindly bring awareness to discrepancies between the client’s stated goals and their current behaviors (notice and reflect).
Trust intuition. When the coach connects with their intuition it helps the client connect more deeply to their own intuition.
1.2 What should be covered in the initial or intake coaching session?
- Describe the coaching process (what coaching is and is not)
- Review information and assessments from the client
- Determine if coaching is a good fit for the client.
- Establish the coaching agreement: Clarify coach roles and expectations What are the roles of the coach in the coaching relationship? (What should be discussed in the intake session?)
- Describe difference between education and coaching: educators have information or expertise to share with students; while coaches enable clients to discover that information for themselves.
- Coaches will listen, ask questions, and reflect what they are hearing in ways that promote client learning, growth and movement.
- Coach does not diagnose or prescribe.
- Coach does not give unsolicited advice. What are the roles of the client in the coaching relationship?
Client will
- self-determine their vision and goals.
- self-determine their action steps.
- be actively engaged in trying new behaviors as planned with the coach
1.2.4 What is covered in the prospect stage of the coaching relationship?
- Discuss what coaching is and what it is not.
- Introduce coach’s biography.
- Discuss program protocol, fees, payment
1.2.1 How can a coach establish rapport in the first coaching session?
- Get to know you questions (questions about the client’s occupation, family, hobbies, physical activities, or daily routine to find areas of commonality between the coach and client and start building a sense of connection.)
- Coach shares biography briefly. (convey the coach’s passion about the work and describe relevant education and experience). Ask: What would you like to know about me before we begin?
According to Wellcoaches what is the coach approach?
A personalized learning system which enables clients to find their own answers and achieve exceptional results even in the face of challenges. Why is it important to discuss confidentiality and record keeping in the first coaching session?
Being clear about policies of confidentiality and record keeping communicates to the client that the coach respects the clients right to privacy and will maintain records and communications in a way that protects those rights.
The coach’s commitment to maintaining confidentiality is key to maintaining the client’s trust.
This applies to records created, stored, accessed, transferred, and disposed of by coaches during the course of working with clients.
1.3 What is typically focused on in the first coaching session?
Gaining a good understanding of the client’s
Reviewing assessment results and
starting to build a
A Plan What is included in the Wellcoaches protocol for designing the coaching relationship Set Expectations phase?
Set Expectations:
- Discuss What is coaching and what is not coaching
- Introduce coach’s biography
- Discuss confidentiality and record keeping
- Discuss coaching agreement principles
- Clarify expectations regarding logistics
- –Lengths and number of session
- –payments
- –scheduling and rescheduling
- Share assessment for client to complete
1.2. What is included in the Wellcoaches protocol for designing the coaching relationship: Prepare for Startup Session?
- Review the client’s assessment: seek out success, consider stages of readiness, question gaps, and note concerns.
- Practice mindfulness
- Remember key coaching skills:
- mindful listening
- open inquiry (questions)
- perceptive reflection - Formulate curious, strengths based questions.
1.2. What is included in the Wellcoaches protocol for designing the coaching relationship: Session Opening (Intake session)?
- Welcome and thank you.
- Thank client for completing assessment.
- Review session agenda:
- Confirm client’s expectations and priorities
- Review assessment
- Gather additional information
- Create vision
- Design goals
1.2.5 What is included in the Wellcoaches protocol for designing the coaching relationship: Explore Well-being Assessment?
- Ask the client what questions they have after completing the well-being assessment.
- As the client what insights they may have had when completing the well-being assessment?
- Gather missing information.
- Discuss client’s medical history and need for physician release in applicable.
1.2.2 What questions regarding the coaching relationship should be considered in the prospect stage of coaching?
Is coaching the right service for the client at this time?
If so, are you the right coach for them?
1.2.4 What is the role of the coaching agreement?
The coaching agreement clarifies “who is responsible for what”
It establishes the roles, responsibilities and rights of each party (Professional coaching relationship.)
1.2.1 What does a coach do in the first coaching session to set the climate/stage?
- 2.1.1 Establish Rapport
1. 2.1.2 Understand what client hopes to get out of coaching What questions can the coach ask to understand what the client wants from coaching? (Where they currently are and where they want to go)
- Discover what is going well:
What are you currently doing to support your health and well being?
What aspects of your life give your energy and joy, make you feel alive?
What makes you thrive?
- Explore what is wanted:
Where do you want to make a difference in your life?
What elements of your health and well being do you want to improve?
What do you want more of in your life?
What do you want less of?
What would you like the outcome of our coaching to be?
What 4 areas are typically covered in the first coaching session (or in a preliminary introduction to coaching)?
- Orientation to coaching (what it is)
- Logistics (appointment scheduling/rescheduling, cancellation policy, payment arrangements, length of coaching sessions, number of coaching sessions)
- Focus of coaching (Discovery - where you are and where you want to go)
- May use assessment (Wellness assessment, Heath Assessment, or Life Wheel) to help client bring awareness to what they are wanting.
—In Wellcoaches model 1 - 3 are covered in a preliminary session.
- Designing the future (vision, long-term goals) What questions can the coach ask to understand what the client wants from coaching? (Where they currently are and where they want to go)
- Discover what is going well:
What are you currently doing to support your health and wellbeing?
What do you value most about your (relationships, work, …)?
- Explore what is wanted:
Where do you want to make a difference in your life?
What works for you when you are successful at making change?
What motivates you?
What 4 areas are typically covered in the first coaching session (or in a preliminary introduction to coaching)?
- Orientation to coaching (what it is)
- Logistics (appointment scheduling/rescheduling, cancellation policy, payment arrangements, length of coaching sessions, number of coaching sessions)
- Focus of coaching (Discovery - where you are and where you want to go)
- May use assessment (Wellness assessment, Heath Assessment, or Life Wheel) to help client bring awareness to what they are wanting.
—In Wellcoaches model 1 - 3 are covered in a preliminary session.
- Review assessments
- Designing the future (vision, long-term goals)
1.2.3 Explain the coaching process
Wellcoaches 126 - 129
Wisdom 28-30, 33-36, 62-80 What guidelines and parameters should be addressed in the coaching agreement discussion?
Logistics (in person, phone, session length, # of sessions)
Scheduling (also rescheduling or cancellations)
Inclusion of others if appropriate (sponsor) What are some of the options to consider when establishing the type of coaching relationship?
Type of coaching arrangement:
- brief (laser) coaching session
- multiple session engagement
How sessions conducted:
- In person
- telephonic
- video call What are some of the options to consider when establishing the type of coaching relationship?
Type of coaching arrangement:
- brief (laser) coaching session
- multiple session engagement
How sessions conducted:
- In person
- telephonic
- video call
Communication between sessions (How?)
Incentives / Sponsor role
- Coaching app or portal What are some of the options to consider when establishing the type of coaching relationship?
Type of coaching arrangement:
- brief (laser) coaching session
- multiple session engagement
How sessions conducted:
- In person
- telephonic
- video call
Communication between sessions (How?)
Incentives / Sponsor role
- Coaching app or portal
1.2.5 What should the coach include in their review of assessments?
WC 113-114
Wisdom 130 - 134, 327-328
1.2.6 What is one way a coach can allocate time in a 30 minute ongoing coaching session? (Wellcoaches)
Session opening - 2 to 3 minutes (7%)
Weekly goal review - 5 to 7 minutes (20%)
Generative moment (focus topic) - 10 to 12 minutes (40%)
Goal setting - 5 to 7 minutes (20%)
Session close 2 to 3 minutes (6%)
3-Month goal review (monthly) 2 to 3 minutes (7%)
1.2.5 What are some of the benefits of reviewing assessments with clients?
Builds trust and rapport: provides client’s with a safe space to tell their story
Promotes self-discovery and awareness: It helps increase the client’s awareness by giving them an opportunity to see a summary of their state of well-being. (Key because awareness precedes action in the service of goals.)
Develop discrepancy: Helps to develop discrepancy by bringing awareness to where the client currently is and where they want to be.
Writing may be a preferred communication style: Some clients may feel more comfortable initially providing personal info in writing.