(4) Classification and Evolution Flashcards
What is a classification system
Arranges species into groups based on evolutionary origins, close relationships and common ancestors.
Useful to identify species, predict characteristics and establish evolutionary links.
Taxonomic hierarchy
Domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species.
Species - 2 individuals breed to produce fertile offspring.
Fewer organisms in each group, going down.
Binomial naming system
Includes its genus (with capital letter), species (in lowercase) and the entire name should be written in italics or underlined.
Homo sapiens
Helps to avoid confusion of using common names, one organism might have 100 different species with the same name.
Five Kingdoms
Original classification system - using observable characteristics
Prokaryote - (bacteria), no membrane bound organelles, unicellular.
Protoctista - (algae), membrane bound organelles, uni/multicellular.
Fungi - (mould), membrane bound organelles, uni/multicellular, chitin cell wall.
Plantae - (flowering plants), membrane bound organelles, multicellular, cellulose cell wall.
Animalia - (mammals, fish), membrane bound organelles, multicellular.
New evidence for calssification
Based off other evidence: DNA (base sequence of genes, the sequence of amino acids in protein),
behaviour (social organisation),
anatomical (structure/function of body parts).
embryological (early stages of development)
3 Domains of life
bacteria and archaea (prokaryotes)
eukarya (protoctista, plantae, fungi, animalia - organisms with a nucleus)
RNA polymerase is different in bacteria and archaea,
histones are similar in archaea and eukarya,
ribosomes are larger in eukarya,
protein synthesis, the first amino acid synthesised is different in eukarya.
Phylogenetics - study of the evolutionary history of organisms.
Phylogenetic trees represent the evolutionary relationship between organisms and they show that different species evolve from the same common ancestor. Closely related species diverges away from each other more recently - branches are closer together.
Species is the smallest group that shares the common ancestor - phylogenetic species.
Classifying organisms in this way - cladistics.
Advantages: produces a continuous tree, whereas classification requires discrete taxonomic groups. Classification can be misleading
Different types of variation
Intraspecific - variation within species.
Interspecific - variation between species.
Continuous variation - when individuals in a population vary within a range, no distinct categories. Polygenic
Examples : milk yield in animals or mass in humans, number of leaves on a plant, or the width of a bacteria or length of the flagellum.
Discontinuous variation - 2 or more distinct categories and an individual can only fit into one. Controlled by one genes.
Examples : blood group in humans, colour of plant or seed shape, antibiotic resistance in microorganisms.
Genetic causes of variation
Different species have different genes. Differences in genotype cause differences in phenotype, which can be observed. Blood groups in humans are caused by different alleles on specific genes which are inherited.
Sexual reproduction and meiosis also causes variation - independent assortment (metaphase 1) and crossing over (prophase 1)
Mutations - causing changes in the proteins that are being coded for.
Environmental causes of variation
Climate, food, lifestyle.
Characteristics controlled by the environment can change over time, for example piercings, or accent.
Plants may be affected by the environment to a greater degree because they cannot move.
Environmental and genetic cause
Most variation is caused by an interaction of both genetics and environment. For example, height may be determined by genes, but a more diet will affect the expression of the gene.
Representing variation graphically
Darwin’s theory of evolution
Realised that organisms best suited the environment are more likely to survive and reproduce. These traits are then passed on to future generations by genes and gradually a species changes over time to have a more advantageous phenotype.
This leads to evolution because the favourable characteristics become more common in a population.
Selection pressures - predation, disease and competition. Those without advantageous characteristics are less likely to survive and have reproductive sucess.
Examples : peppered moths, antibiotic resistant bacteria.
Evidence for evolution
Fossils - remains of organisms preserved in rocks, different layers of rock correspond to different geological eras, so they can be arranged in chronological order to observe gradual changes.
Simplest organisms are found in the oldest rock. It also allows us to investigate relationships between extinct organisms and living ones.
However the fossil record is not complete, some organisms may have died without being preserved.
Homologous structures - appear superficially different and may perform different actions (limb).
DNA - evolution is caused by gradual changes in the base sequence of DNA. Organisms that diverged from each other more recently should have more similar DNA as less time has passed for changes to occur. Can also look at mitochondria DNA.
Molecular evidence - comparing sequence of amino acids in proteins, (cytochrome c), the order of DNA bases or compare antibodies. Then scientists can then estimate the point at which the 2 species last shared a common ancestor. Those who are distantly related have far fewer similarities. Ribosomal RNA has a slower rate of substitution so can be used to compare relationships in ancient species.
Different types of adaptations
Increase organisms chance of survival
Behavioural adaptations
Acts that increase chance of survival.
Playing dead or freezing.
May also migrate or hibernate to cope with environmental changes.
Courtship behaviours - increase chance of finding a mate (dancing scorpions)
Anatomical adaptations
Structural features that increase chance of survival.
Body coverings - feathers on a bird, thick hair on a polar bear.
Camouflage to blend into environment.
Teeth adapted to organisms diet.
Physiological adaptations
Process inside organism’s body that increases chance of survival.
Poison production to kill and protect themselves.
Antibiotic production to kill other species and reduce competition.
Convergent evolution
Organisms from different taxa can show similar adaptations like anatomical features because they have evolved to survive in similar environments and fill similar ecological niches. Analogous structures.
Marsupials - short gestation period, so not develop full placentas. born early and continue to develop.
Placental - long gestation period, develop placenta for exchange of nutrients, born fully developed.
Marsupial and placental moles are not closely related, they evolved in different continents. But, they have similar anatomical features because they live in similar environments.
They both live in tunnels underground and burrow to reach their food supply, they have small or non-existent eyes (underground so do not need to be able to see), streamlines head without ears (for burrowing), scoop shaped paws and specialised claws (for digging), tube shaped body (making it easier to push through soil).
Other examples: birds/bat wings, dolphin/fish body.
How evolution in some species has implications for humans.
Insects have evolved resistance to pesticides.
Crop infestations with pesticide resistance are harder to control, it can lead to all of the crop being destroyed. Farmers might have to use a broader range of pesticides which also kill beneficial insects.
If disease carrying insects (mosquitos) evolve resistance to all pesticides, it could cause an increase in the spread of disease.
To prevent this more pesticides need to be produced which can be expensive.
Infections caused by drug resistant microorganisms are harder to treat, patients could get ill or die (malaria)
If a pathogen becomes resistant to all drugs, new drugs may need to be developed which can be expensive.