4. Children with DS Flashcards
Children with DS are at high risk for?
Heart defect, hypothyroidism, leukaemia, hearing impairment, susceptibility to infection digestive problems, epilepsy, autism etc.
Alzheimers and DS
Adults with DS have an earlier onset of Alzheimer’s.
Accomplishment development in normal child vs children with DS?
Children with DS are much delayed to reach accomplishments compared to a typical child.
DS children have a different learning profile, what does this mean?
They have speech delay, reduced fine muscle control (difficulties in saying/ forming words) – hence rely on sign language. Biggest weakness in auditory processing. Visual learning is a strength – they do well at visual task. Hence, they learn by showing them what to do rather than telling them what to do.
Emmetropisation meaning
Growing out of refractive errors in children
Relationship between refractive error and Emmetropisation?
Higher the refractive error (+)- faster the process of Emmetropisation. It is hence an active process.
Relationship between emetroprisation and axial length?
Hypermetropic eyes have a short axial length as the child grows the axial length grows, hence they grow out of the hypermetropia.
True or false: * Emmetropisation drives the eyes towards low hypermetropia
Do children with DS emmetropise?
Emmetropisation- does it apply to myopic eyes ?
No, because myopic eyes have a long axial length
Does Emmetropisation occur in CP?
CP is an adverse event that causes brain damage. At birth children with CP will have the same refractive error as normal children because this defect happens after birth.
Most common form of cerebral visual impairment is?
What are the guidelines for prescribing a child with hypermetropia- normal vs child with DS?
Guidelines for prescribing ‘ordinary’ children:
1. Monitor refractive error over time.
2. Allow time for Emmetropisation before 2 years.
3. Prescribe only if Emmetropisation is not event.
For children with Down’s syndrome:
1. Emmetropisation is much less likely.
2. Prescribe more readily at a young age.
Do children at risk with amblyopia and strabismus emmetropes?
- Children at risk of strabismus and amblyopia are those that DO NOT emmetropise.
Hence, this risk can be minimized by prescribing early.
If you find an ordinary child who is hypermetropic and not emmetropising- seen 2+ more times by optom and RX not changing. What is this child at risk for?
The child is at high risk of developing strabismus and amblyopia. This risk is minimised by prescribing early before they get strabismus or amblyopia.
What is the relationship between DS and strabismus?
No relation, strabismus in children with DS cab occur with any or no RX, with no risk factors.
Children with DS- more likely to have a convergent or divergent strabismus?
Why is it important to check accommodation in children with DS?
Accommodation is an important factor when testing children. Because, for children near tasks are very important compared to distance. All the learning takes place at near.
Where does light focus in the retina for a myopic eye vs hyperopic eye?
Myopia- light from optical infinity distance comes to focus in front of the retina.
Hypertropia it is in focus behind the retina.
For Notts dynamic ret- does the px have to wear RX?
Target in Notts is at what distance?
20- 25cm
What is seen on Notts - if a child is accommodating to the target?
Neutral movement on ret reflex