4) Biological Membranes Flashcards
Biological membranes
Complex structures consisting of many molecules
Specialised function
Basic functions of bio membranes
Barrier function
Physically separates cell from environment
Divides cell into many smaller compartments with diverse functions
Ensures high speed and efficiency due to large total area
Asymmetrical bio membranes
Definition the surface has different compositions, structure and functions
Each membrane has 2 surfaces inner and outer
Types of bio membranes
Intact has original structure and function
Factors affecting biomembranes
Charge to charge
Charge to dipole
Dipole to dipole
Induced dipole
Charge induced dipole
Dipole induced dipole
Hydrophobic interactions
When hydrophobic molecules are placed into water it takes up space between water molecules restricting ability to form hydrogen bonds
Form h bonds easily with water this creates attractive force
Hydrophilic head and hydrophobic tail that is a fatty acid tail
Drivers function
Molecular mass from 10000 to 1000000 daltons
Free mobile phase exchangeable with water inside and outside of cell
Capture is when the mobile lander is surrounded by lipids which is exchanged with water inside or outside of the cell
Bonded is when immobile water molecules surround polar parts of lipids
Model of hotter and Grendel
Membranes are made from a lipid bilayer
Lipids extracted from membranes form a monomolecular layer of twice the area of original membrane
Model of Davson and danielli
Double lipid layer is coated on both sides by globular proteins
Bilayer is Punctured with pores lined by proteins
Model of zahler
Proteins are floating on the surface of the lipid bolster snd partially submerged in it
Fluid mosaic model part 1
The lipid builds a double layer with its hydrophobic fatty acid tail and hydrophilic heads
At physiological temp the lipids are in mesomorphous state
That is ordered and has structure
Cholesterol molecules insert between the hydrophobic tails
Proteins and carbohydrates
Proteins are placed on the surface of the lipid bilateral and are partially submerged in the bilayer
Span the entire bilayer
Attach to proteins and lipids on the extracellular surface
Asymmetrical properties
External leaflet of the bilayer is more dense
Contains more phospholipids and cholesterol
Fatty acid chains are more saturated
Membrane variability and dynamics
Continuous replaced of the molecules with new ones
Half life
Proteins have 2 -140 hours
Lipids have 14-80 hours
Artificial membranes
Composition, shape and structure
Lipids only
Lipids and proteins
Flat membranes
Spherical membranes
Monomolecular layer
Flat monolayer
Formed by water and air boundary by single layer of lipids
Used to investigate:
Changes of the state of lipids at different temperature
Area occupied by single lipid molecule in different states
Flat bilayer
Both surfaces of the membrane are in contact with water
Used to study:
Electrical resistance of membranes
Generation of surface electric charge on membranes
Water dispersion of lipids
Monolayer spherical membranes
Spherical membranes consisting of one or more lipid bilayer
Applications of lysosomes
Investigation of the structure of lipid bilayers
Investigating the permeability of membranes to various substances
Deliver of drugs into cells