4 Arrival Departure Resource Guides Flashcards
Clearance void phraseology?
Clearance void if not off by (Time), if not off by (time) advise aero center not later than (Time+10 mins) of intentions.
Clearance void stripmarking?
V< Time(last 2 digits of Time+10 minutes)
What is the last piece of phraseology given in a 0M8 or KVKS departure clearance?
Verify This clearance will allow compliance with local traffic pattern and terrain or obstruction avoidance.
What are the 5 pieces of phraseology needed for a KGWO departure?
- Via depart southwest direct SQS (issue route or) “as filed”
- Give clearance and if necessary: “(pilot’s requested altitude) is not available.”
- Cleared Via Direct SQS Victor five thirty five Holly Springs airport, then as filed.
- visual separation approved between (departure call sign) and (arrival call sign), (departure call sign) released.
- (#2 call sign) released two minutes after (#1 call sign) departs.
What are the 5 pieces of phraseology needed for a KVKS departure?
- Will the pilot of (call sign) accept a northeast departure with turns?
- Give Clearance and if necessary: “(pilot’s requested altitude) is not available.”
- Via depart northeast turn (left/right) fly heading (330/030) until joining victor four seventeen, victor four seventeen.
- Clearance void if not off by (time), if not off by (time) advise aero center not later than (time+10 minutes) of intentions.
- Verify this clearance will allow compliance with local traffic pattern and terrain or obstruction avoidance.”
What are the 4 pieces of phraseology are needed for a 0M8 departure?
- Via when entering controlled airspace fly heading one five zero until joining victor four twenty seven, victor four twenty seven
- Give clearance and if necessary: “(pilot’s requested altitude) is not available.”
- Clearance void if not off by (time), if not off by (time) advise aero center not later than (time+10 minutes) of intentions.
- Verify this clearance will allow compliance with local traffic pattern and terrain or obstruction avoidance.
What two pieces of phraseology are needed for a KJAN/KMLU clearance?
- Release (call sign 2) using the twenty two knot rule in trail of (call sign 1)
- Release (call sign 2) two-zero miles in trail of (call sign 1).
You are D66 when calling who?
D12, D15, D65, D67, ZAE FDU
You are Jackson Lo when calling who?
Jackson/Monroe Approach, Greenwood Tower/Radio, Monroe Lo, Hammond Lo
You are aero center when calling who?
What is the W.H.A.T.?
W- Where is the aircraft/boundary?
H- Holding patterns?
A- Airspace?
T- Traffic
Departure/Enroute Sequence?
D follows D
D follows E
E follows E
E never follows D
What are the 7 pieces of information needed for a JAN/MLU approach?
- Call sign
- Type of Aircraft
- Equipment Suffix
- Estimate over Fix
- Altitude (witha restriction)
- Destination, if other than KJAN
- Transfer of Control Point (TCP)
What are the 4 pieces of information needed for a KGWO approach?
- Call Sign
- Type of Aircraft
- Airport Estimate
- Type of approach
Hold Clearance Format?
F - Fix R - Route A - Altitude H - Hold (including EFC) E - Everything else
What is the holding clearance for an arrival at KGWO?
(Call sign) cleared to SQS VORTAC (altitude), hold southwest on the two five six radial, left turns, expect further clearance (time)
What is the approach clearance for an arrival at KGWO?
(Call sign) cleared VOR runway five approach circle to runway two three
What is the holding clearance for a KJAN arrival?
(Call sign) Cleared to JAN VORTAC, (altitude), hold northwest as published, no delay expected.
What is the holding clearance for a KMLU arrival?
(Call sign) cleared to Dinky intersection, (altitude), hold northeast on Victor 18, expect further clearance (5 mins after Dinky time)
What is the holding clearance for a KVKS arrival?
(Call sign) cleared to VKS radio beacon, (altitude), hold southwest on the one niner five bearing from the VKS radio beacon, left turns, expect further clearance (10 mins after VKS time)
What is the approach clearance for a KVKS arrival?
(Call sign) cleared approach VKS airport
What cancellation has to be reported for arrivals at 0M8 or KVKS
(Call sign), report cancellation of IFR this Frequency or with aero center flight data, change to advisory frequency approved.