4 And 5 Psych Flashcards
A change in the quality or pattern of mental activity such as increased alertness or divided consciousness is called
Altered state of consciousness
Consciousness can be defined as a set of action potential is occurring among neurons in which of the following views
Cognitive neuroscience
Which of the following is an example of an automatic process
Brushing your teeth
Which of the following statements is false
It is safe to drive and talk on a cell phone as long as it is hands-free
The sleep wake cycle typically follows a 24 hour cycle and is regulated by the
Suprachiasmatic nucleus
The penal gland received instructions from the_______ to release_________.
Suprachiasmatic nucleus……melatonin
Which of the following is involved in determining when we sleep
Body temperature
Which theory states that sleep is a product of evolution
Adaptive theory
Which of the following is a characteristic of stage N3 or slow wave sleep
Deepest sleep level
Sleepwalking occurs in stage______ sleep where as nightmares occur in stage ________sleep
In Freud’s theory the actual content of a dream is called
Manifest content
Michael finds that most of his dreams are little more than random images that seemingly have been put into a strange story line which in theory of dreams best explains this
Activation synthesis hypothesis
According to Calvin Hall around what are most dreams centered
Every day life
Study show that most people tend to
Dream in color
The primary key to hypnosis is finding someone who
Accepts suggestions easily
Some researchers have suggested that hypnosis may work due to an individual personal expectations about what being hypnotized is supposed to be like and the individual’s ability to play a particular role and given Social Situation which theory of hypnosis best accounts for these possible explanations for an individual’s behavior while hypnotized
Social cognitive theory
Your friend tells you she is seeing a therapist who wishes to use hypnosis as part of her therapy however your friend is concerned that she might be hypnotized without knowing what might you tell her
That you actually hypnotize yourself and you cannot be hypnotized against your will
Which theory of hypnosis sis includes the idea of “hidden observer”
As consequences to stop being drug use headaches nausea shaking and elevated blood pressure are all signs of
With drawl
What drugs physical withdrawal symptoms include severe mood swings’s or crash paranoia extreme fatigue and an inability to feel pleasure
Which of the following statements about nicotine is true
In terms of addictive power nicotine is more powerful than heroin or alcohol
___________Is a tranquilizer that is also known as a date rape drug
Typically opiate have the ability to
Suppress the sensation of pain
Most studies of marijuana is effective found that
It creates a powerful psychological dependency
Drain is aware that she was sitting in her psychology class and is almost lunchtime she is also aware of how tired she is after staying up late to watch a movie with us if Gina is aware of what she is going on around her and what is going on within her that it is safe to say that she is in
State of waking consciousness
What part of the brain is influential in determining when we sleep
As the sun begins to said Winston finds himself becoming more and more sleepy what structure is sensitive to light and influences went to go to sleep and went to awaken
suprachiasmatic nucleus
Carlos is putting in all nighter in preparation for his big psychology test tomorrow according to the research what is the result on Carlos’s memory when he deprives himself of sleep the night prior to his exam
Carlos will actually remember less if you deprives and south of sleep the night before
Your uncle Carl who recently retired has mentioned how he doesn’t sleep as well as he did when he was younger for many years here regularly slept about 7 to 8 hours but now that he is in his 60s he tends to only get 5 to 6 hours of sleep per night what would you tell him
Getting less sleep seems to be a common consequence of aging
You find yourself driving very late at night as you’re driving you realize that you were actually falling off to sleep for a couple of seconds such a phenomenon is known as
Micro sleep
Siri said found that certain chemicals that help repair damage cells only function while we sleep what Theory best explains this
Restorative theory of sleep the
In which stage of sleep to sleep spindles occur
Joseph has had a very demanding day though his work is not physically challenging it tends to mentally drained which type of sleep will Joseph probably require more of
Your doctor has told you that your youngest son suffers from somnambulism what is another name
Gerald has difficulty falling off to sleep Harley can fall off to sleep easily often wakes up early Dale typically sleeps for 10 hours all three are tired and then rested upon rising who seems to be experiencing insomnia
All three suffer
Very young infants who suffer from sleep apnea maybe more at risk for SIDS or sudden infant death syndrome why might these Indians have difficulty breathing
The brainstem is not yet fully mature
Bill suddenly and without warning slips into R.E.M. sleep during the day he often falls to the ground and is difficult to awaken Bill may have a condition called
Calvin had a dream about his dogs in which she constantly looked for him but couldn’t find him. In reality, Calvin dog had died after being hit by a car. According to Sigman Freud, his dream in which he was searching for his dog is an example of______,which the inner meaning that he misses his dog terribly is an example of_______
Manifest content; latent content
When Tommy was asked to write down her dreams of a class assignment, she is bothered by the fact that your dreams often seem to jump randomly from scene to scene with little meaning, what Theory best explains her dreams
Activation synthesis
Anthony’s therapist is using hypnosis to help him we call the night he was supposedly abducted by aliens.Danny’s therapist is using hypnosis to help him prepare for the pain of dental surgery because Daniel is allergic to the dentist painkillers. Patrick’s therapist is using hypnosis to help me quit drinking and smoking which client has the highest chance for success
Bobby agreed to be hypnotized during a comedy routine. Well hypnotized, he stood on his chair and crowed like a rooster. Later, when his friends asked why he did this, Bob he replied that he didn’t know, it must’ve been because he was hypnotized. What Theory best explains his behavior
Social cognitive explanation of hypnosis
Jackie has found that when she tries to quit drinking she gets a headache, has night sweats, and shakes and he probably. Such a reaction if you example of
With drawl
What is the most commonly used in abused depressant
Which drug, depending on the dosage, can be a hallucinogen, stimulant, depressant, or painkiller
Michael noticed that whenever he moved his dogs food dish, his dog would come into the kitchen and at them hungry and excited. He reasoned that because he feeds the dog using that dish, the sound of the dish has become
Conditioned response
Ever since she was scared by a dog as a young child, Angelica has been afraid of all dogs. The fact that she’s afraid of not only the original dog but all types of dogs is an example of
Stimulus generalization
In Watson’s experiment with little Albert, the condition stimulus was
The white rat
Which of the following would be an example of a vicarious classic conditioning
As a young child, Tony frequently observed his older sisters jump around and scream whenever any of them saw a spider, as they were very afraid of them. Subsequently, Tony experiences feelings of fear when he sees a spider
Cindy hadcheesy tacos at a local Mexican restaurant. Later she becomes terribly all in separate bouts of nausea and vomiting, what might we predict based on one condition taste aversion research
Cindy will probably get nauseated by the next time she tries to eat cheesy tacos
Risk Orla found that the CS must_______the UCS for conditioning to take place
Come at the same time as
To the dog, _____is an example of primary reinforcer, whereas______ is an example of a secondary reinforcer
Dog food; a frisbee
Edgar cannot sleep because he is terribly worried about his research paper. So Edgar decides to get out of bed and continue working on the paper. Although he stays up to nearly 3 AM, he is relieved that it is done and easily falls off to sleep. In the future, Edgar will be more likely to finish his work before going to bed so that he can avoid the worry and sleeping in is such behavior is an example of
Negative reinforcement
Joe owned a small repair shop. Each day, he would check the mail to see if any of his customers mailed in a payment for the work he had done for them. Some days, he would receive a check or two. At other times, he would have to wait days before getting another payment. What a schedule of reinforcement is evident here
Variable interval
Little Jimmy’s mother was upset to find that Jimmy had not picked up his building blocks after repeatedly request to do so. The next morning, Jimmy found all of his blocks have been picked up and put in a bag on top of the refrigerator. Jimmy’s mother told him that he couldn’t play with his blocks for the next two days. Which type of discipline did she use
Punishment by removal
Tabitha signed up for a new credit card the office award Miles for every purchase. Tabitha plans to make as much purchases as you can so that she can accumulate enough miles to go on a trip over spring break. Such an approach is an example of
A token economy
Which of the following is the best example of applied behavior analysis
Agatha observe a child to see what purpose it disruptive classroom behavior serves and identifies a new replacement behavior. She then implement a training program for the new behavior, reinforcing often at the simplest levels and gradually removing reinforcers as the child demonstrates the behavior independently
In torments may study, the fact that the group of rats received reinforcement only after 10 of the study sold to gummy’s for more quickly then did the rats who have been reinforced from that first day can be interpreted to mean that this particular rats
Had already learned amazing the first nine days
Lisa’s parents have decided to take a three week trip to Europe. Consequently, Lisa’s mother will not be able to make her famous pose for the upcoming big sale. When her mother encourages 350 bake the pies yourself, Lisa panics at first, but then she finds that she knows how to put the recipe together. Her ability to prepare the recipe is an example of
Latent learning
Which there is commonly her for two as the “aha!” phenomenon
Kohlers insight theory
Research by Steven Maier suggest that we learned helplessness maybe due to a higher level region of the brain known as the______, which helps subjects determine what is controlled or
Ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC)
Bandura’s tests and found that learning can take place without actual performance. What is this referred to as
Learning/performance distinction
Which of the following statements is false
Adults are not negatively affected by viewing are playing violent media
What is the correct sequence of the four elements of observational learning
Attention, memory, imitation, desire,
Lateesha war wanted to help her father prepare breakfast. She had watched him crack eggs into a bowl many times, paying careful attention to how he did it. But when she did her own eggs, they smashed into pieces. Which of the following elements of observational learning was Lateesha’s problem
Sheila almost got hit by a car and a street corner because she was too busy texting on her phone. From that day on, Sheila looks before she reaches the street corner. Her change in behavior is a result of
At home, you read all the chain on your dogs leash every time you’ve prepared to take him for a walk. After several episodes like this, you find that your dog comes running to the front door even when you pick up the leash to put it back in the closet. In this example, what is the condition stimulus
The sound of the leash
A child has been classically conditioned to fear a white rap. If the child is not show fear when shown a black rat, this is called
Stimulus discrimination
During the Cold winter, you have stopped taking your dog for walks.what’s more, your dog has gotten used to the fact that when you accidentally rattle his leash, he isn’t going for a walk, and subsequently he doesn’t come running to the front door, what has occurred
Rhonda had tartar sauce with her fish one night. The next morning she was not created in sick for much of the day. The next time she was offered the chance to go out for fish, she felt queasy and the client. Her craziness at the thought of fish with tartar sauce was probably due to
A condition taste aversion
Kaitlyn works in the psychology department’s rat lab. And her study she found that many of her lab rats will develop a condition to taste aversion to certain foods after as little as one trial. Kaitlyn psychology professor first to this is a classic example of
Biological preparedness
Blake fines that if he washes his car prior to going out on the town, most of his friends want to ride along with him. What Theory would best explain his willingness to always wash and clean car before going
Thorndike’s law of effect
In classical conditioning, behavior typically is ______where as with operant conditioning behavior is______
Involuntary; voluntary
Where do secondary reinforcers get their power from
Classical conditioning
Positive reinforcement results in ________in the target behavior and negative reinforcement results in ______in the target here
And increase; an increase
Belinda has a terrible headache. If she take some aspirin so as to make your headache go away, this would be an example of
Negative reinforcement
Ben gets paid every two weeks. In 12 week period, he works a total of 20 hours. During another two week period, he worked a total of 50 hours. Regardless of the total number of hours he works each week, he is paid every two weeks. What a schedule of reinforcement is it being used
Fixed interval
Denise is grounded for coming home after curfew. Additionally, her parents have taken away her cell phone for a month. Losing her cell phone privileges is an example
Punishment by removal
What is the relationship between negative reinforcement and punishment
Negative reinforcement strengthens a response punishment weakens a response
Which of the following is an example of the use of extension with operant conditioning
A mother ignores her child’s temper tantrum so that the behavior ultimately goes away
Studies by color and Marian Bree land found that many animals exhibit extinct of drift. What is this mean
The animal studied would learn skills through reinforcement but eventually revert to the genetically controlled patterns of behavior
Jose was lying in bed when he suddenly realized how he might deal with a fast approaching deadline at work. When his coworkers asked how he came up with this idea, he said it just came to me out of nowhere. Psychologist would refer to this as
Insight learning
Jody failed repeatedly in college algebra. Finally, she gave up and was seriously considering dropping out of college. One day, her best friend offered to personally help her if she signed up for college algebra again. But she refused. What concept might explain her reluctance
Learned helplessness
What does AMID stand for
Attention, memory, imitation, desire
Darla has noticed how some of her friends have lost weight and gotten trim by exercising 1 to 2 hours each day. However, she has no plans to imitate their behavior. What component of Bandura’s model of observational learning will explain my darling has not started a similar weight-loss program
Darla is not motivated, nor does she have a desire to begin the program