4-7 Flashcards
Who is shiekha fatima , where was she born and what are her nicknames (5) and what are her contributions? what is her full name
Sheikha fatima bint mubarak al ketbi
Where she was born: She was born on March 28, 1943, in Al-Ain,UAE.
Her Nicknames:
The mother of the UAE
The mother of arabs
The mother of Sheikhs
The mother of women beliefs
The mother of the people in need
Some of her initiatives and contributions include:
The establishment of the Fatima bint Mubarak Ladies Sports Academy to encourage and support women’s participation in sports and physical fitness.
The creation of the Family Development Foundation, which provides a range of social services to support families and children in the UAE.
The launch of the Fatima bint Mubarak Motherhood and Childhood Award, which recognizes individuals and organizations that have made significant contributions to maternal and child health.
Her work in promoting education for girls and women, including the establishment of the Fatima bint Mubarak Women’s Leadership Program.
Fatima bint Mubarak Women’s Leadership Program.
Fatima bint Mubarak Motherhood and Childhood Award,
The creation of the Family Development Foundation,
Fatima bint Mubarak Ladies Sports Academy
The five purposes of islamic lesiglsation
The purposes of islamic lesiglation: To perserve religion, to perserve life, to perserve lineage, to perserve the mind and to perserve wealth
To preserve religion (hifz al-din): This refers to the protection and preservation of the Islamic faith, its beliefs, practices, and values. Islamic legislation aims to safeguard the Islamic faith from corruption and deviation, and to ensure that Muslims are able to practice their religion freely and without hindrance.
To preserve life (hifz al-nafs): This refers to the protection and preservation of human life. Islamic legislation aims to ensure that individuals are protected from harm and violence, and that their lives are respected and valued.
To preserve lineage (hifz al-nasl): This refers to the protection and preservation of family and social structures. Islamic legislation aims to uphold the sanctity of marriage, the family, and social relations, and to ensure that these structures are protected from harm and disruption.
To preserve the mind (hifz al-aql): This refers to the protection and preservation of intellectual faculties and mental well-being. Islamic legislation aims to promote knowledge, education, and critical thinking, and to protect individuals from harmful substances, practices, and behaviors that may harm their mental health.
To preserve wealth (hifz al-mal): This refers to the protection and preservation of property and financial resources. Islamic legislation aims to promote economic justice, fairness, and accountability, and to protect individuals from theft, fraud, and exploitation.
Social interaction: good conduct and manners
what to do when at someone house. (Consequences as well)
irst: Asking permission when entering the house of others
During this step two things can happen.
1) No one is in the house and therefore it is not permissible for you to enter.
2) The owners are inside the house. They can A) Permit you inside. Or B) Not permit you
Consequences of entering the house of others without asking permission:
They may think your a thief, cheater or a suspicious person
Only 3 type of emergiecnes in which a muslim is permited to enter the resident without being given permission
Only 3 type of emergiecnes in which a muslim is permited to enter the resident without being given permission
If there is a thief
What is the first secdon and third social conduct and manner
First: Asking permission when entering the house of others
Second: Lowering one’s gaze and guarding one modesty
Asking permission was made obligatory for lowering the gaze
Third: Forbidding women to display their adornments to people other than their mahrim.cFirstly adorments are things that women use in purist of beautification such as jewellery.
First type: Hidden adorment: (Such as necklace) is not permissible to show
Second type: Displayable adornment: such as a ring
Prophets methodology in health care
Healthcare is important in islam and islam enroucages us to be healthy
First Nutrition
Nutrition is a favor from allah, such as when prophet muhammed ate cucsubmer with dates as the cucubmer will get the sugar from the dates.
Another example when proeht muhammed said “use olive oil in eating and rubbing (on the body) for it is from a blessed tree” This is because it lowers the harmful cholestral
Second: Cleanliness
Prohet muhammed said “ Five acts are a part of natural instinct: Circumcision, shaving pubic hair, removing hair from the armpits, shortening the moutsahce, and clipping the nails”
Which calls fro personal hygience as its important in Islam
Third: Prevention
Prohets sunnah consists of two methods of preserving the health of indvidual and soceity and keep it in its best condition these are
Preventing against harm and dsiease in advance before people contract them by using different health enhaching such as nutritiin, clenaines, phyiscal fitness, sleep
Preventing the spread of contagaion if an infectious disease is around
Fourth: Sport
Islam encourages sports and physical health as Fitness is healthy and keeps us healthy especially good for our immune systems to stay in good conditions.
Fifth: Treatment:
Prophet muhammed commands muslims to get treated and link medicine to diseases.
Prohet muhammed said “ Allah has not send down any disease but he has also sent down the cure, the one who knows it, knows it and the one who does not know it, does not know it