4 Flashcards
What muscles are found in the anterior arm?
- Biceps
- Brachialis
- Coracobrachialis
What innervates the muscles of the anterior arm?
The musculocutaneous nerve
What muscles are found in the posterior arm?
What innervates the muscles of the posterior arm?
The radial nerve
What muscles are found in the anterior forearm?
- Flexor carpi ulnaris
- Palmaris longus
- Flexor carpi radialis
- Pronator Teres
Deeper: - Flexor digitorum superficialis
Deeper still: - Pronator quadratus
- Flexor digitorum profundus
- Flexor pollicis longus
What innervates the muscles of the anterior forearm?
Flexor carpi ulnaris and medial half of flexor digitorum profundus - ulnar nerve
All the rest: median nerve
What are the muscles of the hand?
- Opponens pollicis
- Abductor pollicis brevis
- Flexor pollicis brevis
- Opponens digiti minimi
- Abductor digiti minimi
- Flexor digiti minimi brevis
- Lumbricals
- Adductor pollicis
- Palmar and Dorsal interossei
What innervates the muscles of the hand?
LLOAF - median (thenar muscles and lumbricals)
All the rest - ulnar
What are the muscles of the posterior forearm?
- Brachioradialis
- Extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis
- Extensor digitorum
- Extensor digiti minimi
- Extensor carpi ulnaris
- Anconeus
Deeper: -Supinator
- Abductor pollicis longus
- Extensor pollicis longus and brevis
- Extensor indicis
What innervates the muscles of the posterior forearm?
Radial nerve
What muscles are in the anterior compartment of the thigh?
- Psoas major
- Iliacus
- Rectus femoris
- Vastus medialis
- Vastus lateralis
- Sartorius
- Pectineus
What innervates the muscles of the anterior compartment of the thigh?
Femoral nerve
What muscles are the muscles of the medial compartment of the thigh?
- Adductor magnus
- Adductor longus
- Adductor brevis
- Obturator externus
What innervates the muscles of the medial thigh?
Obturator nerve
What are the muscles of the posterior thigh?
- Biceps femoris
- Semitendinosus
- Semimembranosus
What innervates the muscles of the posterior thigh?
Sciatic nerve
What innervates the muscles of the gluteal region?
Gluteus maximus - inferior gluteal nerve
Gluteus medius, minimus and tensor fascia lata - superior gluteal nerve
What separates the superior and inferior gluteal nerves?
The piriformis (muscle)