4 Flashcards
Alopecia areata
Tinea capitis
well-demarcated, non-scarred, round patches of hair loss, exclamation point hairs, history of autoimmune conditions, nail pitting
erythema, scaling, black dot alopecia, LAD
Early pubic hair growth + acne with no testicular enlargement
only pubic hair with normal bone age
congenital adrenal hyperplasia, dx: ACTH stimulation test, elevated 17-hydroxyprogesterone, tx: hydrocortisone
idiopathic premature pubarche
painful oral ulcers+ rash on palms/soles/buttocks, nonitchy
hand-foot-mouth disease, coxsackie virus, supportive care
roseola, rash after high fever
Chronic adrenal insufficiency electrolytes
hyponatremia, hyperkalemia, hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis
decreased hair, myalgia
chronic pancreatitis pain meds
TCAs, NSAIDs, pregabalin, conservative measures first
Pyelo in child
antibiotics before imaging
Pyelo in child
antibiotics before imaging
Antidepressant trial
6 weeks before adjusting
Loss of antidepressant response
substance use
post exposure HIV prophylaxis
triple therapy within 72 hours for 4 weeks
webbed neck, congenital lymphedema, high arched palate
Turner (random error (nondisjunction) resulting in one X, no increased risk of recurrence)
evaluate for coarctation, horseshoe kidney, celiac, hypothyroidism
premalignant complication of GERD
Barrett’s esophagus
PMS, increased risk for
mood and anxiety disorders
Acute heart failure that doesn’t respond to diuretics
vasodilator (nitroglycerin)
- give before diuretics in flash pulm edema due to hypertension*
- no digoxin in acute heart failure*
pelvic organ prolapse
bleeding due to erosions, treat erosions with estrogen
pruritic excoriated lichenified plaques
allergic contact dermatitis
exercise induced amenorrhea complications
osteoporosis, breast and vaginal atrophy, mild hypercholesteremia, infertility
febrile illness+ rash+ mucocutaneous ulcer+ leukopenia + thrombocytopenia
acute HIV
eisenmenger (unrepaired VSD->pulm htn->R to L shunt) pregnancy
*also LVEF<40%, Class III-IV heart failure, aortic dilation>40 mm
if distribution tail is on the right side
if symmetric
median < mean and vice versa
stuck on lesions
seborrheic keratosis-do not treat unless symptomatic
itchy ones associated with GI/lung malignancies
iron deficiency in babies
cow’s milk, limit milk, rec count will rise before H/H
iron deficiency in babies
cow’s milk, limit milk, rec count will rise before H/H
Antiepileptics can reduce efficacy of OCPs
not gabapentin/ valproate
IUD/ implant preferred
vertigo, hearing loss, tinnitus
Meniere’s disease
Parinaud’s syndrome (no pupillary reaction, vertical gaze paralysis, no optokinetic nystagmus, ataxia)
pineal tumor (some secrete hcg)
valproic acid pregnancy
neural tube defects
Mini-mental state exam will not distinguish
late life depression linked to increased risk of
pseudodementia from dementia
Alzheimer, vascular dementia
when informing about involuntary hospitalization
acknowledge feelings, treatment in a safe environment
constructional (can’t draw) and dressing apraxia
acalculia, finger agnosia, agraphia
nondominant parietal lobe
dominant temporal lobe
dominant parietal lobe (gerstmann syndrome)
scarlet fever (strep)
febrile >5 days + 4/5: rash, LAD, mucosal changes, conjunctivitis, extremity erythema/edema
if not all criteria met-obtain CRP/ESR, reexamine
tx: IVIG (no live vaccines for a year), aspirin, echo at presentation and 2 and 6 wks
circumoral pallor, sandpaper rash, strawberry tongue
better test in study->higher power
better at establishing difference
honey colored crust
tx: topical mupirocin, cephalexin
polymyalgia rheumatica
pain and stiffness in shouders, pelvic girdle
dx: ESR, tx: low dose prednisone
isolated elevated anti-Hbc
repeat serologies, measure IgM anti-Hbc and LFTs to determine acuity
Transfusion related acute lung injury long term
neurocognitive deficits, impaired muscle strength and lung function, psychiatric illness
Pericarditis EKG
pericarditis vs dressler syndrome
persistent ST elevation and q waves in same leads weeks post MI
post MI pericarditis treatment
Diffuse PR depression, ST elevation
days post Mi vs weeks
ventricular aneurysm
high dose aspirin, colchicine, narcotics
TSH secreting pituitary adenoma
thyroid resistance syndrome
elevated TSH and thyroid hormone levels, elevated alpha subunit, increased sex hormone binding globulin
tx: somatostatin analog, transsphenoidal surgery
normal alpha subunit and sex horm binding globulin