4-5 - Growth Flashcards
The convergence triangle
A scatterplot, buildning a triangle, when graphing growth on the y-axis and GDPpc on the x-axis. The lower GDP the more spread out is the dots, then with higher income the countries converge towards zero growth.
Proximate determinants of growth
- Factor accumulation: physical, human cap and population/labor.
- Natural resources use
- Productivity growth in technology and efficiecny gains
Fundamental determinants of growth
The things that explains growth deeper, how the proximate causes can increase:
- Institutions
- Government
- Geography
- Openness
- Inequality
- History
- Culture
General production function and how is growth generated?
Y = F(A,K, L)
Growth is the change in Y and is generated from changes in:
- L, which is the change in population.
- K, which depends on new investments and depreciation rate.
- A, which is gains in TFP. Neoclassical models keep it exo but endo explains it.
Harrod-Domar model’s five assumptions:
- Closed economy: I=sY
- No substitution possibilities among inputs, always in fixed proportions.
- Capital is the limiting factor in growth, labor is unlimited supply.
- Constant returns to scale for each factor.
- Leontief fixed-proportions tech (as a result of 2 and 4). Extra deltaK increase Y with a fixed change.
The incremental capital output ratio. Comes with the last fifth assumption in Harrod Domar, that k=deltaK/deltaY. Always a fixed rate of change that is equal to k. To increase K with an amount, we need to increase Y by something. (Bit confusing)
The reduced model form for change in Y (Harrod Domar):
deltaY = s/k - deprec.
And for per capita we also subtract n.
Policy implications of Harrod Domar?
- Increase savings rate s
- Decrease ICOR (k) which is equal to improving tech
- Lower population growth
The big push
Aid as an alternative to domestic savings, pushes the country to increase investments and reach higher growth rate.
Solow model in general form:
Y = Af(K,L)
Now A is multiplicative t the model and therefore have a bigger effect.
Solow assumptions:
- Diminishing returns to each factor of production
- Substitution possibilities between factors
- Constant returns to scale of the factors
- Full employment so that L grows as fast as n.
What is A in the model?
TFP that is a potential source of growth, and is often due to improvements in tech. Tech as a public good available to everyone
Solow’s steady state
As Solow predicts convergence, the model says that when sy = (deprec + n)k, we have reached the steady state level. Here the capital per worker is constant and we cannot longer grow from capital accumulation (factor deepening).
Countries only grow up til this point –> convergence.
The speed of convergence:
It’s a negative function as the closer you get to the steady state level, you approach in a slower pace. The returns of investments become smaller, and at ss it is zero.
Conditional convergence:
Empirically, we don’t see universal convergence. Some converge, some diverge. Instead cond. convergence proposes that countries might have different ss, so need to change ss to grow further.
Long-run growth according to Solow:
Relies on displacement of the steady state. There is a limit to how much savings rate can be increased and population growth reduced. So the target is the TFP. (Solow says this is equal for all countries and therefore speaks for universal convergence, but this is not what we see).
Growth Acconting
Using Solow’s model to decompose growth into productivity or factor deepening (growth in factors of production).
By rewriting into log’s and taking the derivative w/r to time we get change in Y = A-growth + wKK-growth+ wLL-growth.
Growth in output=
according to Solow’s growth accounting
= TFP growth + factor deepening.
But TFP will always be calculated as the residual since we have data on all other things but not A.
Problem with A being a residual?
Mismeasurements in the other components will affect A = productivity.
- wasted investments
- human capital hard to capture
- informal sector output not included in the Y