4/28_Social media addiction (sophia) Flashcards
- How much time do you typically spend on social media each day, and do you feel it’s excessive? (일반적으로 하루에 소셜 미디어에 얼마나 시간을 보내나요? 그 시간이 과도하다고 느끼나요?)
*excessive : 지나친, 과도한
Depending on the day and schedule, but tell the truth, these days I’ve been watching YouTube, Instagram, and stuff like that more and more. I admit myself it’s excessive.
- What are some signs that indicate someone may be addicted to social media?
(누군가가 소셜 미디어에 중독되었을 때의 일부 신호는 무엇인가요?)
When someone is addicted to social media, maybe he or she is not concentrating on his or her work or study, because every time he or she has to check his or her updates and comments on social platforms.
- Do you ever feel pressure to constantly check or update your social media accounts? If so, how do you manage this pressure?
(소셜 미디어 계정을 계속 확인하거나 업데이트해야하는 압력을 느끼나요? 그렇다면 이 압력을 어떻게 관리하나요?)
Actually, even though I have an account on Facebook, I barely update it. The reason I have an account on Facebook is that my colleagues usually communicate in a Facebook group. For example shift swap.
So, I don’t feel pressured to check or update my social media
- What negative effects have you observed or experienced as a result of excessive social media use?
(과도한 소셜 미디어 사용으로 인한 부정적인 영향을 어떤 것을 관찰하거나 경험해 보셨나요?)
As I said earlier, my coworkers especially the younger generation have focused on social media during working hours, even though the company prohibits using cellphones and earbuds during the shifts but they don’t care about it.
As a result, the quality of the work is not good and sometimes don’t finish their routine.
- Are there any strategies you use to limit your social media usage or maintain a healthy balance?
(소셜 미디어 사용을 제한하거나 건강한 균형을 유지하는 데 사용하는 전략은 무엇인가요?)
*usage [juːsɪdʒ] : (단어의) 용법[어법/사용], 사용(됨), 사용량
When I’m studying or reading, I normally set a timer for 30 or 45 minutes to focus on that. However, lately, I’ve been watching more short-form content like Reels and shorts, which has made it difficult for me to concentrate on something for a long time.
- How do you think social media addiction affects mental health, relationships, and productivity?
(소셜 미디어 중독이 정신 건강, 관계 및 생산성에 어떤 영향을 미치는지 어떻게 생각하시나요?)
I’ve told you earlier that I’m sure social media addiction can lead to a decrease in productivity because those who are addicted can not concentrate on their work.
- Have you ever tried taking a break from social media? If so, what was the experience like?
(소셜 미디어를 잠시 멈추어본 적이 있나요? 그렇다면 어떤 경험이었나요?)
Honestly, I’ve never attempted to take a break from social media so far. I used to be a heavy smoker, but I quit smoking in 2002, now over 20 years. It was the most challenging period of my life, but I tried to do something with a strong resolution to change, and I made it in the end. If social media will negatively affect me, I’m sure I’ll quit it as well.
- What advice would you give to someone who feels they may be struggling with social media addiction?
(소셜 미디어 중독으로 고통받고 있다고 느끼는 사람에게 어떤 조언을 하겠습니까?)
These days, it’s hard to live without social media, but if it starts to have a negative impact on us, we must control ourselves. One way to do that is to change our environment. For example, how about going to the library to focus on studying, or taking a walk without our cell phones for a while?