4/20 Lecture - Evolution of Homo Flashcards
Mode 3 Tools:
Levallois technique
- mulit step process
- “prepared core” technique
- final tool = flake
- Uniform flakes
Attaching a handle to a tool
Mousterian (Mode III)
Specifically relating to Neanderthals
- conjunction of animal bones and stone tools
Homo heidelbergensis
- Acheulean Industry - Mode 2
- used a variety of plant and animal resources
Primitive: - long low braincase
- thick cranial bones
- large brow ridge
- large robust face
- no chin
Derived: - substantially larger brain than H. erectus
Homo neanderthalensis
- found in europe - 127 - 30 kya
- Large brains,
- more global crania,
- occipital bun
- big double arched brow ridges/supraorbital torus
- large prominent nose
- midfacial prognathism
- no bony chin
- small back teeth/ large, heavily worn front teeth,
- taurodont roots
- Robust, heavily muscled bodies.
- lived short, difficult lives
Shanidar I
‘Nandy’ - elderly Neanderthal
- displayed trauma-related abnormalities
- (painful everyday life)
Shanidar IV
adult male aged 30-45 years,
- Neanderthal burial ritual?
- (people think rats brought the pollen in)
- 4 and 1.0 million years ago.
- “Israel” south of the Sea of Galilee
- One of the earliest archaeological sites outside of Africa
Earliest evidence - 1MYA in S Africa
Potential uses for fire
- warmth
- cooking
- protection
- hunting
- heat treating rocks*
Dmanisi hominins
1.75 MYA
- use Oldowan tools
- smaller brain than H. erectus
Post Crania:
- long limbs/modern proportions
Implies: H. erectus first to walk out of Africa
musculoskeletal hypertrophy
Great size and associated strength in the muscles and bones of a species or individual
crural index
The ratio of the length of the shin bone (tibia) to the length of the thigh bone (femur).
Skhul / Qafzeh
From the Middle East
Earliest Anatomically modern
skeletal evidence for dispersal out of Africa
entoptic phenomena
visual experiences derived from within the eye or brain (as opposed to externally, as in normal vision)
now called Early Modern Humans or
- Anatomically Modern Humans
- people who lived at the end of the last ice age
- they lived alongside Neanderthals