4/11/14 Flashcards
brazen (adj)
shameless or impudent: brazen presumption.
ravel (v)
to tangle or entangle.
aspen (n)
any of various poplars, as Populus tremula, of Europe, and P. tremuloides (quaking aspen) or P. alba (white aspen) of America, having soft wood and alternate ovate leaves that tremble in the slightest breeze.
bevel (n)
the inclination that one line or surface makes with another when not at right angles.
credence (n)
belief as to the truth of something: to give credence to a claim.
fracas (n)
a noisy, disorderly disturbance or fight; riotous brawl; uproar.
cipher (n)
a method of secret writing using substitution or transposition of letters according to a key
harrow (n)
an agricultural implement with spikelike teeth or upright disks, drawn chiefly over plowed land to level it, break up clods, root up weeds, etc.
fallow (n)
not in use; inactive: My creative energies have lain fallow this year. The land lay fallow for three years.
apiece (adv)
for each piece, thing, or person; for each one; each: We ate an orange apiece. The cakes cost a dollar apiece.
conceit (n)
an excessively favorable opinion of one’s own ability, importance, wit, etc.
sheik (n)
Also, shaikh, sheikh. (in Islamic countries) the patriarch of a tribe or family; chief: a term of polite address.
wry (adj)
twisted, contorted, or askew
wholesome (adj)
conducive to moral or general well-being; salutary; beneficial: wholesome recreation; wholesome environment.
effigy (n)
a representation or image, especially sculptured, as on a monument.
amnesty (n)
a general pardon for offenses, especially political offenses, against a government, often granted before any trial or conviction.
justify (v)
Theology . to declare innocent or guiltless; absolve; acquit.
berth (n)
a shelflike sleeping space, as on a ship, airplane, or railroad car.
cede (v)
to yield or formally surrender to another: to cede territory.