It is a trait that shows Filipinos as excellent hosts.
This work value refers to strong family ties and attachment to the family.
The Filipino term for assisting and helping one another especially during calamities and other occasions.
This aspect of Filipino work value refers to the physical conditions with which Filipinos are very particular.
Orderly Environment
It is an aspect of Filipino work value which is expressed as the desire to acquire recognition, security, and economic gains.
Material Well Being
This negative Filipino trait refers to pushing others down for personal gain.
Crab Mentality
This trait shows how Filipinos value their work and even strive to earn exra income through “sidelines”.
It is a Filipino term for returning the favors received from others.
Utang na loob
This negative Filipino trait entrusts the future to fate, believing there is nothing one can do to change the hand of fate.
It is the Filipino term for sense of pride and honor and not giving in to favor the majority in an issue.
Amor Propio
He was an influential Greek philosopher who introduced a teaching technique that probes a subject through questions.
They developed one of the ethical decision-making models of 1986 which discusses how an individual is prompted by a situation and eventually recognizes its ethical content.
Sharp and Fox
It acted as a guide in the practice of ethical conduct in organizations especially in the 80s.
Defense Industry Initiative on Business Ethics and Conduct
He was influenced by his teacher, Socrates, in conceptualizing virtues.
This term is equivalent to the Greek word, arete, which means excellence.
His greatest contribution to business ethics is the Difference Principle.
John Rawls
He had the first recorded definition of the term fair treatment for all parties in any transaction.
His key philosophy is on the defense of property as a natural right, which is the foundation of business ethics.
John Locke
This is the title of the first managerial textbook on business ethics published in 1937 by Sharp and Fox.
Business Ethics
He founded the Lyceum in ancient Greece.
This is the holy book of Muslims.
This religion emphasizes justice in the form of honoring contracts or agreements and working for a common good.
In this religion, the most important core value in business practices is interpersonal relationship built on trust and reciprocity.
It is the ethics of the Hindus for practical life.