3rd Exam MC Flashcards
-the process of perceiving or portraying someone/something as alien or different
- not an attribute of individuals
- only exists in groups
- refers to the values, norms, and beliefs that a society holds
- a community of people that might or might not be of the same culture
- can be traditional, liberal, or conservative
traditional society
-derived from tradition
liberal society
-open to political or social changes and reforms associated with either classical or modern liberalism
conservative society
-a person who favors maintenance of the status quo or reversion to some earlier status
ideal vs reality
- ideal: refers to the values, norms, and beliefs that a society desires to achieve
- reality: an ideal culture can never be realized
-father descent
-mother descent
-anything centered on, emphasizing, or dominated by males or masculine interests
ascribed status
- the social status a person is assigned at birth or assumed involuntarily later in life
- it is a position that is neither earned nor chosen but assigned
male gaze
-act of depicting women and the world, in the visual arts and in literature, from a masculine, heterosexual perspective that presents and represents women as sexual objects for the pleasure of the male viewer
man the hunter, woman the gatherer
-men are the exclusive hunters of big game and women are basically “immobilized” by mothering duties
rich man’s war, poor man’s fight
- during the civil war you could buy your way out of the draft by paying $300
- only the rich could afford that
contrband slave
- general Benjamin Butler declared he didn’t have to return slaves, under contraband contraband law, since the south claimed slaves were property/goods
- under this law, goods seized in conflict can be kept by opposing side
good death
- dying at home
- in your own bed
- surrounded by family and loved ones
- seeking salvation
- confirming your faith in God
-because of its ability to capture reality, not interpret it, photography dramatically changed the average perception of long-held beliefs
photo manipulation
-some are considered skillful artwork while others are frowned upon as unethical practices, especially when used to deceive the public
-a historic movement to end the African and Indian slave
trade and set slaves free
immigration impact
-brought ideas foreign to america (socialism, communism) that more often than not conflicted/threatened capitalism
chalk marks
-entrance admission markings used in US ports of entry
covert racism
- discriminates against individuals through often evasive or seemingly passive methods
- decisions are often hidden or rationalized with an explanation that society is more willing to accept
denial of various services to residents of specific, often racially associated, neighborhoods, either directly or through the selective raising of prices
institutional racism
-a form of racism expressed in the practice of social and political institutions
-the study in the ability to improve the human race by discouraging reproduction by persons having genetic defects (inheritable undesirable traits) or encouraging reproduction by persons who have inheritable desirable traits
-evaluation of other cultures according to preconceptions originating in the standards and customs of one’s own culture