3Q: nervous system Flashcards
the nervous system has three basic functions
sensory, integrative, and motor
also connects all body parts by transmitting signals from one part of the body to another. That is why you can react and respond to different situations
nervous system
The nervous system is divided into
central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS).
serves as the processing area of the nervous system
central nervous system
is the part of the nervous system that processes and interprets the signals transmitted to it.
serves as the connection from the brain to the rest of the body
spinal cord
pns is divided to
somatic and the autonomic nervous systems.
includes the motor nerves that connect to the skeletal muscles that function voluntarily.
somatic nervous system
which connect the central nervous system to other parts such as the sensory receptor, the muscles, and the body glands
spinal nerves
which are responsible for many functions such as smell, sight, chewing, taste, hearing, and even the movement of the tongue, the upper eyelids and the eyeballs, the head, and
the shoulders
cranial nerves
regulates the smooth and cardiac muscles as well as other glands. It works involuntarily, which means that it functions independently and is not consciously controlled.
autonomic nervous system
which is activated during physical or emotional stress. It can also be stimulated every time we feel fear,
embarrassment, or anger.
sympathetic nervous system
which functions whenever the body is at rest and recovery. During these periods, the body conserves and restores energy.
parasympathetic nervous system
important part of the nervous system
controls the** left** side of the body; controls different skills such as speaking, writing, numerical, and scientific skills, as well as sign language and reasoning
left hemisphere
left hemisphere controls: s,w,n,ss,sl,r
speaking, writing, numerical, and scientific skills, as well as sign language and reasoning
controls the right side of the body; related to spatial intelligence, pattern and face recognition, as well as musical ability
right hemisphere
right hemisphere controls: si, fr, ma
spatial intelligence, pattern and face recognition, as well as musical ability
controls some voluntary motor functions, different moods, and sense of smell
frontal lobe
- controls most of the senses such as touch and taste; also responsible for controlling pain, body temperature, and balance
parietal lobe
controls the sense of sight
occipital lobe
controls the sense of smell and hearing; has a role in memory
temporal lobe
the largest part of the brain; controls your ability to read, write, and speak; also related to your mathematical and musical skills; also deals with your memory
helps in the smooth coordination of skeletal muscle contractions; also
regulates body posture and balance
connects the brain and the spinal cord; consists of three regions
brain stem
associated with heartbeat, breathing, sensations, and reflex control when a person is swallowing, vomiting, coughing, hiccupping, and sneezing.
medulla oblongata
has several functions that include
the coordination of muscular movements and
reflexes that direct the movement of the eyes,
head, and neck every time we need to look at
things around us; also responsible for your startle
reflex, which happens whenever you are surprised
due to loud or noisy sounds
connects the parts of the brain; also helps
control breathing
also called the neuron, has the ability change a stimulus into an impulse
nerve cell
an electric signal that travels in it.
is a change in the environment that causes one to initiate an impulse
The neuron has three parts, namely,
the cell body, the dendrites, and the axon.
contains the nucleus and other cell organelles.
cell body
are the receiving parts of the neuron.
transmits impulses to another neuron.
also known as the afferent neurons; receive stimuli and transmit them toward the CNS
sensory neurons
known as the efferent neurons; carry the impulse away from the CNS to the effectors such as the muscles and the glands
motor neurons
also called association neurons; responsible for processing the sensory information carried by the sensory neurons and giving a response through the motor neurons
Relay neurons or Interneurons
the nervous tissues together
neuroglia, also called glia or glial cells
glia means
The glia _____ transmit nerve impulses.
, a highly malignant brain tumor that grows rapidly
Decrease in brain size that leads to loss of neurons in the brain
alzheimer’s disease
Huge neuronal discharge in the brain
Viral infection in the CNS
Nerve degeneration
Myotonic dystrophy
Blockage of blood flow or bleeding in the brain arteries
Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) also known as stroke
Intellectual deficiency, memory loss, and disoriented thoughts
Alzheimer’s disease
Involuntary muscle contraction
Muscle paralysis and degeneration
Muscle weakness, dysfunction and visual impairment
Myotonic dystrophy
Body paralysis
Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) also known as stroke