3D155 Volume 2 EOC Flashcards
Into what three categories can ATC radar systems be divided/
Air route traffic control
Terminal control area
Precision approach
In which ATC radar mission is an ASR used/
Terminal control area
Define range resolution
The ability of a radar system to distinguish between two close but separate targets at the same azimuth but different ranges.
Define azimuth resolution
The ability of a radar system to distinguish between two close but separate targets at the same range but different azimuths
Typically, what is the range and azimuth resolution of the PAR?
Range 100ft
Azimuth 1degree
What is the minimum distance between the ASR site and the touchdown point?
1/2 mile from the touchdown point
Why is receiver recovery time a factor in choosing an ASR site?
So that these areas do not fall within the area on the scope that is blanked out by receiver recovery time.
What is the maximum allowable separation of receiver and indicator with most landline remoting equipment?
10000 to 12000 ft
What is the ‘runway centerline’?
A line that bisects the runway and extends beyond it. It is the line an aircraft should follow in its approach
What is ‘left of the runway’?
The possible PAR siting area from the view of a pilot on a landing approach.
Define the term ‘touchdown’
An arbitrary point that has been designated as the point at which an aircraft would touch the ground if it were to maintain the glide path and course line given by the final controller during the landing procedure.
List the azimuth scan limits of the an/gpn-22
20deg in azimuth, but its coverage is from +10 to -10 with 0degree being the center of the antenna.
How can more than one runway be provided radar coverage when the pAR unit has such definite scan limits?
By using a turntable to turn the unit to bring the areas of interest into the radar scan.
If you need to cover two runways but can provide optimum coverage for only one, how should you site the unit?
locate the unit so that it gives the best coverage to your most important runway.
What is the purpose of radar reflectors positioned at surveyed points near the touchdown point adjacent to the runway?
to provide fixed targets to align the PAR system to the runway and provide a quick check on this alignment.
Which of the available reflectors for the GPN-22 are the most commonly used and the most critical to its operation?
The reference (tracking) reflector
PAR, List the two normal operating modes of the gpn-22
Scan and track modes
PAR, how many scan beam position intervals elapse before the radar goes into track mode?
PAR, How many targets can the radar track during a single track interval?
PAR, What term describes differences in azimuth and elevation prediction errors during tracking?
angle errors
PAR, In the GPN-22 PAR, describe the characteristics of the signal called ‘chirp’.
1 μsec RF burst swept 120 MHz within the operating frequency band.
PAR, how many narrow band filters does the an-gpn-22 par employ to convert a shift in IF to a range error signal?
PAR, Which signal is responsible for interrupting the TDC 1200 times a second?
The beam interrupt signal
PAR, During the tracking cycle, for how many targets can the TDC update azimuth, elevation, and slant range?
PAR, Name the technique used to track the touchdown reflector whenever all six track channels are being used.
Phantom track channel
PAR, name the two off-line test programs used for diagnostics
spa and tdc
PAR, which off-line test is used solely for the diagnosis of the TDC?
PAR, List the three modes of operation associated with the data loop operation.
input, output, and command.
PAR, what action does the tdc take whenever a peripheral that is addressed is busy?
The computer performs an alternate operation to conserve system operational time.
PAR, Which mode of data loop operation allows the tDC to receive data from a peripheral?
Input mode.
PAR, How many bits are contained in the data word from a peripheral?
32 bits
PAR, From where does the information that is entered into the site parameter panel switches come?
The initial site survey done by the site survey team.
PAR, What is the destination of siting information from the CDE?
The TDC.
PAR, How often is the site parameter data processed by the tDC
once every 2 seconds.
PAR, After selection of a target to be tracked, what action does an operator take to make the formal tracking request?
Depresses the ‘acquire target’ push button.
PAR, What action does the refresh memory unit take to identify the display making a request?
reformat the requested target’s range and elevation in the 20 bit word into a 32 bit word which includes a file identification code to identify the radar indicator requesting the acquisition.
PAR, What factor predicts the next track beam position and chirped local oscillator range?
The predicted target position.
PAR, What method does the refresh memory use to provide a flicker free display of the target symbol?
a 30 cycle refresh rate process
PAR, What is the primary operating voltage for the an/gpn22
50/60 Hz, 3 phase, 208 Volt, 57kVA
PAR, What voltage is always supplied for the an/gpn-22 evacuation alarm?
+12vDC from the battery or battery charging circuit
PAR, The 1A10 multivoltage power supply contains how many DC power supplies?
PAR, Which fault lamps illuminate upon sensing of an undervoltage condition in the 1A10 power supply?
front panel (fault) lamp on the 1A10 and the PAR fault lamp on the RSC
PAR, What is the significance of an OVER TEMP indication on the RSC?
it indicates the 1A10 is drawing excessive current or there is insufficient cooling.
PAR, Why is it prudent to attempt to power down and recycle a power supply if you have suspicions that is has gone into a ‘protect’ condition?
Because it may prevent you from replacing a power supply that is not defective.
PAR, Why is the TWT instead of a magnetron used in the gpn22?
because it provides high amplification over a wide range of frequencies which is something a magnetron cannot do.
PAR, Describe how the TWT amplifies an RF signal.
The twt amplifies through the bunching of electrons in an electron stream interacting with the RF signal energy on a helix with each causing amplification in the other.
PAR, The STAMO is a frequency multiplier that multiplies the input VHF drive signal by what factor?
PAR, Why use contiguous pulses?
To provide frequency diversity
PAR, how many transmitters can radiate into the antenna at one time?
only one at a time.
PAR, Which LED on the front panel of the low power transmitter monitors the input VHF signal?
the ‘TWT RF INP’ led
PAR, What determines the amount of RF drive applied to the TWT?
The setting of attenuator AT1.
PAR, What is the purpose of the TWT Modulator A6?
it is a pulse shaper and voltage amplifier. It contains a regulator and clamp circuit that produces a flat topped output pulse that is used to turn on the tWT.
Define a 3X fault.
A condition that may cause damage if it is allowed to persist or reoccur in rapid succession.
PAR, If a standby fault occurs, the transmitter cycles to what mode?
OFF mode.
In a typical ASR, if three faults occur within 30 seconds, what happens?
Transmitter operation is stopped and requires manual resetting.
PAR, Name the equipment that make up the antenna beam position control unit equipment and tell where each is located.
The ABPCU located in an equipment rack in the PAR shelter, and the APCU located in the antenna assembly.
PAR, What is the principal function of the interface equipment?
to generate appropriate phase commands to each of 443 phase-shifter elements of the antenna.
PAR, Where are the control signals and antenna beam position commands from the TDC routed?
to interface control circuits and TDC command data register logic respectively.
PAR, In scan mode, the antenna beam can be directed into how many separate beam positions?
PAR, What are the two methods for testing the ABPCU and APCU?
Offline and Online
PAR, How can the inputs from the TDC be duplicated during off-line testing?
by using the ABPCU front panel controls
PAR, Which off-line test analyzes the communication lines between the ABPCU and APCU?
rebound test
PAR, What is the purpose of the shift register test?
Analyzes each shift register and the associated parallel data input lines and reveals faulty block decodes.
What is the purpose of the high-power ferrite circulator (duplexer)?
It directs the RF from the transmitter to the antenna horn for transmission and directs the received sum channel RF energy to the receiver sum channel.
PAR, List the parts of a receiver-protector
Transmit/receive and STC section and two diode RF attenuators.
PAR, What is the condition of the STC attenuators just before transmitter firing a radar pulse?
all attenuators are switched ‘in’ to provide maximum attenuation of 50dB per channel.
PAR, The FET amplifier is turned off during what mode?
track mode.
PAR, What is the total frequency multiplication factor in the receiver front-end STALO?
PAR, In what mode of operation does the sum channel FET amplifier get bypassed?
PAR, What is the purpose of the UHF preamplifier?
the UHF amplifier mixer provides RF to IF conversion, low noise amplification, and IF image rejection for the sum, azimuth difference, and elevation difference signals.
PAR, What is the final result caused by the negative pretrigger pulse to the STC circuit located in the UHF preamplifier?
The resultant pulses from the STC generator provide the drive that switches ‘in’ the IF attenuators in the azimuth, elevation, and sum channels.
PAR, At what increments are the attenuators stepped down as range increases?
10dB steps
PAR, Where does the receiver front-end BITE signal originate?
in the transmitter, a sample of the RF drive signal is picked off from the signal chain at a point prior to the TWT.
PAR, What are the timing generator’s main functions?
to generate the radar timing, provide for fault isolation and alignment, and accommodate special tests under front panel control.
PAR, When does the timing generator schedule automatic alignment and fault isolation?
During the 93 usec of dead time between the BCP and the first PRF trigger of each dwell.
PAR, What does the online timing generator provide to the online REX and PAR system?
All timing and control signals.
PAR, The IF down-converter combines the sum with delta azimuth and delta elevation in quadrature to provide three outputs. What are they used for?
track error.
PAR, What functions does the error detector perform during the track mode of operation?
it performs the filtering, limiting, phase detection, a/D conversion, decommutation, and integration of the azimuth and elevation signals.
PAR, In the range track module, each filter is 1.5MHz wide and represents how many feet in predicted range?
PAR, What does the nonredundant interface use to determine the active channel of the receiver-processor?
The test results.
PAR, For what does the channel select logic use the fault summary word?
To determine the online channel.
PAR, The receiver control panel is divided into what three functional areas?
receiver status, special test, and test points.
PAR, All of the switches in the special test section are disabled until enabled by the special test switch with the exception of which switch?
The LN/LM switch.
PAR, When is automatic fault isolation performed?
During the radar dead time.
PAR, What is the time displacement of the input video channels to the SDC?
.5usec from each other.
PAR, What is the destination of the canceled, unipolar video out of the SDC?
The shelter control indicator group and the radar data transfer group.
PAR, What are the three operational modes for the SDC?
dmti, dvi, gated dmti modes
PAR, how does a phase detector differentiate between a fixed and moving target?
the fixed target return exhibits the same phase every return; the moving target, on the other hand, changes phase every return.
PAR, What is a major drawback of the single cancellation method?
The fixed targets are not always completely canceled.
PAR, How many scans are required for successful double cancellation?
PAR, What is the purpose of video integration?
to enhance the relatively weaker returns from longer range targets
PAR, What is the purpose of the second time around reduction circuitry?
To identify and blank returns from targets beyond the operating range of the radar (second-time-around clutter)
What are the three basic methods of multiplexing?
frequency division
time division
phase division
Define multiplexing as related to computer operation
The process of transferring data from several storage devices that operate at relatively low transfer rates to one storage device that operates at a high transfer rate so the high speed device is not obliged to wait for the low speed devices.
What is the multiplexing process of sending two or more signals over a single path by assigning each signal a different frequency band?
frequency division
In AM modulation, what varies the carrier amplitude?
the frequency and intensity of the modulating signal intelligence.
in a 3 tone FSK message containing binary digital information, what does the sync pulse indicate
the start of a new message.
What two types of modulation does the analog data undergo?
PAR, in the gpn22 what types of multiplexing are used on the various types of data signals being remoted, and in what order?
first time division multiplexing then frequency-division multiplexing
PAR, why do we use a d/d convert?
To convert the parallel 32 bit data words (that were transferred between the TDC and the display segment) to serial data and back again.
PAR, What are the five remoting channels, and why do we use five?
voice closure analog digital video/data/trigger channels The fewer channels remoted the better. the five are natural groups of similar data, meaning that reduction to less than five channels would not be advantageous.
PAR, What channel is not multiplexed?
voice channel
PAR, The video frequencies are attenuated above what frequency?
4 MHz
PAR, What frequency is the microwave carrier, and what signal modulates it?
8 or 15GHz; composite(baseband) signal.
PAR, If the cable remoting distance is changed, how are the new frequency compensation requirements met?
strap the line driver and receiver to the nearest 1000 ft in increments if 1000 (not to exceed 12000), and use the +-500ft adjustable circuit in the receiver for any further requirement
PAR, Why are the elevation glidepath cursors curved?
Because the display is plotting elevation angle versus slant range?
PAR, How is decision height shown on the display?
On the indicator along the elevation glidepath cursor.
PAR, What is signified by the distance between the designate symbol home position and the first range mark?
distance to touchdown data.
PAR, What does the reflector symbol represent, and where is it shown on the display?
an azimuth reference; on the azimuth part.
PAR, What component acts as the buffer between the TDC and display indicator?
PAR, What signal initiates each range sweep, and when does it occur?
mpx trigger; at the beginning of every PRF period.
PAR, How does the display indicator know where to paint the designate symbol?
the ball tracker assembly provides X up/down, and Y up/down pulses to x and y axis up/down counters.
PAR, describe how to ‘acquire’ a target.
the operator places the designate symbol over the target and presses the acquisition button. x and y data from this is sent to the tdc, which then searches for the target.
UPM145, What is the maximum input to the upm145 with a pulsed radar system?
50+ dBm