3B Flashcards
Moderate generalized space discrepancy (<4 mm per arch)
● General info:
○ True shortage of
space including leeway
Moderate generalized space discrepancy (<4 mm per arch)
○ Tooth movement methods will
create space
Moderate generalized space discrepancy (<4 mm per arch)
○ Prognosis & stability
Moderate generalized space discrepancy (<4 mm per arch)
■ Once arch dimensions begin to change, no
certainty that it will be stable
Moderate generalized space discrepancy (<4 mm per arch)
■ Prognosis good with
Moderate generalized space discrepancy (<4 mm per arch)
● Arch expansion (NOT palatal expansion) →
creates ~ 4mm of space
Moderate generalized space discrepancy (<4 mm per arch)
○ Ideal profile for arch expansion:
■ AP position of lips/incisors
normal or retrusive (NOT protrusive)
Moderate generalized space discrepancy (<4 mm per arch)
○ Ideal profile for arch expansion:
■ Adequate facial
keratinized tissue (gingiva) ● Allows for facial movement
Moderate generalized space discrepancy (<4 mm per arch)
○ Ideal profile for arch expansion:
■ Adequate
overbite & overjet (to allow facial incisor movement of lower arch)
Moderate generalized space discrepancy (<4 mm per arch)
IDeal profile for arch expansion
■ Skeletal
class I & Dental Class I (or end-to-end) molar
Moderate generalized space discrepancy (<4 mm per arch)
Ideal profile for arch expansion
● All teeth should be
present clinically/radiographically
Moderate generalized space discrepancy (<4 mm per arch)
○ Lip Bumpers
■ Treats
lower anterior &/or buccal segment crowding
Moderate generalized space discrepancy (<4 mm per arch)
lip bumpers
● Best for
facial lingual discrepancies
Moderate generalized space discrepancy (<4 mm per arch)
lip bumpers
○ Facial tipping (& bodily movement) of
incisors (NO rotation)
Moderate generalized space discrepancy (<4 mm per arch)
lip bumpers
○ Distal tip of
Moderate generalized space discrepancy (<4 mm per arch)
lip bumpers
○ Arch width
Moderate generalized space discrepancy (<4 mm per arch)
lip bumpers
● Applies
equilibrium theory
Moderate generalized space discrepancy (<4 mm per arch)
lip bumpers
○ Removes lip force, so
resting tongue force causes facial movement
Moderate generalized space discrepancy (<4 mm per arch)
lip bumpers
● Possible
2nd molar impaction
Moderate generalized space discrepancy (<4 mm per arch)
lip bumpers
■ Clinical management & fabrication same as
lingual arch
Moderate generalized space discrepancy (<4 mm per arch)
○ Banded/bonded fixed appliances
■ Treats
lower anterior &/or buccal segment crowding
Moderate generalized space discrepancy (<4 mm per arch)
○ Banded/bonded fixed appliances
● ——- movements
Tipping & bodily
Moderate generalized space discrepancy (<4 mm per arch)
○ Banded/bonded fixed appliances
● Rotations
Moderate generalized space discrepancy (<4 mm per arch)
○ Banded/bonded fixed appliances
● ——– possible (by activating one side more than the other)
Midline shift
Moderate generalized space discrepancy (<4 mm per arch)
○ Banded/bonded fixed appliances
■ Clinical management →
may need to separate to place bands
Moderate generalized space discrepancy (<4 mm per arch)
○ Banded/bonded fixed appliances
● More flexible the wire, the
re-activations can be done less frequently
Moderate generalized space discrepancy (<4 mm per arch)
○ Headgear
■ Treats
buccal segment crowding (maxillary arch ONLY)
Moderate generalized space discrepancy (<4 mm per arch)
○ Headgear
● Molar movement
distally &/or buccally
Moderate generalized space discrepancy (<4 mm per arch)
○ Headgear
○ Interseptal gingival fibers will pull
premolars distally too
Moderate generalized space discrepancy (<4 mm per arch)
○ Headgear
● Cervical headgear → also does
Moderate generalized space discrepancy (<4 mm per arch)
○ Headgear
● Requires
Moderate generalized space discrepancy (<4 mm per arch)
○ Headgear
■ Clinical management:
● Adjustment every
6-8 weeks
Moderate generalized space discrepancy (<4 mm per arch)
○ Headgear
● Can expect ——— in a year
3-4 mm
Severe space discrepancy >
4-5 mm per arch
Severe space discrepancy
● Extraction
○ Based on
crowding & protrusion
■ Extraction allows incisors to be
○ Premolars most
commonly extracted (~ 7 mm each) ○ Stability unknown - retention required
Serial extractions ⇒ Severe space discrepancy > 10 mm per arch
● Indications:
○ Class I with good facial form & severe space shortage
Serial extractions ⇒ Severe space discrepancy > 10 mm per arch
■ Early loss of 1° canines →
a finding of severe crowding
Serial extractions ⇒ Severe space discrepancy > 10 mm per arch
○ Gingival defects from
abnormal eruption
Serial extractions ⇒ Severe space discrepancy > 10 mm per arch
○ Impactions
imminent (from crowding)
Serial extractions ⇒ Severe space discrepancy > 10 mm per arch
● Advantages:
○ Spontaneous incisor alignment, improved psych, & reduced treatment time
Serial extractions
■ Proven benefits
○ Better canine position; improved gingiva; improved hygiene, ↓ retention time, better stability
Serial extractions
● Disadvantages:
○ Incisor lingual tipping & remaining teeth may not erupt or have poor form
■ Thus requiring future treatments
■ Substantiated by data
○ Deep bite; Reduced vertical growth & alveolar development; Poor facial esthetics
Serial extraction
● Begins with
extraction of 1° teeth → Facilitates alignment of erupted permanent teeth & encourages eruption of the premolars that will be extracted
Serial extraction
● Sequence:
- Primary canine (for anterior crowding & alignment)
- Primary 1rst molar (when > ½ PM root formed to expedite eruption)
■ In mandibular arch → want premolars to erupt before canine
■ In maxillary arch → 1rst premolars usually erupt before canines anyway - 1rst premolar (provides space in permanent dentition)
Serial extractions
■ In mandibular arch →
want premolars to erupt before canine
Serial extractions
■ In maxillary arch →
1rst premolars usually erupt before canines anyway
Space regaining - Localized space shortage
● Localized space shortage is an
opportunity to regain space if < 3 mm per quadrant
Space regaining Localized space shortage
● Adhere to
maximum space loss amount & use reliable appliances
Space regaining Localized space shortage
● Causes ⇒
Interproximal caries, ectopic eruption, tooth loss
Moderate localized space discrepancy
(<3mm per quadrant)
Moderate localized space discrepancy
1. Permanent molar ectopic eruption
○ 1rst permanent molar erupts mesially → may cause 1° molar resorption & loss
Moderate localized space discrepancy
○ 1rst permanent molar erupts mesially → may cause 1° molar resorption & loss
■ ⅔
self-correct; Painless occurrence common in maxillary arch
Moderate localized space discrepancy
1. Permanent molar ectopic eruption■ 1rst permanent molar continues shifting
mesially, taking up space
Moderate localized space discrepancy
1. Permanent molar ectopic eruption
■ Diagnosed with
Moderate localized space discrepancy
1. Permanent molar ectopic eruption
○ Space regaining treatment plans:
■ If NO succedaneous premolar →
space regaining NOT necessary
● Mesial shift of 1rst permanent molar will close space
● Brackets bonded on dentition with spring inbetween
Moderate localized space discrepancy
1. Permanent molar ectopic eruption
○ Space regaining treatment plans:
■ BRASS WIRE (or separator) for
minimal interference/resorption (<1mm)
● Placed in between contacts, pushing permanent molar distally
Moderate localized space discrepancy 1. Permanent molar ectopic eruption
○ Space regaining treatment plans:
● 1° molar banded and spring pushes 2° molar back
● Uncontrolled distal crown tip
○ Short roots bc still erupting - very easy to tip
● Fabrication → made by lab, so need to band and separate tooth for impression; wire bend & soldered by lab
○ Activated 3-4 mm
○ Treatment completed after 2-3 activations
● No retention required
Moderate localized space discrepancy
1. Permanent molar ectopic eruption
○ Space regaining treatment plans:
● Direct
(Intraoral) fabrication with no soldering → tooth banded & bent wire used as spring
Moderate localized space discrepancy
● Most modern & efficient way →
No banding; intraoral fabrication
Moderate localized space discrepancy
1. Space regaining for posterior tooth loss (maintains space for erupting teeth)
○ Max. removable appliance -
Hawley finger spring
Moderate localized space discrepancy
Max. removable appliance
■ Biomechanics:
● Resistance/anchorage via adams clasps & anterior palate
● Uncontrolled distal crown tip
Moderate localized space discrepancy
Max. removable appliance
■ Lab fabrication;
2-3 mm activation; 1mm movement per month
Moderate localized space discrepancy
Max. removable appliance
■ Retention & stabilization
required (with band & loop)
Moderate localized space discrepancy
Max. removable appliance
○ Banded & bonded appliance with coil spring
■ ————- biomechanics
Open coil spring