39. Haemophilus, Legionella, Bordetella Flashcards
species of haemophilus?
H.influenzae (most important childhood pathogen)
H.ducreyi (chanchroid - genital ulcerts)
H.parainfluenzae, H.haemolyticus are COMMENSALS and rarely cause disease
haemophilus morphology?
small, non-motile gram negative coccobacilli
encapsulated strains have polysaccharide capsule
- 6 antigenic types (a-f)
- type b (Hib) predominant
many strains unencapsulated (non-typeable - NTHi)
haemophilus growth/metab?
- facultative anaerobes
- require blood factors: hemin (X factor) & NAD (V factor) on chocolate agar
haemophilus disease?
Unencapsulated: respiratory infections
- Otitis media
- sinusitis
- bronchitis & pna
Encapsulated (Hib)
- meningitis in kids
- bacteremia (w/fever & no localization)
- cellulitis (face)
- epiglottitis
- arthritis
Age dependent susceptibility to Hib (6 mos to 3 years)
haemophilus virulence factors?
Polysaccharide capsule (antiphagocytic)
- Hib = invasive
- polyribosyl ribitol phosphate (PRP)
- abs to ^ are protective
- C’ deficiency = risk factor
Adherence factors
- Pili (30%)
- non-pilus HMW adhesins in NTHi)
LOS (lipooligosaccharide) (adhere and invade epithelium; modified by addition of terminal sialic acid = molecular mimicry to evade immune response)
Biofilm (promoted by LOS sialylation, possible contributor to CF pathogenesis)
haemophilus influenzae diagnosis
- Culture from sterile site (blood, CSF) on chocolate agar (requires X and V factors)
- latex particle agglutination test (for Hib capsule)
haemophilus influenzae treatment and prevention?
- amoxicillin for non-invasive infections (unencapsulated)
- amoxicillin/ clavulanate for resistant strains - 3rd gen cephalosporin (cefotaxime or ceftriaxone) for invasive Hib (meningitis)
- Immunization w/ polysaccharide-protein conjugates
- New vaccines for nontypeable strains in clinical trial
M. catarrhalis is most important species
gram negative coccobacilli
otitis media, sinusitis and conjunctivitis but rarely systemic
dx if otitis media but r/o H.flu or pneumococcus
treat w/ amoxicillin/clavulanate, cephalosporins
legionella morphology?
L. pneumophila
- long, thin bacilli on lab media
- short coccobacilli in tissues
- gram (-) staining but poor staining w/common dyes
legionella epidemiology?
- present in natural waters, spread by aerosols (not person-to-person)
- intracellular parasites of protozoa (amoebae)
- oubreaks are newsworthy, but minority of cases
- CA and nosocomial cases
- elderly & immunocompomosed at highest risk
- smoking, chronic lung disease, malignancy, and TLR5 polymorphism=RFs
legionella diseases?
- legionnaires Disease
- severe pna
- fever, non-productive cough, chills, headache (multi-organ inv. Poss)
- cerebellar inv,
- mortality 15-20%
- low attack rate, no person-person spread
- Abx therapy required - Pontiac Fever
- flu-like illness (no pna)
- high attack rate, low mortality (
legionella pathogenesis?
Facultative intracellular parasites, multiply in alveolar macrophages
- can bind C’ components (C3b and C3bi) to gain access via C’ receptors on macrophages
- enter by “coiling phagocytosis” into membrane bound phagosome
- inhibit phagosome acidification and phagolysosome fusion, and establish isolated replication vacuole in ER markers (use Dot/Icm type IV secretion system, deplete aa’s and convert to virulent form, to escape from vacuole and cell
legionella virulence factors?
- attachment and entry (C’ binding, type IV pilli)
- vacuole formation (Dot/Icm type IV secretion system exports plasmid and putative virulence factors into host cell, Dot/Icm mutants are mistargeted to endosomal/lysosomal pathway)
- intracellular replication
- Intracellular spread
legionella diagnosis?
- difficult due to poor staining and slow fastidious growth in lab
- gram stain ineffective
- gimenez stain for smears
- dieterle stain for tissue sections
- culture on BCYE medium (buffer charcoal yeast extract - can’t grow on blood agar) - urine antigen test (detects LPS, so only serogroup 1 strains)
- direct fluorescent Ab test from sputum
legionella treatment/prevention?
- B-lactam abx ineffective (produce B-lactamases)
- fluoroquinolone (levofloxacin) or macrolide (azithromycin) for CA-pna
- azithromycin if legionellosis diagnosed
- prevention involves water system treatment
coxiella - morphology, reservoirs, those at risk, pathogenesis, disease, diagnosis, and treatment?
Coxiella burnetti
gram(-) obligate intracellular bacillus most closely related to legionella
animal reservoirs include cattle, sheep, goats - disease seen in farmers, ranchers, veterinarians
env’t stable form w/very low infectious dose by aerosol route
causes Q fever in humans, self-limiting flu-like illness
chronic form includes endocarditis
serological dx (abs to this org’s ags)
bordetella morphology?
B. pertussis most common (whooping cough)
Small, gram negative coccobacilli
- no polysaccharide capsule
bordetella growth/metabolism?
- aerobes
- don’t utilize sugars
- slow growth in lab (3-4 days to see colonies)
bordetella epidemiology?
highly contagious, spread by aerosols
- maj of cases (of severe disease) in infants
- most deaths in kids
bordetella disease?
Catarrhal stage: cold-like sxs, highly infectious, 2 weeks
Paroxysmal stage: severe cough paroxysms, apnea, may cause hypoxia, striking leukocytosis, several other possible complications (pulm and CNS)
Convalescent stage: cough may persist for several months, bacteria absent
Critical pertussis in infants: lymphocytosis, apnea, can progress to respiratory failure and death
bordetella pathogenesis?
- bacteria in aerosol droplets adhere to ciliated respiratory epithelium
- grow in upper and lower respiratory tract but do not disseminate
- produce several toxins that cause pathogenic effects (pertussis toxin, adenylate cyclase toxin, tracheal cytotoxin)
bordetella virulence?
Pertussis toxin (PTX)
- ADP-ribosylating toxin
- target: G proteins
- inhibits innate immune response
- exacerbates airway inflammation and pathology
- responsible for systemic symptoms (lymphocytosis assoc w/poor outcome in infants)
Tracheal cytotoxin (TCT)
- spontaneously released peptidoglycan fragment
- tetrapeptide-disaccharide
- causes damage and deciliation of epithelial cells in combo w/LPS
bordetella dignosis?
- culture on Bordet-Gengou or Regan-Lowe agar plates
- serology (shows lots of case underreporting)
bordetella treatment and vaccines?
- azithromycin to prevent further spread (no benefit to pt)
- supportive therapy: hydration, nutrition, oxygen (mechanical ventilation, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in critical infant pertussis)
- anti-tussive medications ineffective
1st generation (1940’s, DTP vaccine, effective, waning immunity by adulthood, reactogenic)
2nd generation
(acellular vaccines, Tdap, much less reactogenic but immunity wanes rapidly [3-5 yrs], pertactin/PRN deficient mutant strains now prevalent = vaccine escape mutants)