384 final exam Flashcards
At rest, how is 100% of ATP produced?
aerobic metabolic pathway
What are low during rest?
blood lactate levels
resting O2 consumption in L/min
0.25 L/min
Rest to exercise transition ATP increases or decreases how
increases immediately
Rest to exs oxygen uptake
increases rapidly
In rest to exs transition, oxygen uptake increases rapidly how?
Reaches steady state within 1-4 minutes, and after steady state is reached, atp requirement is met through aerobic ATP production
In rest to exs transition, oxygen uptake increases rapidly how?
Reaches steady state within 1-4 minutes, and after steady state is reached, atp requirement is met through aerobic ATP production
Rest to exs, initial ATP production is through
anerobic pathways
Oxygen deficit
lag in o2 uptake at the start of exs until steady has been achieved
Who has a lower O2 deficit?
trained subjects
Why do trained athletes have a lower o2 deficit?
Better developed aerobic bioenergetic capacity due to cardiovascular or muscular adaptations, which results in less production of lactate and H+
Recovery from Exs, o2 uptake remains what above rest into recovery?
The higher intensity, the what
more oxygen needed in recovery
o2 debt
repayment of o2 deficit at onset of exercise; used to resynthesis PC to make ATP later
excess post-exs o2 consumption
EPOC terminolgy reflects that ~
20% elevated o2 consumption used to “repay” o2 deficit
EPOC terminolgy reflects that ~
20% elevated o2 consumption used to “repay” o2 deficit
rapid and slow portion of O2 debt
Rapid portion of o2 debt
resynthesis of stored PC, and replenishing muscle and blood o2 stores
slow portion of o2 debt
Elevated HR and breathing = increased energy need
Elevated body temp = increased metabolic rate
Elevated E and NE = increased metabolic rate
Conversion of Lactate to glucose called gluconeogenesis
EPOC is greater following
higher intensity exs
Why is EPOC is greater following higher intensity exs?
Higher body temp
greater depletion of PC since additional o2 is required for resynthesis
Greater blood concentrations of lactate and H+ creates greater level of gluconeogenesis
Higher levels of blood E and NE, returns homeostasis quickly after exs
Why is EPOC is greater following higher intensity exs?
Higher body temp
greater depletion of PC since additional o2 is required for resynthesis
Greater blood concentrations of lactate and H+ creates greater level of gluconeogenesis
Higher levels of blood E and NE, returns homeostasis quickly after exs
Removal of lactate and H+ following exs classical theory
majority of La converted to glucose in liver
Removal of lactate and H+ following exs recent evidence suggests
that 70% of LA is oxidized by LDH and used as a substrate by heart and skel msucle, and 20% is converted to glucose by the liver
Removal of lactate and H+ following exs recent evidence suggests
that 70% of LA is oxidized by LDH and used as a substrate by heart and skel msucle, and 20% is converted to glucose by the liver
Type I and IIa fibers like
pyruvate going to Acetyl CoA in krebs
Removal of lactate and H+ following exs recent evidence suggests
that 70% of LA is oxidized by LDH and used as a substrate by heart and skel msucle, and 20% is converted to glucose by the liver, 10% converted to AAs
Type I and IIa fibers like
pyruvate going to Acetyl CoA in krebs
LA is removed how
more rapidly with light exs in recovery
optimal intensity for LA removal is ~
30-40% VO2max
Prolonged exercise is >
10 min
Prolonged exercise ATP production is primarily from
aerobic metabolism
prolonged exs steady state oxygen uptake can generally be
maintained during submax exs via oxidative phosphorylation
Prolonged exs in a hot/humid environment or at high intesity upward what
drift in o2 uptake over time, therefore steady state is typically not achieved due to body temp and rising E and NE
O2 uptake increases how unitl
linearly until maximal o2 uptake (VO2max) is reached, and no furhter increase in vo2 with increasing workrate
VO2max is a what? affected by what 2 things?
Physiological ceiling for delievery of o2 to muscle, and is affected by genetics and training
Physiological factors influencing VO2max include
maximal ability of Cardiorespiratory sys to deliever o2 to muscle, and ability of muscle to use oxygen and yield ATP aerobically
what is Lactate threshold?
LT is the point at which blood lactate rises systematically during incremental exs
LT appears at
~50-60 VO2max in untrained subjects, and at higher work rates for trained ~ 65-80% vo2max