3.7 Environmental risks of economic development Flashcards
What activities or circumstances lead to soil erosion?
- Food production: it puts strain on the soil.
- Poverty: no fertiliser can be used leading to soil becoming worn out.
- Population increase: more food is needed leading to overcultivation and overgrazing so the soil becomes worn out.
- More fuel wood needed leads to deforestation so the soil is left bare.
What causes desertification?
Desertification is the gradual transformation of habitable land to desert.
Causes include:
- climate change.
- temporary drought periods.
- occurs when already fragile land in arid areas is overused.
- destructive land use which causes soil erosion.
What causes climate change?
- deforestation means they can’t act as green lungs so less carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere, if done by slash and burn the combustion released more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
- burning fossil fuels e.g. coal in factories.
- power stations burn fossil fuels for electricity which emits green house gases.
- burning fossil fuels in cars emits carbon monoxide and nitrous oxide.
- cows emit methane.
- rice paddy fields emit methane.
Whichever gas is a green house gas. More green house gases in the atmosphere means more radiation will be reflected and trapped, increasing temperature.
What are the causes of and effects of air pollution?
Air pollution can cause in health problems including increased respiratory symptoms, such as irritation of the airways, coughing, difficulty breathing, and decreased lung function. It can also cause global warming, acid rain, and deterioration of the ozone layer.
Indoor air pollution is caused by burning biomass for cooking and heating.
Outdoor air pollution is caused by pollutants from industry.
What are the causes and impacts of water pollution?
- eutrophication from nitrates makes oxygen levels in water below that which can support life.
- chemical sprays and fuel leaks may contaminate water and destroy the ecosystems.
What are the impacts of noise pollution?
- increases human blood pressure
- reduces ability to sleep
- high decibels can cause early deafness.
- may cause behavioural problems as animals use sound for signals.
What are the impacts of light pollution?
- eyesore and may be distressing to some viewers.
- may devalue house prices in an area.
Describe how economic activities may pose threats to the natural environment and people.
Food production:
- leeching
- destruction of soil
- chemical sprays
- deforestation of an area
- killing habitats for food
- air pollution from machines
- loss of habitat
- acid rain
- creates greenhouse gases
- impacts on food chains
- global warming
- atmospheric pollution
- destruction of habitats
- damage of corals
- increases pollution from travel
- kills habitats by building hotels
- litter from tourists can kill animals
- transporting fuels creates pollution
- pollution created by using energy supplies
- visual pollution from the factories, ugly and smoke
- noise pollution from the factories
Water supply:
- drowns and kills species
- washes soil
- affects biodiversity and wildlife
- climate change may lead to drought, drying out certain areas
- becomes poisonous from mixing with sewage and chemical waste