3.1 Development Flashcards
What is the birth rate?
The number of births per year per 1000 people
What is the death rate?
The number of deaths per year per 1000 people.
What is the Life expectancy?
The average age that a person is expected to live to.
What is does people per doctor measure?
The average number of patients that each available doctor is responsible for.
What is the Literacy rate?
The percentage of people which can read or write above the age of 15.
What is the infant mortality rate?
The number of children who die before the age of 1 per 1000 live births.
What is the GDP per capita?
The Gross Domestic Product is defined as the amount of money produced by the country’s goods and services, this number is then divided by the population.
What is the GNP?
The Gross National Product is the total value of goods and services produced by a country in a year including income earned through overseas investments.
What is the HDI?
The Human Development Index is a score from 0-1 which incorporates life expectancy, literacy rate, and GDP per capita.
What are simple and composite indicators?
Simple indicators only take one variable into account.
Composite indicators take multiple and is therefore more accurate.
What are physical factors for development inequalities between countries?
- availability of natural resources: lots of resources provides jobs to extract them and allows industries in the secondary sector to prosper providing goods which can be sold.
- if countries are land locked, they are unable to trade using the cheaper and easier methods via the sea.
- extreme climates make farming difficult leading to food insecurity.
- mountainous areas are harder to travel across and build on.
- separation from trading partners makes it more expensive to trade goods.
- water supply.
What are the economic factors for development inequalities between countries?
- open economies have developed faster than closed economies due to the trading opportunities.
- trade blocs like the EU and NAFTA remove tariffs and quotas.
- job sectors.
What are the cultural factors for development inequalities between countries?
- reduction of workforce due to not allowing certain groups to work.
- this can also affect the social-population growth: a rapid population growth puts strain on services and resources preventing development.
What are the political factors for development inequalities between countries?
- corrupt governments put their own self interests before that of the country. They may steal money. They make take unfavourable bribes. Their image can tarnish that of the country’s reducing international cooperation.
- civil unrest can lead to wars which redirect money away from development, destroy infrastructure, hinder services, and reduce the workforce.
What are the factors for development inequalities within countries?
- urban areas generally attract more investment, leading to higher per capita incomes.
- intra-urban contrasts exist as people live in slums due to low education and residential segregation of sociology-economic statuses.
- areas closer to the sea have more trade opportunities and a less extreme climate.
- a less extreme climate allows better farming and a more hospitable environment.
- disadvantaged groups have limited social, economic, and political opportunities.
- formal vs informal job sectors.
- the link between education - family size - savings - debt.