3.6 Chapter 15- Nervous Coordination and Muscles Flashcards
Why is coordination important?
- Specialised cells lose the ability to perform some functions so different groups of cells carry out their own functions.
- Cells become dependent on others to carry out the function they no longer specialise in.
- E.g. obtaining oxygen for respiration, providing glucose, or removing waste.
- Different functions must be coordinated to be performed efficiently as no body system works in isolation.
- Coordination is performed by the nervous system and the hormonal system. Although they are different, both systems work together and interact with one another.
What is a neurone?
Specialised cells adapted to carrying electrochemical changes (nerve impulses).
What is the structure of a myelinated motor neurone?
Hint: 6 points
- Cell body- contains cell organelles (nucleus and large amounts of rough endoplasmic reticulum to produce proteins and neurotransmitters)/
- Dendrons- extensions of the cell body- branch out into smaller fibres called dendrites- carry impulses to cell body.
- Axon- long fibre that carries nerve impulses away from the cell body. Axons carries the impulse away from the cell body.
- Schwann cell- surround the axon- protect it and provide electrical insulation, provide phagocytosis to remove cell debris and regenerate cells. Wrap around the axon many times so that layers of their membrane build up.
- Myelin sheath- covers the axon- membrane of Schwann cells- rich in lipids called myelin- electrical insulator- made up of Schwann cells.
- Nodes of Ranvier- constrictions- adjacent Schwann cells have constrictions where there is no myelin sheath- sodium ion channels concentrated here
What are the different types of neurone and describe their structure.
- Sensory neurones- carry nerve impulses (electrical signals) from receptors to intermediate or motor neurones (in the CNS). One very long dendron-carries impulses towards the cell body.
- Relay or intermediate neurones- transmit electrical impulses between neurones (usually sensory and motor neurones). Have numerous short processes.
- Motor neurones- transmit nerve impulses away from relay or intermediate neurones to effectors e.g. glands and muscles. Long axon, many short dendrites.
Draw and label the different types of neurone.
Answer on revision card
What are nerve impulses?
- Nerve impulses are self-propagating waves of electrical activity that travel along the axon membrane.
- Nerve impulses involve the temporary reversal in potential difference across the membrane from the resting potential to the action potential.
What is the resting potential
- In a resting state, the axons inside is negatively charged compared to its outside- more positive ions outside the cell than inside the cell. The axon is polarised- negative difference in charge across it.
- The resting potential is usually -70mV (millivolts) in humans- this is the voltage across the membrane (difference in charge).
How is the resting potential of the axon maintained?
- Maintained by the movement of sodium and potassium ions across the membrane which is controlled by:
- The phospholipid bilayer- hydrophobic- barrier to lipid insoluble substances- ions can’t diffuse through- prevents them from entering and leaving the cell except through proteins.
- Channel proteins- span phospholipid bilayer- have ion channels that enable facilitated diffusion. Selective -only open in the presence of specific water soluble ions otherwise closed. Some have gates- open or close in different conditions. Some remain open all the time so ions diffuse unhindered through them.
- Carrier proteins- actively transport ions in and out of the axon e.g. sodium- potassium pump.
How is a resting potential established?
- The membrane permeability is differential to sodium and potassium ions, this establishes an electrochemical gradient that forms the resting potential difference.
- Membrane isn’t permeable to sodium or potassium ions so they can’t simply diffuse- have to move through facilitated diffusion/ active transport through carrier proteins.
- Sodium-potassium pump actively transports 3 sodium ions out of the axon for every two potassium ions in- creates a sodium ion electrochemical gradient- more positive sodium ions outside the cell than inside.
- Voltage-gated sodium ion channels and potassium ion channels are both closed.
- More permanently open potassium ion leak channels than sodium ion leak channels- membrane more permeable to potassium ions- potassium ions diffuse out of the axon by facilitated diffusion down concentration gradient after being pumped in by the sodium-potassium pump. Whereas, membrane is less permeable to sodium ions- little diffusion of sodium ions in.
- Higher concentration of sodium ions outside and potassium ions inside the neurone creates an electrochemical gradient.
- Sodium and potassium ions- both positive.
- Outward movement of positive ions is greater than the inward movement- overall movement of more positive ions out of the cell than inside the cell- outside of the cell more positively charged compared to the inside, which is relatively negatively charged- decreases potential.
When is an action potential created?
- An action potential occurs after the membrane is stimulated.
- When a neurone is stimulated, voltage gated sodium ion channels open. If the stimulus is big enough to create a generator potential that reaches threshold, it triggers a rapid change in potential difference (an action potential) and the membrane transmits a nerve impulse.
- Changes in electrical activity- cause voltage-gated channels in axon membrane change shape- open or close depending on the voltage across membrane.
Give a brief overview of the changes in charge during the action potential.
- Changes in membrane permeability lead to depolarisation and the generation of an action potential.
- This involves a temporary reversal of the charges either side of the part of the axon potential.
- The membrane becomes positively charged to around +40 mV and becomes depolarised.
How is an action potential different to a resting potential?
The action potential occurs by diffusion, while the resting potential is mostly maintained by active transport.
Describe an action potential.
Hint: 6 steps
- At resting potential, voltage-gated potassium ion channels and voltage-gated sodium ion channels are both closed. However, some permanently open potassium channels are open (more than sodium ion channels).
- Energy from the stimulus (the generator potential) excites the neurone cell membrane, causing some sodium ion channels to open (e.g. stretch-mediated sodium ion channels). The membrane becomes more permeable to sodium. Sodium ions diffuse into the axon through facilitated diffusion down the sodium ion electrochemical gradient. Their positive charge causes a reversal in the potential difference across the membrane- potential difference becomes less negative.
- If the potential difference increases enough to reach threshold of -55mV, voltage-gated sodium ion channels open and sodium ions rush into the axon through these channels by facilitated diffusion. The membrane becomes depolarised and can reach +40mV.
- At a p.d. of +40mV, the voltage-gated sodium ion channels close, preventing a further influx of sodium ions. The voltage-gated potassium ion channels open. Membrane is more permeable to potassium so potassium ions diffuse out of the axon down the potassium ion concentration gradient. The electrochemical gradient preventing further outward movement of potassium ions is reversed, causing more voltage-gated potassium ion channels to open, The membrane begins to return to resting potential- repolarisation.
- Potassium ion channels are slow to close- overshoot if the electrochemical gradient- too many potassium ions diffuse out of the neurone- potential difference becomes more negative than the resting potential- hyperpolarisation.
- All ion channels are reset- sodium-potassium pump cause more sodium ions to be pumped out than potassium ions in, re-establishing the resting potential of -70mV. The resting potential is maintained until the membrane is excited by another stimulus.
What is a nerve impulse?
Transmission of action potential along the axon of a neurone.
How is an action potential passed along?
- The action potential is passed along different sections of the membrane one at a time, not the whole membrane.
- Action potential- moves rapidly along axon- size stays the same.
- One region of the axon produces an action potential and becomes depolarised- stimulates depolarisation of the next region- action potentials generated along each small region of the axon membrane- travelling wave of depolarisation.
- The previous region of the membrane undergoes repolarisation, resulting in hyperpolarisation (the refractory potential) so that impulses aren’t sent back as the membrane reaches resting potential.
Describe the passage of an action potential along an unmyelinated neurone.
- A stimulus causes a sudden influx of sodium ions and reverses the charge on the axon so it is positive inside, negative outside- action potential- membrane depolarised.
- Sodium ions diffuse sideways. If enough sodium ions diffuse in to reach threshold of -55mV, the voltage-gated sodium ion channels in the next region of the neurone to open and sodium ions rush in- causing an action potential- depolarisation.
- This happens again further along the axon and causes a wave of depolarisation to travel along the neurone- moves away from parts of the membrane in the refractory period.
- Outward movement of potassium ions continues so that the axon membrane behind the action potential returns to it’s original state- repolarised.
- Repolarisation allows the membrane to go back to the resting potential, ready for another stimulus.
Describe the passage of an action potential along a myelinated neurone.
- Occurs by saltatory conduction.
- Myelin (fatty sheath) around the axon- electrical insulator- prevents action potentials.
- Breaks in myelin- nodes of Ranvier- where action potentials can happen.
- Myelinated neurone- depolarisation only happens at nodes of Ranvier (where sodium ions are concentrated).
- Localised circuits- between adjacent nodes of Ranvier- cytoplasm conducts enough electrical charge to depolarise the next node- action potential jump from node to node through saltatory conduction.
Compare the passage of an action potential in a myelinated vs. unmyelinated neurone and explain why.
- Action potential passes along myelinated neurone faster than in unmyelinated neurone.
- In unmyelinated neurone- depolarisation travels as a wave along length of the whole axon membrane- depolarisation has to occur all the way along the axon membrane- takes more time- more stages- less rapid- slower than saltatory conduction.
How can damage to the myelin sheath lead to musclular disease?
- Depolarisation occurs along whole length of neurone/ across more of the membrane.
- Less saltatory conduction.
- Nerve impulses slowed- unable to jump node to node.
- Slower to reach neuromuscular junctions.
What factors affect the speed of an action potential?
- Myelin sheath- electrical insulator- allows action potential to jump between nodes of Ranvier through saltatory conduction- increases speed of conduction.
- Diameter- greater= faster, less leakage of ions from a large axons as less leak channels per unit of volume (leakage makes membrane potential harder to maintain). Less resistance to the flow of ions than in the cytoplasm of smaller axons- depolarisation reaches parts of neurone membrane faster.
- Temperature- higher= faster- increases rate of diffusion- sodium potassium pump- controlled by enzymes for active transport- enzymes function more rapidly at higher temperatures. Speed only increases to around 40°C- proteins denature (including enzymes) and speed decreases/ impulses can’t be conducted. In cold-blooded animals, temperature therefore affects the speed of response and strength of muscle contractions.
Which principle describes nerve impulses?
The all or nothing principle.
Describe the all-or-nothing principle.
- Threshold value- level of stimulus that triggers an action potential.
- Action potential is only generated when threshold is reached.
- Below threshold- no action potential generated- occurs in any stimulus below the threshold (nothing).
- Any stimulus above threshold- generates action potential the same size no matter the strength of the stimulus- strength of stimulus can’t be detected by size of action potential- all principle.
- If threshold is reached, all or nothing principle means the action potential will always be the same size.
- Remember to describe the trigger causing the threshold to be reached e.g. high pressure.
How does an organism detect the strength of a stimulus?
- Detects the strength of the stimulus not by the size of the action potential but by:
- Frequency of impulses- larger= higher frequency.
- Different neurones with different thresholds- brain detects number and type of neurones stimulated and therefore the size of the stimulus.
What is the refractory period?
- After action potential- neurone cell membrane can’t be excited again straight away- as voltage-gated potassium ion channels are slow to close- hyperpolarisation- voltage gated sodium ion channels can’t be made to open until the membrane is repolarised by sodium-potassium pumps.
- Period of time when inward movement of sodium ions prevented due to voltage-gated sodium ion channels closed- membrane can’t be depolarised and action potential can’t be created.
- Impossible to generate an action potential.
- Recovery period- time of delay between action potentials.
Why is a refractory period important?
- Ensures action potentials only occur in one direction- unidirectional- action potentials can’t be stimulated in refractory region- only move forwards.
- Produces discrete impulses- new action potential can’t be formed immediately behind the first one- ensures action potentials are separate and don’t overlap.
- Limits number of action potentials- limits possible frequency of action potentials- impulse transmission- and therefore strength of stimulus.
What is a synapse?
- Where one neurone connects with another or with an effector.
- Link neurones and coordinate activities.
Describe the structure of a synapse.
- Transmit information through neurotransmitters.
- Separated by synaptic cleft- small gap- short diffusion pathway- quick diffusion.
- o Presynaptic neurone:
- Axon has a swollen portion- synaptic knob
- Releases chemical neurotransmitter stored in synaptic vesicles.
- Large amount of mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum to manufacture neurotransmitter.
- Neurotransmitter- released from vesicles- diffuses across postsynaptic neurone. Effects depend on which specific receptors they bind to.
- Postsynaptic neurone- specific receptor proteins to receive neurotransmitters and generate action potential. Many different types of receptor due to specificity to neurotransmitters.
What are the features of a synapse?
- Unidirectional- pass information in one direction- from presynaptic to postsynaptic neurone.
- Discrete response- Enzymes are released into the synaptic cleft to break down neurotransmitters or the neurotransmitters are returned back to the presynaptic neurone- Prevents continuous generation of action potential- discrete transfer of information.
- Summation- see other card
- Inhibition- see other card.
What is the importance of summation and describe it’s features.
- Low frequency action potentials (due to weak stimulus)- lead to insufficient release of neurotransmitter to reach threshold and trigger a new action potential in the postsynaptic neurone.
- Summation- effect of neurotransmitters- added together with buildup of neurotransmitter.
- Sometimes inhibitory and excitatory neurones can be summated at a synapse to make the threshold for action potential higher- need to balance effects of inhibitory and excitatory to gain a response.
- Allows fine tuning of response and accurate processing of information.
- Two types- spatial and temporal.
Describe spatial summation.
Different presynaptic neurones release neurotransmitters at the same time into the same synaptic cleft- more likely to reach threshold in postsynaptic neurone and cause an action potential.