34_Vitamins Flashcards
What is Vitamin A aka? Deficiency causes what?
It is a fat soluble vitamin that is aka
4 carotenoids incl Beta Carotene
Deficiency causes Night Blindness, persistent deficiency causes XEROPTHALMIA (dry eyes), KERATOMALACIA, PERMANENT BLINDNESS
What is Vitamin A used for (besides vision)?
What does it regulate
Used in dermatology, regs gene transcription in skin cells
Isotretinoin (13 cis retinoid acid) teratogenic, preggo cat X
Signs of Vitamin A toxicity?
Angular cheilitis (at oral commissures, inflame reaction) Birth defects Excessive skin dryness / peeling Hair Loss Intracranial HTN think lumbar puncture (HA, N/V) Liver Problems Premature Bone epiphyseal closure Reduced Bone density
What is Vitamin B1 aka? What element does it contain?
AKA thiamine. Contains sulfer
What is Vitamin B1 needed for? If deficiency, what happens?
Thiamine Pyrophosphate (TPP) is a co-enzyme need to break down sugars and AAs
Thiamine necessary for NT synthesis i.e. Ach & GABA
Deficiency :
- Beri Beri both wet and dry
- Optic Neuropathy, Wernickes encephalopathy, Korsakoff’s syndrome
What the hell is Vitamin B1 Beri Beri
This means weak or I can’t. 2 kinds, wet and dry
- Neuropathy ie wasting, partial paralysis, sensory ataxia/loss of balance
will see loss of reflexes in knees and feet, paresthesia, painful muscles, emaciation, foot drop, wrist drop
- CHF (dilation of R heart, SOB, peripheral edema, capillary leakage
B1 or Thiamine Deficiency is also associated with chronic alcoholism
What is Vitamin B2 aka? What does it do on a molecular level?
Riboflavin (ribitol–>reduced sugar & flavin which is yellow so this is a orange / yellow color)
It functions in FMN & FAD as co-enzyme
What is Vitamin B3 aka? What does a deficiency cause? What kind of diet is assoc with B3 deficiency?
AKA Niacin, nicotinic acid, niacinamide, or nicotinamide, vitamin PP
Deficiency causes Pellagra - 4 Ds Diarrhea Dermatitis (casal necklace and stocking & glove distr) Dementia Death
Deficiency usu seen in corn dependent diets bc corn has no niacin in it
What can Niacin be used to treat? Signs of niacin toxicity?
Lipid modifying effects, lowers VLDL and incr HDL
Toxicity: Flushing very common; over ingested to interfere with drug tests, but it will cause liver tox, abd pain, n/v/d
What is Vitamin B5 aka?
Pantothenic Acid
Pantothen means everywhere, so a deficiency is rare. Found in hair products
What is Vitamin B6 aka? What is its role on a molecular level?
AKA pyridoxine, pyridoxamine, pyridoxal
Co-factor in AA metab reactions
- transamination, deamination, decarb, gluconeogenesis, glycogen phosphorylase
Pyridoxal phosphate or B6 is necessary for synthesis of what? What does a deficiency result in? What drug could cause a B6 deficiency?
Necessary for NT synthesis i.e.
- serotonin, dopamine, Epi, NE, GABA
Deficiency results in neuropathy
- INH induces B6 deficiency, so you always co-Rx B6 with INH
INH overdose causes seizures bc it blocks production of GABA from glutamate ( so you get no inhibition of excitatory stimulation)
What are the signs of B6 deficiency?
Seborrheic Dermatitis Atrophic glossitis, ulceration Angular Cheilitis Conjuctivitis Intertrigo (inflammation of body folds) Somnolence Confusion Neuropathy (B6 toxicity also causes neuropathy by damaging dorsal root ganglia)
What is B7 aka?
Biotin, viamin H, co-enzyme R
What is B9 aka? Deficiency causes…?
Folic Acid (folium like foliage means leaf)
source is green leafy vegetables, and in many fortified foods
Deficiency is macrocytic anemia (megaloblastic)